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OverSimplified's videos on the French Revolution are still completely wrong on everything

This is part II ! Read part I first if you haven't done it already.
Next we get to Louis XVI's trial, and OS is already doing as if Robespierre was the ultimate dictator of France, with him playing chess against Austria and Prussia. Yet at this point he's a mere conventionnel. A popular one, sure, but he is in no way more powerful than any of his 748 co-workers at this point. And he was far from being the only one advocating for Louis' death; maybe he didn't even have the most influential speech in this direction, as that title could be attributed to Saint-Just. 29 errors. This emphasis on Robespierre is completely unjustified : again, he is a mere deputy at this point, and he's part of the opposition at that. What's next ? Ah, OS peddles the idea that Louis' fate was decided by one vote - it was not. There was an absolute majority of just one vote not in favor of death, but in favor of death without conditions - 70 other deputies voted for death with a conditional sentance, making a total majority of 431 for death against 290 for all other options. 30 errors.
Surprisingly, OS says nothing egregiously wrong after that - until he says "so as the Revolution turned increasingly violent and anti-christian" : again this is caricatural as it doesn't take the slightest nuance into account and hammers how horrifically violent the Revolution was - the reality is that it was not violence per se that apalled the conservative, but violence against refractory priests. But let's be lenient for once, because was indeed perceived rabidly anti-clerical, albeit things are always more complex. Still his introduction of the Chouannerie and the Vendée rebellion are approximately correct. But then he confuses the royalist insurrections with the federalist insurrections, the latter being actually republican. In Toulon, it was originally a federalist revolt that was later taken over by royalists; for the other cities and regions in revolts - Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux and Normandie, all these regions saw federalist insurrections, but as OS doesn't introduce the federalist revolts (to sum it up briefly, a violent reaction of certain departements to the eviction of tne Girondins) them and just paint France in two colors, we're left misguided. 31 errors.
"The republic sent a relatively unknown young captain by the name of Napoléon Bonaparte (of course his face is comically ugly, why do you even ask, it's the French Revolution, all of its protagonists were ugly !) to help stage the siege of the city."
Not really. The Republic sent general Carteaux, and latter Dugommier; Bonaparte was only their subordinate and not the commander-in-chief. 32 errors.
"General Jean-Baptiste Carrier committed brutal atrocities. [...] [He] was later found guily of war crimes."
He was not a general, but a civilian; specifically, a Représentant en Mission, aka an envoy of the Convention whose task is to apply the Convention's laws in the regions. As for him being found guilty of war crimes, that's stricltly impossible since war crimes became a legal charge more than a century afterwards, as conferences, such as the Hague's and Geneva's set up rules for warfare. So this is an anachronism. 34 errors. Otherwise, yeah, the repression in Vendée was indeed gruesome.
Back to Paris, where OS butchers the complete story of the Girondin's expulsion from the Convention. His chain of events is :
the government is increasingly unpopular -> Marat calls for the elimination of the traitors in the Convention and his put on trial -> Robespierre calls to insurrection.
Both the timeline and the facts are thrown in the trash : Marat was indeed tried, but in april, and he was acquitted on the 24th of that month, more than a month before the eviction of the Girondins. Many other events made them unpopular : they had created a commission to investigate the Paris Commune, that they suspected of treason, which logically didn't please the sans-culottes who hold the Commune. They were also holding to their old motto that property and economic liberalism were both sacred, even though food was still very costly and many sans-culottes demanded price fixing. What really lit the fuses though is that on may 25th, feeling that there might be an insurrection, Isnard, the girondin president of the Convention, threatens to have the entire city razed to the ground - really, I'm not making that up. That's exactly like the Brunswick manifesto. That's why Robespierre indeed called for an insurrection a few days later : he feared that a violent purge coming from the right may happen soon, and while it is easy to dismiss it as sheer paranoia, remember that all these men had lived through the Champ-de-Mars massacre, during which two men who were considered as heroes, Lafayette and Bailly (the guy who prononced the Tennis Court Oath first and the National Assembly's first president, it's him you see standing above everyone else in David's painting of the event) odered the National Guard to fire on the crowd. When even supposedly dedicated revolutionaries betray you, it's easy to think that others might do the same. I also want to add that the Girondin were not instantly executed : they were merely placed under house arrest, allowing many to flee Paris for province, where they would spark the federalist revolts I mentioned earlier.
Anyway, one error for all this. 34 errors.
"Robespierre and his radicals would be in almost total control of the government."
Good thing you said almost, because it's not the case. Even in the most dire moments of the French Revolution, the government, or the Committee of Public Safety that more or less acts as a government needs the approval of the Convention to pass any decree. This is no governmental dictatorship. 35 errors.
"In death, he became an even more powerful inspiration for the extreme levels of violence that were about to rip throughout the new republic".
While this is true, OS' heavy insistance about how horrifically violent the Revolution was falls under the paragraphs I've written above about the violence of the Revolution. But indeed, Marat's assassination confirmed the suspicions many had about traitors within their ranks. I want though to heavily insist myself on one point, and OS is going to introduce it for me.
The Reign of Terror. I want to introduce to you a new theory that has emerged at least in french academic research : the idea that the Republic basically became a totally centralised and dictatorial regime officially promoting Terror at this point is... wrong. More on that later. But first let me dump the inaccuracies that OS put in his account : the Committee of Public Safety was established on april 6th 1793, and the Revolutionary Tribunal was established on march 10th 1793; both were established as the Girondins were still firmly sitting in the Convention and government. Now the factual inaccuracies : the CPS (if you allow the abbreviation) was not a dictatorship, and Robespierre was not at its head. It needed the approval of the Convention to pass anything, and it couldn't force his will on all the other committees. Because it was not alone. There was a committee of finances, a committee of public education, a committee of the navy and the colonies, etc. The CPS simply led and coordinated the whole thing.
Internally speaking, its 12 members were strictly equal. Robespierre was not at its head - there was no "head of the committtee" and decisions needed to be approved by the majority of its members. If Robespierre is in the minority, he is powerless. So he was not, I repeat he was NOT a dictator; he has never been more than one of the 12 members of one of the executive branch, albeit the main branch. And he needed, like all the members of the CPS, to be reelected each month to keep his seat. So OS' heavy insistance on what Robespierre wanted is completely off the mark since Robespierre's personal desire don't matter that much.
Now onto the Revolutionary tribunal. Contrary to what OS depicts, and to a popular conception of it, the Revolutionary Tribunal was a real tribunal, not a sham : there were procedures, attorneys, exhibits, and half, half of the people who passed before it were acquitted. In total, that already makes five more errors : we're already at 40.
But now we get onto the interesting part. OS claims that Terror was proclaimed to be the order of the day. What does that mean exactly ? It means that in early september, after hearing of the betrayal of the admirals who gave Toulon to the Coalition forces, a group of sans-culottes entered the Convention and demanded that Terror be the order of the day. And by that, I mean the order of the day of the Convention, the official topic of today's debate in the assembly. And yet... it never happened. Historians such as Jean-Clément Martin dug into the Convention's (rigorously organised) archives and found no trace of the word Terror in the Convention's order of the day on september 5th 1793, nor in any other day of the French Revolution. That's right : there has never been any official reign of Terror. When Terror was indeed applied, it was largely the result of local iniatives that the Convention couldn't control, such as some Representatives in mission's crimes (Fouché in Lyon, Carrier, in Nantes, Barras and Fréron in Toulon), or the results of political moves to eliminate rivals and please the radical part of the public opinion. The conclusion that Martin and others like Michel Biard draw is that far from being a hyper-centralised and bloodthirsty dictatorship, France during the "Terror" was actually in a state of anarchy, to put it bluntly; the decisions the Republic then took in terms of internal traitors hunt ought not to be compared with, say, the USSR, as it is commonly depicted, but to the decisions France took again during WW1, when deserters where being shot, the press' freedom was being suppressed and the opposition parties were forced into a Sacred Union for the sake of maintaining a unified and efficient war effort. This is, according to Martin, and I'm firmly inclined to believe him, a far better comparison than François Furet's old song about the Revolution being the mother of totalitarianism, a theory that is nowadays out of favor. So OS now has 41 errors. To be specific, when the sans-culottes asked for Terror to be the order of the day, Thuriot, President of the Convention, answered "you're right : justice is the order of the day"2. The central government never claimed to rule with Terror during the actual "Reign of Terror"; even Robespierre's famous speech about Virtue and Terror is not enough to prove the contrary, as Robespierre here is simply defining the principles of the Revolutionary Government in times of crisis : remember that he and the rest of the Conventionnels were dedicated republicans who had advocated for more liberty and equality during the days of the Constitutional Monarchy; their hands were forced by a one of the most dire crisis of French history, with civil war and external war in which France was alone and on the verge of collapse, but they were all clearly saying that laws like the suspect laws were exception laws, and that they would be removed once the dust would have settled. Terror was rarely mentioned by those members of the Revolutionary Government, and when it was, it was either to condemn it or to call it a necessary evil. None of these men were "bloodthirsty" : we don't live in a fairy tale with bad guys rubbing their hands and preparing plans to dominate the world. It was after the Terror supposedly ended that the Thermidorians, men such as Fouché and Barras who had defintely ruled with Terror in their proconsulships, absolved themselves of all their crimes by creating this false narrative of an almighty and bloodthirsty Robespierre overseeing mass executions all across France. OS is blindly listening to these sympathetic men when he says :
"Fear had become an official government policy."
This is a myth. Don't get me wrong though : it is neither the actual violence, nor the death toll I'm questioning (though the death toll will always be a complex question), it's the way violence was implemented. 42 errors.
So what does OS have to say about what's coming ?
The usual story of Robespierre being a psychopath who personally oversaw the spying and executions, even though he was neither a dictator, nor even a member of the Committee that actually took charge of the spying : the Committee of General Security, whose president Vadier, hated Robespierre and played a key role in his elimination. 43 errors. Also, the 40 thousands execution OS quote still leaves me skeptical, but as I couldn't find a death toll that was both more precise and more convincing, I'll go with it. I'll be happy to hear a more recent calculation though.
OS then arrives to Marie-Antoinette, and that allows me to jump on another topic : remember that quote from Danton ? "We must be terribe so the people don't have to" ? Well that was the spirit behind the infamous "loi des suspects", the law of suspects, that allowed the government to imprison anyone deemed suspect; if we don't take such decisions, there will be new September massacres : that's the logic behind it. It's a way of institutionalising a practice that would otherwise happen illegally, thus more violently, at the expense of the government's image. It is also to please the sans-culottes that the revolutionary tribunal launched a wave of executions of celebrities now labelled as traitors in october and november 1793 : Marie-Antoinette of course, but also Bailly, the Girondins, former conservative member of the Constituant Assembly such as Barnave, royal princes such as Philippe Egalité, who happened to be the king's cousin and the father of a deserter, and even Louis XV's last mistress, madame du Barry !
The idea behind these trials (those one being indeed show trials, unlike the trials faced by non-celebrities) was to satisfy the radical's demands for harsh punitive measures while also eliminating old enemies, or simply people whose death doesn't cost much to the Convention. They were, to put it bluntly, feeding the popular movement with heads they could afford to chop.
"Robespierre had saved the Revolution through Terror."
Wrong on both accounts. The revolutionary government as a whole managed to save the French republic from collapsing, Robespierre again wasn't alone in the government, nor was he at its head. Just for the anecdote, Furet calculated that the members of the CPS worked between 16 and 18 hours a day. The guys spent gigantic quantities of energy on reorganising the nation's whole war effort for victory. At least, OS somewhat acknowledges that. Still, 45 errors. We arleady adressed the question of Terror.
"Even the french military has got to act together again and pummeled the Allies at the Battle of Fleurus. For Danton and his followers, the time was right to try to normalize the French Republic."
This is probably the most scandalous timeline inaccuracy of te whole videos, since OS presents Danton's demand for clemency as a consequence of the Battle of Fleurus. However, Danton was executed in early April, and Fleurus was won in late June. You see how distorted the chronology is here ? That's seriously an hallucinating inaccuracy, doing ten seconds of actual research would have prevented it. What's even more infuriating is that OS twists the timeline seemingly only because he wants to show Robespierre was a bloodthirsty monster. This passage is one of the worst of the entire videos, OS, tell me, how the hell did you arrived at such a catastrophically inaccurate result ? 46 errors.
So apparently Robespierre alone decided to sent the Dantonists to the guillotine because he wanted the war and the Terror to continue. Robespierre was advocating for a quick end to the war; that's even what led Carnot, fellow member of the CPS partially in charge of the military matters, to actively take part in Thermidor, because Carnot was all for a war of conquest - and plundering I should add. So the war point doesn't stand. I'll repeat it : at this point, peace was not an option, unless France was to surrender to the Coalition. 47 errors. And as we saw, Robespierre was not the almighty dictator OS' seems to think he is : 48 errors.
Now a complex question must be asked. Why were the Dantonists tried (in what was clearly a show trial) and executed ? The popular explanation is that Robespierre was a mad psycho and that he killed them all by sheer sadism or lust for power. An explanation more accurate is the one given by Martin. It is essential to know that before the Indulgents/Dantonists, another group had been elminated : the Exagérés/Hébertistes, who were actually further left than most of the CPS, including Robespierre. These two groups both criticized the government for opposite reasons : the Hébertistes wanted more heads and less churches, and the Dantonists advocated for the abolition of the "exception laws" and the release of all prisoners - while the situation was still dire, because France could not be considered safe from invasion until the victory at Fleurus in late June. Here, it is extremely important to remember that Robespierre was no dictator and that decisions didn't come from him alone. He was indeed in agreement with the rest of the CPS that both groups needed to be eliminated; the most right-wing members of the committee, like Carnot and Barère opposed Hébert's atheism and revolutionary zeal, while the most left-wing, Billaud-Varenne and Collot d'Herbois, opposed Danton's penchant for corruption and leniency. It also didn't helped that Danton refused to disscoiate from fis close friend Fabre d'Eglantine, whose reputation had just been badly marred by the East India Company scandal. Robespierre was not the driving force here, and McPhee even argues that he seems to have been "cajoled" into signing Danton and co's arrest wanrrants. So it was decided that both groups would be eliminated one after the other : first the Hébertistes, and then to reassure the sans-culottes who loved Hébert and might feel betrayed, the Dantonist soon followed. It's as simple as that : the CPS wanted to eliminate two potential rival (or even insurrection callers) from both sides of the political spectrum in order to maintain a central position and please everyone - because again, the government aimed at forming a "Sacred Union" avant la lettre. In this regard, the elimination of the Dantonists can be compared to the Bonnet Rouge trial : in 1918, Clémenceau had a bunch of journalist and politicians advocating for a compromise with Germany arrested, tried and condemned, for the sake of maintaining a "Sacred Union" that would be hell-bent on winning no matter what. The Great War with Indy Neidell had some episodes about that trial.
"Robespierre went "a bit mental"."
Classic old song about Robespierre being a bloodthirsty and almighty psychopath. It's still egregiously wrong, but OS' is still clinging to it, probably because it was more difficult to do actual research than to produce dumb memes. I have already said it, and anybody who has the patience and the willingness to read a good biography of Robespierre, such as Hervé Leuwers' or Peter McPhee's : Robespierre was neither a bloodthirsty psycho nor an almighty tyrant. 49 errors. But what about the Cult of the Suprem Being ? Clearly that was Robespierre creating a crazy cult because he was a megalomaniac madman ! Well, not really. First let's remember one thing : deism, Robespierre's spiritual belief, was vastly widespread in the 18th century. Several american Founding Fathers, such as Jefferson and Thomas Paine (and possibly Washington), as well as several philosophers of the Enlightenment era such as Voltaire and Diderot were deist. To sum it up very briefly, it means believing in a super-human entity from which the universe is originated, but all the dogma and rites of Christianity are swept aside (that's really an oversimplification though). There was no darwinist theory of Evolution, no Plate Tectonics theory, no Big Bang Theory (no, not the series !). So being deist made sense, and it was not Robespierre's personal sect. Now what about the festival ? First, Robespierre presided it... because he was President of the Convention at this moment. That doesn't give him any special powers, and besides the presidency of the Convention changed every three or two weeks. He sure pushed for the thing, but the initiative came from the Committe of public instruction, not from him, and it was NOT, as OS' ridiculously portrays, a cult to Robespierre. This passage is one of the most blatantly and wholly inaccuracte passage of the videos, and yet there is some serious competition, as I think now is pretty clear since we're already at 50 errors !
What exactly was this cult ? It was three things :
- a new civic form of spiritualism that didn't include any rite or clergy, so it was NOT a religion; its goal was to make principles of equality, liberty and fraternity truly sacred.
- an appeal to the still catholic peasantry who can see in this "catholicism with extra steps" and forgive the Republic about the harsh treatment of the refractory clergy.
- a pretext to organize great national festivities to unite the people of France as they had been united by the Fête de la Fédération organized by the Constitutional monarchy on July 14st 1790. What's that ? Ah, yes, OS didn't even mention it back then, even though it was a crucial moment in the history of the French Revolution. 51 Errors.
Then comes Thermidor. This post is getting too long by now, so let's make it quick (or as quick as possible) : as insanely frustrating as it is to admit it, OS' account of Thermidor isn't inaccurate. It's thoroughly lacking, but the channel is called Oversimplified after all. He however really misses what happens after Thermidor. Because Thermidor was not the revenge of the moderates against the extremists : it was mainly a new internal purge inside the Montagne, the left side of the Convention. Not like Danton's and Hébert's elimination, but similar to that of the Girondins : a vague group, the robespierrists, who is partially (only partially, through Robespierre and his allies) in charge of the government, and who is suddenly - and violently (in the 48 following Robespierre's death, more than a hundred people were sent to the guillotine, which is the deadliest moment of the whole period, and it happens AFTER Robespierre's death, so OS' grandiloquent sentence about Robespierre being "the last victim of the moustrous system of Terror he had created" is pure nonsense : 52 errors) by a loose coalition that will soon break away. Indeed, "a more moderate group called the Thermidorian took over the Convention", but it actually took them a few weeks; Billaud-Varenne and Collot d'Herbois, the most radical members of the CPS, will not be forced to resign before early September, a full month after Robespierre died. To sum it up very basically, Thermidor was an internal purge within the Montagne, which left it too weakened to face the increasingly powerful centre-right, especially as the danger of invasion seemed to fade away. Some montagnards will switch sides, such as Fouché and Barras, and other stayed true to their conviction : they were slowly but steadily eliminated between Thermidor and the creation of the Directory. That's why more than a year passes between Thermidor and the Directory. It was not a sudden turning point.
To add insult to injury, this period saw an gigantic black legend appear, as everyone now charged Robespierre (who couldn't defend hismelf anymore) with every crime he could think of to make evryone forget their own crimes. Vadier, president of the Committee of General Security, even had a false seal with a fleur-de-lys fabricated and hidden in Robespierre's room so that Robespierre could be accused of wanting to marry Louis XVI's daughter to become King, as ludicrous as it sounds. Sadly, this black legend is still the popular conception of Robespierre. I'm not saying he was a saint, but damn, posterity has really been unfair with him, more than with anyone else I can think of, and this kind of video is exactly what allows this black legend - this complete myth of a bloodthirsty pyscho dictator that doesn't hold any ground - to still thrive. 52 errors.
"[The Directory had] the purpose of preventing power from falling into the hands of a single individual - again."
For the last time, Robespierre has never been a dictator. I think I made it pretty clear. 55 errors. What actually prompted the thermidorian to adopt such a "careful" constitution was more the fear of seeing monarchy restored through legal means, as royalist were rapidly gaining ground via elections; they won the legislative elections of 1797 and almost restored monarchy. Having five Directors sharing the executive power meant that several sincerely republican directors could nip in the bud any such attempt to restore the monarchy. That's what happened in 1797, during the coup of Fructidor, which led to entire elections being cancelled because people had not voted correctly - which of course spurred a wave of disgust for the Republic in France, understandably so. Ironically, the thermidorian legend succeeded way beyond the thermidorians' expectations, as it ended up tainting the image of the Republic as a whole, which also resulted a decline in republicanism.
[Talking about the crushing of the royalist insurrection of Vendémiaire] "From this moment on, the people of Paris would never again be able to stage a popular uprising and lost their control over the Revolution."
OverSimplified...? Are you even conscious of what is written in your script ? *"*Never again be able to stage a popular uprising" ? Ever heard of the July 1830 and 1848 Revolutions, of the Paris Commune, and all ? Okay, okay, he's only talking of the French Revolution, and it is true that there was no longer any major insurrection in Paris after that, but then, choose the right words, because "never again" means "never again", not "for the next 35 years".
There is then a whole passage about custom relaxing, and it's true that old religiosity lost some of its grip on everyday life. Suicide and divorce for example became more and more common despite being of course completely condemned by the Church. I guess that "It was social anarchy" is some weird and exaggerated way of seeing things, but frankly, after all the avalanche of nonsense that was the previous part, I'm inclined to be lenient towards that.
Surprisingly enough, OS then goes on to describe pretty accurately the last years of the Directory, even though it is of course hugely simplified - at least it's not the sheer inaccuracy we saw earlier.
However, OverSimplified eventually claims to take stock of the French Revoluion as a whole, and boy, this is the grande finale :
"The French Revolution ! Born with great promises of liberty and equality. The commone people dared to challenge an oppressive system that had existed for centuries."
For now, all seems alright.
"Before they knew it, they found liberty sidelined by Terror, equality that possibly didn't hit the mark, and an absolute monarchy replaced with an absolute dictator."
It's tiring by now. We get it, it was violent. But I repeat it : it was NOT exceptionally violent. And what it achieves surpasses what it costed. For all the talks about the revolutionaries being sadistic and bloodthirsty monsters, the guys actually had sane and human programs : the revolutionary government, along with the representatives in mission, even some of the most criminal ones, redistributed the lands of the expelled and executed, sometimes even freely and to the poorest like with Saint-Just's decrees of Ventôse 13th, created taxes directed at the richest ones, rebuilt and reinvigorated the army, not only saving France from invasion but also laying the foundations of Napoléon's Grande Armée, they began implementing free public school as much as they could given the circumstances, before the Directory decided to focus on education for the wealthiest classes, they made the food crisis less severe, they abolished slavery and proclaimed full equality of rights for all citizens, no matter their skin color, on February 4th 1794; the Republic saw France's first elections being held with universal male suffrage, the constitutional monarchy having only accepted census suffrage. While on August 4th 1789 the Constituant assembly had agreed to authorize the peasantry to pay their nobles to get rid of the old feudal dues, in August 1793 the revolutionary government abolished feudalism altogether, without condition. Now of course, not all of this was implemented efficiently : the abolition of slavery for example was impossible to force upon french islands in the Indian ocean who were out of reach, and these measures were often accompanied by a brutal repression. I'm not denying the violence. I'm trying to explain it rather than just patronizingly judge it as the result of dirty savages being bloodthirsty. I'm sick of seeing videos like this that paint the Revolution as little more than a giant bloodbath. It's both egregiously simplistic and reductive, and an inuslt to the generations of historians who worked and are still working to truly understand this incredibly complex event. If you zoom back and include the "respectable" part of the Revolution, going from 1789 to 1792, it is also the final abolition of the three orders and their inequalities, the birth of nationalism, the creation of a modern administration, and in general the creation of a modern France. If the French Revolution is generally considered to be the starting point of a new era, it's not without reasons. 53 errors.
"He (Napoléon) restored the Catholic Church"
For the last time : no, the French Revolution has never abolished the Church. Napoléon didn't "restore" anything, he just gave a new regime for the Church, in the Concordat of 1801. 54 errors.
"and got rid of that crazy calendar."
Laugh all you want a this "crazy calendar"; for many people it had a true sense, and this patronizing attitude does you no credit at all, OS. 55 errors.
And then we have a cliffhanger.
In my final assessment about Oversimplified's videos about the French Revolution, I must conclude that they're neither funny, nor instructive. They manage to be completely wrong on almost every single thing or person they talk about, while indulging in a generally conter-productive, moralizing and patronizing narrative, that doesn't do anything else than strengthening an outdated, ridiculous and completely erroneous vision of the French Revolution. I don't know if it's laziness, ignorance, or even dishonesty, or the three combined that led OverSimplified to produce such bad videos, but what I'm sure of is that with them, he well earned the nickname of OverFalsified. And since, according to seemingly everyone on this sub, his other videos are good, I beg OverSimplified's team to do something, anything to repair the damages, even a simple tweet would be welcome : the first part has 19M views, the second one has 14M. Looking at the comments and like/dislike ratio, one has to admit that what is being told in this videos is blindly believed by a majority. Take a little walk at HistoryMemes and search "French Revolution", "Terror" or "Robespierre": you'll see that this insultingly simplistic take on the French Revolution, that of a mere bloodbath led by a megalomaniac psychopath, is broadly accepted. And this is discouraging to say the least. Thanks, OverSimplified.
And thank you for reading this huge wall of text, I didn't think it would be that long.
Sources :
Nouvelle Histoire de la Révolution Française, Jean-Clément Martin, 2019
La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, Jean-Clément Martin, 2017
Le Dictionnaire des Révolutionnaires français, Pierre Brasme, 2014
Robespierre, Hervé Leuwers, 2014
Les Sans-Culottes parisiens en l'an II, Albert Soboul, 1958
1: La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, p. 23
2: La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, p. 27
submitted by Vaspour_ to badhistory [link] [comments]

CMV: Republicans and Christians think they’re the most oppressed group of people, even though they’re the two groups always doing the oppressing.

So, Gina Carano is the latest victim of the so called, attack on free speech and her conservative supporters are running to her in support. I always found this kind of martyrdom funny coming from Conservatives and Christians and Republicans in general, which in a lot of cases all three are really one.
Conservative Republicans and Christians cry out when social media companies ban individuals and say this is a sign that our democracy and our first amendment is under attack. The only problem with their kind of thinking is that social media companies are companies, and a company can deny service to whoever they want. After all it is in the Terms and Conditions agreement that nobody reads and clicks, I Accept.
But what happened when gay marriage was finally legalized by the Supreme Court? These same Republicans and Christians said their religious views are under attack. Even though gay people have been under attack by Christians and Republicans for all of US history. They were the oppressors, calling us faggots, bullying us, assaulting us, and making sodomy illegal, thereby targeting the enemies of Christ (e.g. the LGBT community).
What happened after that? Gay people started getting married and wanted a wedding cake. These same Christians and Republicans said, well tough luck. A bakery can deny service to whomever they want. Sound familiar? A company shouldn’t have to bake a gay wedding cake if they don’t want to, it has nothing to do with discrimination.
So I don’t understand? Social media sites are companies. They can deny service to whoever they want. If bakeries can deny service and it isn’t a civil rights violation then social media sites can deny service and it isn’t a first amendment violation.
Gina Carano compared being a Republican in Biden’s America to what the Jewish people went through in Nazi Germany. Well, let me tell you something about my people. For close to 2000 years, the Jewish people have had to listen to Christians say they are oppressed, all while killing Jews in the name of Christ. When the Christians feel oppressed they compare themselves to Jews living in Nazi Germany. When they are the oppressor, they are Nazi Germany.
Christian Republicans living in the Richard Nixon and Nancy Reagan era took to their word that the values of Christ were under attack. But then they put weed dealers in prison on life sentences. Weed laws aren’t as bad as they once were but let me tell, if we left it to the Christian Republicans, families would be separated and destroyed over a plant, because a plant threatens good Christian values.
TL;DR: So, there it is. I can offer more examples if asked, but my argument is that Christians and Republicans tend to play the oppression Olympics with everyone else, even though they’re the ones doing most, if not all, the oppressing.
submitted by ReverendPalpatine to changemyview [link] [comments]

A Nuanced Perspective on Open Borders: Where the Liberals and the Left Fail.

Right off the bat, I want to clarify that I support making immigration easier, and that the way most countries deal with immigrants is inhumane; I should know that myself since I was an immigrant in my own country and now I am an immigrant in Europe. Furthermore, I would like to concede that the neoliberals have the academic literature on their side, as there is good evidence suggesting that ALL types of immigration are economically beneficial, and that even open borders is not an economically unsound idea.
My concern here is not economics. It never was. It has always been about the culture.
And I don’t mean the culture in the way that the right wing populists always push it. I do not care for pretty looking churches, bizarre customs, or the color of someone’s skin. As a matter of fact, the culture I am speaking of is a common enemy of both the populist right and many of the immigrants I will be discussing here: Namely liberalism and other variants of social progressivism. What inspired me to write this was the massive amount of backlash that Macron got for his comments on Islam. Mind you, I do think there are issues with his approach, but outside observers often look at the issue with the wrong lens. Especially Americans.
The aim of this essay is to criticize the approach of many American or “Americanized” liberals AND leftists when it comes to the rhetorical battle around this subject. Furthermore, I will be pointing out concerning trends and some of the internal contradictions that liberals and leftists often run into. I will also point out the differences between liberals and leftists in how exactly they botch up.
Are we clear?
Let’s start:
Being able to contemplate the idea of Open Borders to begin with is essentially an American privilege.
Despite Donald Trump’s election victory in 2016, and the rise of right wing populism, America remains one of the best countries when it comes to treatment of its immigrants. Yes, even when compared to Europe.
There are currently 3 million gypsies in America. These roma in America have integrated so well that nobody even notices them or talks about them. Meanwhile, France in 2009, decided to deport the entire gypsy population indiscriminately. And While this decision was met with some level of outrage, most Europeans felt apathetic about it. Some even encouraged it. Not only are gypsies treated as a separate entity, but they’re not even tolerated.
This extends to Muslims as well. Sure, you occasionally do get the cringe-worthy article from the Huffington Post, but overall muslims in America view themselves as Americans, take pride in their own country, tend to be more educated and richer than the average American, and are even more secular than Evangelicals as many more muslims believe in evolution than evangelicals. Muslim Americans are not a society within a society: They are a part of that society. Muslims in Europe, however, are much poorer on average, commit more crime, and feel more detached. [1] [2]
This is more of a personal observation than anything I can empirically prove but even among those who support immigration, the difference is clear as day between Americans and Europeans. Americans ACCEPT different groups. Europeans only TOLERATE at best. Americans think that diversity is good in and of itself, while Europeans only accept diversity under conditions. This even extends to linguistic expression. Many Turks are still called “Gastarbeiter” (Guest workers) that live in their “Gastland” (Guest country) despite being born in the country. Minorities in Europe are seen as guests that should be treated kindly, but if they “overstep their boundaries” or “overstay their welcome” then they are to be disposed of. This sort of perspective isn’t unique to Europe either. This is very much the norm worldwide.
These comparisons have all been with other liberal westeren democracies. When you compare America to developing nations, It paints an even grimer picture. Libya enslaved many of its immigrants under Gaddafi’s police state, Asian-looking people in India faced heavy discrimination after the COVID outbreak, Filipino maids are regularly abused and raped in the gulf states, China has essentially erased the Mandschu culture, while running sterilization camps on Uighurs, and Lebanon is simply Lebanon.
Macron was on the mark when he spoke about “Islamic separatism”. What he said was of no controversy in my opinion. Macron also acknowledged that France had failed its immigrant communities, creating "our own separatism" with ghettos of "misery and hardship" where people were lumped together according to their origins and social background. "We have thus created districts where the promise of the Republic has no longer been kept, and therefore districts where the attraction of these messages, where these most radical forms were sources of hope," he added. [3]
If the advocates of immigration fail to recognize this problem then they will lose the the spiritual and rhetorical battle with the illberal right.
So how is this related to my overall thesis? Doesn’t this prove that integration CAN be done and that it’s mostly Europe’s fault for how it treats its immigrants?
Yes, it is partially Europe’s fault, but this doesn’t mean we should blindly support mass immigration or expect the issue to resolve itself.
Pointing fingers at Europe isn’t going to solve the fact that, simply put, Europe does not have the institutions or the cultural Zeitgeist to integrate these immigrants fully or even properly. And that blindly increasing immigration will only cause further tears in social cohesion and empower the populist right, and that is especially the case if the advocates of immigrants fail to reform and rephrase their positions and rhetoric. Europe simply lacks what America has and it’s important to realize that these deficiencies in the European system ought to be solved first.
What are the results of those deficiencies?
The result is that 63 percent of German Turks voted for Erdogan. In Austria, that percentage was 71 percent [4]. As a reminder, Erdogan is an Islamist authotarian Leader who has reapeatedly denied or justified Genocide, and imprisoned many jouranlists, including German ones. And mind you, Turks in Germany have been a significant minority for over 60 years now, ever since they came as Gastarbeiter (Guest workers). The claim that the Muslim immigrants from the Refugee crisis in 2015 will eventually integrate does not sound as reassuring when you take that fact into consideration.
One interesting fact is that Turks in Turkey vote for Erdogan by a lower percentage at 53 percent. It seems that Erdogan exploited how ostracized many of these groups feel by signalling turkish identity and nationalism which is why even more Turks supported him in Germany than in . This theory seems to be consistent as well since Austria had even more people voting for Erdogan, and Austria is overall more xenophobic than Germany. This is a theory according to a professor in the University of Duisburg-Essen and goes to show how failed institutions can lead to radicalization, not just of the native populace, but also the immigrants.
It’s very obvious that these communities are neither liberal nor socially progressive by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, in some cases, they are more violent than the populist right. While most antisemitic incidednts in Germany happened due to the far right, most of those done by the far right included things like verbal harassment but not a lot of physical violence. Meanwhile, 80 percent of the jews that did experiecned physical violence have said that they have been attacked by someone with a muslim or turkish background. Furthermore, what these reports define as “far right” often includes Islamist organizations and demosntrations such as Hizbollah and Hamas. [5]
In the UK and France, the birth rates between the Native population and Muslim population are laughably disparate. The non-muslim French and British population hover around 1.9, while the muslim population hovers around 2.9. [6]
What’s concerning here is not the “White Genocide” as many right wing populists and racists are quick to point out. Rather, what’s concerning, is that higher birthrates are correlated with having lower or no education/employment for women on average, and a more “traditionalist” (I prefer calling it a misogynistic) culture [7]. Women are clearly seen as “breeders'' for the lack of a better term in much of these communities.
For comparison sake, the highest difference in the US birthrates is between Whites and Hispanics...Whites having a 1.65 birthrate and Hispanics having a 1.95 birth rate...A mere 0.3 difference, and yet Republicans have exploited the differences in birth rates over and over to fear monger about the extinction of white people...can you imagine how much more ammo the right wing has in Europe? [8]
Oh and remember the statistics about Erdogan? Turns out that only 16 percent of American Turks have voted for Erdogan. This has been overwhelmingly due to the fact that American turks are much more educated on average than European-Turks.
In Birmingham, Muslim communites have been at the forefront of the anti-LGBT movement that seeks to remove LGBT and sex ed from schools. Even more concerning is that these trends don’t just apply to muslim minorities, but to many Easteren Europeans as well. A recent survey of school children in Germany found out that homophobic views were almost just as widespread among children from ex-Soviet countries as those from muslim countries, and that both groups had a far higher rate of homophobic views than German children. In the German state of Baden-Württemberg, Yugoslavian women and Serbian women had a higher birth rate than Turkish women. [9]
So what’s happening here? Clearly, America has better institutions, but how are those institutions exactly better?
In America, cultural integration is made possible due to several factors:
1) Economic activity has been shown to be the best way to integrate immigrants. Labor union and market regulations have been shown to be much more flexible in the US, which has given many immigrants the economic opportunities that they need to blend in within society. Protectionism also runs rampant in Europe, especially when it comes to qualification of degrees. For example, many of the refugees that came to Germany had education and a degree, but due to very protectionist policies that only recognized German or European degrees, these immigrants faced great discrimination in the labor market. Another example is that many high skilled Muslims in Sweden are deported due to strict union contracts and regulations. [2] [10]
2) America has much higher standards and vetting for those who it lets in. This means that the sample of immigrants that arrives in America will not be representative of what views average Muslim holds, as they will be more educated and richer on average. However, this factor might not be as effective as previously thought since even low income American Muslims showed signs of being more integrated than low income European muslims. [1]
3) America has less “cultural and historical” baggage. The colonial past between the middle east and France/UK is a heavy one. 1.5 million deaths in the Algerian struggle against France, plus burning down entire forests on their retreat. Things like that will always push these groups of people towards anti-west and anti-liberal views. The American psyche is not defined by such historical scars...except for a certain group that we will cover later in this text.
Many are quick to point out that America had a period of time where Open borders was the norm, and that “everything was fine” back then, however, they forget two important factors
For a significant period of time, these “open borders” only allowed white, able bodied men to enter the country. Furthermore, most people did not have any level of higher education back then, so the disparity in education that we see in Europe nowadays is much more concerning. [11]
Cultural Liberalism was not as big of a thing as it is right now. What is meant with this is that back then, most people were homophobic, sexist, bigoted etc...Women’s rights, gay rights, civil rights and many other liberal values only developed much later on, and every since then, there has been a huge divergence between developed countring and developing countries on these issues. The political framework was not at all the same and pretending that the cultural impact would have been the same.
Returning to a previous point, there is one ethnicity in America that can be compared to the plight of European minorities in terms of discrimination and integration. You probably guessed it by now, but yes...it’s African Americans.
Remember the study that compared European Muslims with American Muslims? One interesting finding is that the overwhelming majority of American Muslims who felt like they were detached from American society, and felt unsatisfied with their conditions, were African Americans. African Americans also face similar issues to the Roma, Arabs, and Turks when it comes to finding proper housing and job applications.
I do think it’s intriguing, however, that it took 400 years of historical scars in the form of slavery for an ethnicity to be treated the same way that many Europeans treat their minorities on a regular basis, whether their arrival was new or not. If anything, this only demonstrates even further how much better America is at this.
Now we come to where I think Liberals and Leftists have failed, and why they have failed in the rhetorical battle against the right.
Many people who support immigration are wary of the term “Merit-based immigration”. They say that the term is usually just a dog whistle because how exactly do we define “merit”?
They are correct that the “merit-based” has been used to justify racist views. However, I still think it is important to think of “merit” in terms of liberalism. I find it funny that the same leftists that will go on and on about the “Paradox of tolerance”, fail to apply it when it comes to immigration.
Of course, “The paradox of tolerance” is entirely correct. A tolerant society needs to crush intolerant elements in order to survive in the long run. However, it is bizarre that this always only applies to the Republican party or the conservative opposition in general, and not the illiberal trends among immigrants.
It should also be noted that voting patterns do not necessarily mean that a group of people has embraced the values of that party. Many minorities only vote Democrat due to the rampant racism in the Republican party. African Americans have a homophobia problem, and have more conservative views on criminal justice, as 80 percent of African Americans support more or the same level of policing [13]. Many Hispanic immigrants tend to be very religious and conservative.
It was only a matter of time before Democrats got a taste of what it means to have an illiberal minority. I fondly remember the meltdown that happened when the results from Cuban Americans in Miami Dade county came about. Despite Biden’s attempt to distance himself from socialism, he couldn’t beat how right wing many of these minorities skewed. Another example was in Texas. One of the major factors as to why Democrats underperformed with Hispanics in Texas, was that many of these groups were no longer immigrants. Many were already third or fourth generation, had a green card or even citizenship, and so Democrats’ support towards illegal immigrants did not strike them as sympathetic. Some even viewed border patrol as protectors and not enemies. [14]
This returns to my main thesis. We simply can not blindly support open borders in regions that are less than ideal when it comes to integration, and constantly chastitize anyone with right wing beliefs at the same time. If you fear the rise of illberalism in Westeren countries, you can not simply shrug your hands at existing illberalism within many immigrant communities. That is a privilege that you can afford as an American due to the fact that your country is capable of integrating immigrants (albeit not perfectly)..
Our political situation has reached a crisis, as one side has the right values yet does not call for the assimilation to these values, and the other side does call for assimilation but not assimilation to the right values. That is the issue that haunts the liberal/populist divide when it comes to the immigration debate.
On the rhetorical side of things, I would like to note an incident that made me realize how bad liberals are at marketing their ideas. I fondly remember an Anti-AfD demonstration (AfD being the far right party in germany) where many activists held a sign that said “Rassisten essen heimlich Döner” which translates to “Racists eat Döner in secret!” (Doener being a type of turkish street food). The next day, I saw the caretaker of our domitory, who has repeatedly said racist and xenophobic things to me and other students, eat a Doener in front of the turkish shop owner.
The idea that immigrants are somehow good because of “food” reflects the white suburban nature of many liberals. Immigrants like me are merely commodities that make exotic foods for them. It screams of patranoization and commodification. I am an Arab who has never worked in the food industry. My value to a community extends far beyond food, yet liberals are keen on mentioning Gyros, Tacos, and Doener whenever they express their support. As an immigrant, I want to be a part of society and climb new heights. I am not here to make you your favorite dishes.
Even worse, it highlights how detached liberals and leftists are from the working class. The working class does not care for delicious food. The working class does not desire revolution or utopia. What most working class natives want is security and stability. This is exactly how the right managed to tap into their fear: Fear mongering. What liberals needed to do was give assurance. Rambling about human rights or how “arbitrary” borders are is not a discussion that the average person cares about. However, the average person does care about crime and economic opportunities within their own community. Instead of endlessly romanticizing immigrants or screeching about racism, activists could have pointed out, for instance, that crime in Germany has been the lowest it’s been since 1992 , despite the influx of refugees [15]. Utilizing statistics like that is what gets people to take your side. Not vague calls for humanity.
Among leftists, there is a popular theory that capitalism and neoliberalism are the cause of the rise in the far-right. However, this idea is simply incorrect. For starters, it is ironic how the biggest surges in far right populism were actually in ex-communist states such as East Germany, Poland, and Hungary. Secondly, many of the labor regulations and union contracts that made integration hard for immigrants, were passed by leftists. People are too quick to forget that it was the socialists and social democrats who pushed the heaviest for protectionism in the past. Thirdly, the last major economic recession happened in 2008 (excluding COVID). However, most of the far right in Europe saw its surge immediately only after the refugee crisis in 2015, so it’s obvious that the recession only played a minor role in enabling the right compared to the refugee crisis, as there were already many muslim communities in Europe way before 2015 and 2008. Lastly, many of these immigrants are moving out to begin with precisely because capitalism in the West offers them better opportunities.
Even phrasing such as “Open Borders'' is problematic. When a xenophobe, or even an average person, hears the phase “Open Borders'' they think it implies being vulnerable or weak to foriegn attacks. It’s similar to “Defund the Police'' in terms of bad marketing. Changing to something like “Flow of Labor'' might prove to be better.
In conclusion, Those who advocate for immigration must change their approaches and must seek the correct institutional change in order to help out immigrants and avoid damaging social cohesion. Immigration is indeed beautiful, but we have to be careful about how we conduct things, and avoid viewing minority groups as helpless victims, and instead understand that they have just as much agency as the populist right.
[1] https://internationalepolitik.de/de/amerika-machst-du-es-besser
[2] https://www.cato.org/blog/muslim-immigration-integration-united-states-western-europe https://www.cato.org/blog/muslim-assimilation-demographic-education-income-opinions-violence
[3] https://www.euronews.com/2020/11/02/macron-and-islam-what-has-the-french-president-actually-said-to-outrage-the-muslim-world
[4] https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/wahlen-in-der-tuerkei-so-haben-die-deutschtuerken-gewaehlt-1.4028731 https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/tuerkische-praesidentschaftswahlen-warum-tuerken-in-deutschland-fuer-erdogan-stimmen/22733474.html
[5] https://www.zeit.de/zustimmung?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zeit.de%2Fgesellschaft%2F2019-10%2Fantisemitismus-anschlag-halle-rechtsextremismus-rechte-gewalt-kriminalitaet
[6] https://www.pewforum.org/2017/11/29/europes-growing-muslim-population/
[7] https://blogs.worldbank.org/health/female-education-and-childbearing-closer-look-data#:~:text=In%20a%20nutshell%2C%20data%20show,she%20is%20likely%20to%20bear.&text=A%20negative%20correlation%20is%20most,(TFR)%20in%20a%20population.
[8] https://www.statista.com/statistics/226292/us-fertility-rates-by-race-and-ethnicity/
submitted by Winternaht7 to neoliberal [link] [comments]

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IGG has been in a lot of controversies lately. They are held responsible for shutting down one of the best piracy websites Good Old Downloads by doxing the owner and threatening to call the police on him. On top of that, they add their own DRM in their uploads, which is ironic itself. While IGG releases themselves are not malicious, their actions are the reasons why they go to untrusted list.
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What happened to Voksi? Why did he suddenly stop cracking Denuvo?
On July 25th, 2018, Voksi's computer was seized by Bulgarian cybercrime police. He was sued by Denuvo's parent company, Irdeto. Voksi has stated that his cracking days are over and that he is currently focusing on Irdeto's lawsuit against him.
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It was one of Europe’s biggest art heists yet remains unsolved 40 years later. Who were the cross-border network of thieves and smugglers able to trade across the Iron Curtain behind it, and how did they get away with it during one of the most repressive regimes of the Cold War? (Gotha, GDR, 1979)

Hello readers! This week represents the first anniversary of the recovery and display of one of Europe's most mysterious modern-day art thefts, involving experienced cat burglars, dark dealings in a secretive and repressive regime, all taking place against the backdrop Germany's largest 17th-century castle. I'm trying to cover a variety of mysteries other than murders and disappearances, and if this post is well-received, I have a couple of other art and artifact mysteries to post. Most of the useful sources are in German and thus there will be some things lost in translation, but hopefully the strange events and conflicting theories are clear. Enjoy!
Friedenstein Castle is a beautiful Baroque-style castle located near the city of Gotha, deep in the heart of central Germany, between one of the country's largest forests and flat, fertile farmland. Lying in the state of Thuringia, the castle has weathered the passage of leaders and states as modern Germany took shape. Being built on the site of the former Grimmenstein Castle (razed in 1567), Friedenstein has existed in one form or another since the 1640s, surviving hundreds of years of nobility modifying the castle from a strategic fortress to a grand country retreat, featuring over the years observatories, formal gardens, theatres and to a shift as an air-raid shelter for the local population during World War II.
By 1945, the castle found itself deep behind the Iron Curtain which divided Europe in two after the war, in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) - better known in the English-speaking world as East Germany. Although the castle had suffered from looting after both the US and Red Armies had occupied the castle and nearby Gotha, the late 1950s saw a degree of stability return, and the formation of the Soviet Union allowed for the return of a great deal of stolen artifacts to be located and returned to Friedenstein. The East German authorities apparently took good care of the historical site, and the castle was used to house a variety of Old Masters paintings for public display.
Sadly, the castle would fall victim to yet more looting before long, but this time in a spectacular manner that shocked East Germany, a place where citizens were used to state surveillance, yet a determined gang of art thieves would be able to escape unapprehended to this day.
The night of December 13-14 1979 was stormy and wet in Gotha. The five historic paintings at the centre of the mystery were hanging in their usual displays in the west wing of the castle. Since previous attempts to steal from the castle had been made, a new security system had been freshly installed but was not yet operational. The fact that the thieves knew they had to strike before the alarm system was activated remains one of the more unusual aspects to this case, as if they had struck only three days later they would have likely set off the now-activated alarm.
Once in the grounds of the castle. the thieves were seemingly both audacious and skilled at their job; using climbing equipment and crampons, they climbed the outer facade of the castle until they reached the third story, where the paintings hung in an exhibition hall. They broke a pane on one of the castle windows to gain access, causing a sudden drop in temperate and increase in moisture levels in the air that was recorded by a climate monitor in the hall, suggesting that the thieves struck at 2-2:30 that morning.
The paintings taken were apparently carefully chosen, or stolen to order, as they were not of the greatest value or closest to the thieves' entry point. The paintings stolen were as follows:
"Portrait of an Old Man" from the Rembrandt workshop (probably by Ferdinand Bol), "Country Road with Farm Carts and Cows" by Jan Brueghel the Elder, the "Half-length Portrait of an Unknown Man with a Hat and Gloves" by Frans Hals, "Saint Catherine" by Hans Holbein the Elder, and "Self-portrait with Sunflower" by Anthonis van Dyck. The paintings have an estimated modern-day value of (50 million euro)[https://www.zeit.de/zustimmung?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zeit.de%2Fkultur%2Fkunst%2F2019-12%2Fkunstdiebstahl-gotha-schlossmuseum-ddr-kunstraub-kriminalfall%2Fkomplettansicht], but the cultural loss of the artworks was unquantifiable. Given that they disappeared in the 1970s, only black and white photographs were thought to exist a colour photo of Self-Portrait with Sunflower was only rediscovered in the 2000s by (researchers working on a TV programme about the theft.
Many theories about who was responsible have been emerged in the four decades since that winter's night in the castle. This being East Germany, a state where the authorities notoriously had a hand in the running of virtually all its citizens lives and the wider economy, a crime of this type would be extremely difficult to organise and carry out without the surveillance state catching wind of it at some point. For context, after Germany reunified into one country in 1990, a new government agency was created to manage and declassify the almost 111km (69 miles) of files the secret police (known as the "Stasi") held on an estimated 5.6 million people. It would be easy to think that agents of the GDR could be involved in some way; but the morning after the robbery, the civilian police and military launch a joint operation in Gotha and the surrounding area, and a team of over 100 detectives interrogate more than 1,000 people across all of East Germany. People targeted even include a family of high-wire acrobats living in Gotha, even lying in wait and arresting a performer as soon as he left his house, eventually concluding that they had nothing to do with the theft apart from climbing expertise.
The police efforts soon uncovered evidence that would point them beyond the borders of the old GDR. Apart from some parts of a broken picture frame found in the castle's extensive gardens, the thieves left almost nothing behind - apart from one key piece of evidence. Police retracing the steps of the thieves establish "home-made" climbing crampons were used to help climb the castle's facade. Eleven were thought to have been used, and one (or two; sources differ) had been accidentally left behind. The crampon(s) were immediately seized as evidence and sent to every business and organisation that might be able to establish its source in the hopes it will produce a lead as to where it thieves sourced it from. Two institutions arrive at the same results - the metal alloy used to make the crampons could not have been made in the GDR or wider Communist economies, nor do they match any foreign crampons officially imported. This would make it seem that there was a foreign - likely Western - connection to the crime. But the famously tight border security of the old GDR, exemplified in Western minds by the Berlin Wall, would have made getting the paintings out of the country difficult, especially given the level of police surveillance possible in general and especially in the aftermath of a record crime. A possible lead quickly emerges in the form of businesses in Gotha that trade with West Germany, not uncommon in a city where the border at Eisenach is only 30 minutes away by car. In the course of checking all possible methods of smuggling material to the West, suspicion fell on a meat dealer, Josef März, who often sent sealed preservative packages to the neighbouring state of Bavaria. Checks on the shipments show that a shipment to Bavaria went out on the same night as the theft but had crossed the border before police could get there in time. Efforts to perform further checks on März and his company "Marox" are stymied by the border and lack of co-operation from the West, but whether this is because März was a close friend with then Prime Minister of Bavaria Franz Josef Strauss in the tense political climate of the Cold War is not clear.
The noble family who last owned the castle before the state are also questioned by the Stasi, despite having fled the area in 1945. The theory that they had arranged the theft to raise cash quickly faltered when a search of family property found no trace of the paintings, and prompted angry reactions from the family members who felt as if they had been accused of inciting the theft in some way.
A review of items stolen from the confirmed it was limited to only the missing paintings, one of which had been the subject of three previous theft attempts in 1978. The Brueghel "Rural Road with Farm Wagons and Cows" was targeted by a small local gang, who between August and October 1978 had also attempted to climb the castle walls to steal art. A promising lead led to the six East German perpetrators of the previous theft being quickly arrested and sentenced to prison for these attempts in January 1979. (It's possible that they were caught after being reported to the Stasi by one of their wealthy backers, a horse trader and publican also of East German nationality). The six were released as part of a general amnesty program celebrating the 30-year foundation of the GDR on October 7, 1979, so were free at the time of the theft. In the aftermath of the successful theft in December, they were placed under surveillance by the Stasi, who opened their mail, tapped their phone lines, and used their network of undercover collaborators to monitor the suspects interactions wherever they went. They never discussed a successful theft, or any connections to the West (such as a potential buyer or even a source for the crampon found at the scene), and thus the authorities found themselves at another dead end.
Although the gang seemed like likely suspects, it's important to note that their previous attempts had all failed in an almost comical manner; their first attempt revolved using a lightning conductor as a climbing aid to reach the gallery room, only for the flimsy metal rod to come clean off the wall. The second theft saw them use a large folding ladder to successfully reach the third-floor window, only for them to find they had no way of opening the window from the outside or breaking it. A third attempt, on October 11, 1978, saw them gain entry to the castle only to be noticed by a janitor working at the time who immediately called the police.
With civilian culprits going nowhere, and alternative theory came in the form of state collusion in the theft of the paintings after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It emerged that the GDR had formed a secret commercial arm, dedicated to bringing "hard" foreign currency to the East. This so-called "Kommerzielle Koordinierung" (lit. Commercial Co-ordination, or Koko for short) was led by GDR Undersecretary of State for foreign trade Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski, who had a knack for dealing with high-ranking West German politicians, including Franz Josef Strauss (mentioned earlier!) and others during the 1970s and 80s. His power extended to arranging massive multi-billion Deutschmark loans from the West to the GDR in 1983/4, helping to stabilise the struggling East German economy and stimulate further West-East trade, as well as strengthening the relationship between Strauss and Schalck. Although this happened after the theft of the paintings, is it possible that Schlack would have had the Western connections and determination to "allow" the unofficial export of the stolen-to-order paintings to a Western collector, or to have had a hand in stealing from under the nose of the East German state, for professional or personal gain? It had been claimed that Schlack had supervised both the sale and theft for sale of art to the West, provided that the potential "buyers" were part of his network, reported to include art dealers from all over Western Europe, keen to work with a man who could deliver them "new goods at good prices". Koko allegedly had a bunker hidden in the town of Gotha for storage of goods intended for clandestine sale to the West, thanks to the relatively short distance between the town and the old border.
The fate of the paintings remained unknown until nearly 40 years later. Appeals in 2009 to help trace the thieves before the 30-year statute of limitations common in Germany would apply in December were unsuccessful.
In the summer of 2018, things began to develop rapidly. The Mayor of Gotha, Knut Kreuch, had been instrumental in the 2009 push for information about the paintings and was resigned to their disappearance when he received a phone call requesting an appointment with him. As he personally knew the caller (a lawyer), this wasn't so out of the ordinary and he was happy to arrange to meet. The lawyer said he was acting for clients who had paintings in their possession that might be of interest to Kreuch, before producing photographs of the missing artworks. Reportedly, they had been in the possession of a family who had been West German before reunification, and had apparently owned the paintings for at least 30 years, i.e. before the fall of the GDR in 1989. The owner of the artworks had died and left them to his four children, who decided to return them to Gotha. Despite confidentiality being agreed between the mayor and the family, it has been reported that the family who had them wanted to exchange them for a settlement representing the amount they gave a source within the old GDR in exchange for the art in 1979/80. Happily, legal settlement was eventually reached and the paintings were handed over in Berlin in September 2019, with the Ernst von Simmons Art Foundation helping with the financial costs involved although investigations continue as to whether the exchange of the stolen property for money could count as blackmail. A lawyer with knowledge of the case and wider art thefts in Europe gave an interview stating she believed that the nature of the recovery of the art from the family points away from the Marox and Stasi theory and towards a rogue museum employee who had apparently modified his car to muggle stolen artwork to the West. This man died in 2014, so this can only remain a theory. Other lone-wolf theories include one put forward by respectable German news magazine Der Speigel, who reported that a train driver with a hatred of the Stasi after they had previously monitored him and his family had been involved in some way, but without explanations as to how these lone East Germans had managed to arrange a connection to West Germany before 1989 means it is difficult to reconcile these theories with the information given by the family in possession of the art.
Ultimately, given the legal situation around the return of the paintings, who took them and why will probably remain unsolved so as to preserve the confidentiality of family members who likely had no hand in any criminal acquisition of the paintings. The children of the deceased owner have not received any money under the final agreement for the handover of the art, but will have their anonymity protected.
The paintings themselves had been "damaged and not very well restored” but remained in decent condition according to a custodian from the Rathgen Research Laboratory of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, where the paintings are undergoing work after their return. The stolen paintings were returned to their rightful place in Friedenstein Castle in January 2020 for a special exhibition, before they will be professionally restored for another exhibition on the theft in Berlin, due in 2021.
At this point, with the old GDR a fading memory for older generations, and many of those involved with the workings of a repressive surveillance state either "rehabilitated" into a modern Germany or unwilling to talk, state collusion cannot be ruled out. But would a state where crime did not formally exist really allow the black-market sale of art to become a huge news story about an unsolved heist, draining resources and manpower away from other forms of criminal investigation and state security? Alternatively, how could a criminal gang have stolen and exported the paintings from one of the most secure and secretive countries in the world without being caught? Was there a political connection between East and West that could arrange these kind of highly illegal "sales" for the right buyer, in hard cash? Whatever the truth was, and how far the GDR was involved will probably never be known, but the story behind the largest unsolved art theft in East German history will live on. What do you think happened?
(Note there has previously been a post about this case on this subreddit available here,but it contains only a translation of a single source. I have tried to create a narrative of the event with slightly more context as to the history of the paintings and their theft, as well as the various theories and characters at play. Please also feel free to read this post as it is a decent translation of the original, and can help with further background for those who aren't familiar with German). Thanks for reading
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Goddess Mystery - A New Look at the Science of what Puts a SOUL in an Egg

Goddess Mystery - A New Look at the Science of what Puts a SOUL in an Egg
by Dan Winter
from Zayra Website
From Sumerian Anunnaki - to Ubaid Great Mother - to African ’Eve’ - to Maria Gimbudas - Goddess... What Links the Myth to the Biological Problem - Fusing a Soul Group - Compressed into an Egg...
Sitting there last night watching the detailed BBC special on Israel’s Nuclear Coverup (ref 1, ref 2) - brought home again the ancient wisdom that those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them. After hiding their nuclear plant contamination, their weapons of mass destruction, their new toxic gas weapon technology -already murderously tested against Palestinians - documented on BBC - preventing all inspection or accountability to the global community, Israel has decided they are NEVER going to release their nuclear whistle blower (Vanunu) from prison.
Both the Bible Code (1&2 - which have NEVER been wrong yet), and the Fatima letter tearfully opened by the sick Pope, independently confirm that the end of Rome will be the nuclear wind blown over from the nuclear destruction of Jerusalem. (Karma always employs symmetry). Failing in his urgently renewed motivation to patch up the Arab wars, the Pope by all reports from here is secretly relocating his staff to Sintra Portugal (Drago Rabbithole & ’TheCollective’s Fatima timehole...)
The history repeating - is clear - multiple translations of Sumerian (including Sitchin’s) confirm: the REASON Anunnaki (half Draco blood) Innana / Ninhursag (Goddess / ’mom’) moved to the East (India / China) to begin the Goddess legend, was her disgust after her half brother ENLIL (later called Yahweh by the Jews) made a Nuclear desert of Sinai (the nuclear meltdown from that time is historically documented by the fuse melted glass/ rock still there today).

Sumerian Ubaid GODDESS morphed to Celtic Goddess.(Drac) ASSA- RU (Ssa of Ra-sSarah mated with RA/Enki AbRAm from UR)

Left: Ibi-Uru (H’iburu /Hebrew)Blood Cross-This is Enlil.. (Interventionist Anuhazi - later AshKhan-azi) Right: Draco from Alpha Draconis - ’Dragon Queen’ / ASSA-Uru (UruShalaim / Uru-an / Din-Ass-ur / Asuras) MAG in Magalen is from Orion Culture

Draco from Montauk/Dulce Morphed to Sumerian Goddess Statue Face
In order to prevent this tragic repeat of history we MUST understand the story. The origin of the goddess myth is more than the moment Enki (ab-Ra) used his own sperm with a CroMagnon egg in his half sister (the Draco - aSSa of RA - Sarah - from Ur - Uru) Innana / Ninhursag (story below). It is the cultural urge older than Earth of this DrAGon line to produce an egg which COULD get a gene and memory line squirting (embedding) immortally back into stars.
This quest (for the grail, of charge embedding in DNA) was BOTH Enlil/Yahweh’s problem of how to ensoul DNA, AND the Dragon (Goddess) ancestor Queen Mom (Reverend Mother) urge to MAKE an EGG which could IMPLODE (turn inside out recursively/con-sciously) ...and MAKE a soul. It is WHY the reverend Mother’s in Dune sheparded blood lines for centuries - eggs-act-ly like the Essenes (Akhenaton’s /Enki money renamed Moses) planned the Tut / Jeshua birth - TO PLAN MUAB DIB / Avatar / Messiah. One who could STEER whole genepools into star inhabiting.

The geomantic’s of creating perception by creating focus on the land... Dragon’s Egg...

The charge map to turning inside out, is the electrical service required of a sperm to invaginate an egg... starting the (Golden) growth path.

An ’Alphabet’ of symmetric clues to the charge compression called EGG making & ensoulment...

Ygg-drasil & the Draco’ns Egg :
This is the goose’s Golden Egg... this is Humpty Dumpty’s endlessly fractionated Egg... This is the implosive spherical capacitor’s ability to suck charge in from gravity, the definition and measure of ALL life force.
Almost everyone in the last 20 cities was able to FEEL the charge coming from the gold coated egg above... (some felt a ’cool wind’ from the inside cone of the sharper end - others a pushing..) NICE to watch science trained people recognize that WHERE this electrical force comes from - they have no clue. Therefore they have no clue what life is. Yet if we do not know the electrical source of life (biological implosion) how can we fabricate electrical structures which support life?

Update on the life force measurement project:
Thanks to Callum Coates and filmstream.com.au. Water research team in Byron Bay for their help in taking the Water Life Force measurements in the previous newsletter... --- Below- update July 3, 2003 - Team from the organic college in Witzenhausen Germany, found that straw or peak around the sensor spherical capacitor gold coated egg provided good isolation from ambient electrical noise... here we successfully measure the difference in life force between an onion JUST picked from the beautiful mountain garden versus a store bought older onion..

and below - we are able to pick up the life force charge field around a bottle of potent essential oil: AUREA CENTO - a plant/flower oil essence found medically effective against AIDS - versus a simple perfume oil in an identical bottle a highly ’charged’ healing oil.

Sacred architecture and hospitals need to be reinvented based on the new information that life only is sustainable in a biological capacitor which does not LEAK charge. Examples of life creating sacred architecture are bee hives and pine cones; these are implosive biological capacitive dialectrics. The way to measure life force and therefore success for a ’sacred architect’ is harmonic inclusiveness and coherence of electrical charge (buildings can be spectrum analyzed & measured for life force the same way we measure eggs, peaches, water ..etc)... see ’biophoton’.
Examples of architecture which makes ONLY DEATH by leaking electrical charge capacitively, are all metal buildings with sharp edges and electrosmog (& the death dealing capacitively depleted air which comes from the metal fins of air conditioners), which describes most of the modern abominations we currently call churches, hospitals and refrigerators.
Prove to yourself how incompetent to advise on life matters - your local medical science is by asking them where does the 2-10 millivolts generated by a fresh egg come from? (why let them tell YOU how to LIVE if they do not know what LIFE IS!?) . then read: HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS OF CHARGE-Can Life Force Be Measured in Capacitive Terms?
Structural Stability and Morphogenesis
Is the best wave biophysics we have for how membranes or eggs get immune systems. The physics tells us: all membranes are the musical summary of all the sine waves (Humps and Dumps) which nest on ’folded’ surface. Once an egg gets the musical recipe right ... then by the fractal foldedness of its surface, it creates a perfect ’spin’ record back to a relatively infinite past. (Harmonic INCLUSIVENESS - optimized by GOlden Ratio.. packing to a surface so well folded it can become fractal ... and inPHIknit). This is nowhere more evident than by the fractal folding in the mitochondria cell membrane, they tracked all women on Earth back to the first fertile female: ’Eve’ in Africa.
Marie Gimbutas writes the most famous series of GODDESS Mystery books on Earth, to conclude that the SHAPE of the GODDESS is the same in every continent on Earth, but fails to explain WHY. The answer is E.T. (ONE extra-terrestrial Draco). Laurence Gardner writes the most famous series of books on the Grail blood line - ending with "Realm of the Ring Lords" - to conclude that the universal origins of the Royal blood lines is Anunnaki Draco, but fails to explain WHY. THEIR hero ancestors are called SHINING ONES... ’Ringlords’ (more below) . The answer is DNA that becomes charge radiant (bliss) glows with UV fire and SHINES!

Mystery of ’LORD OF THE RING’
Explained - DNA becomes Source of Gravity!

Laurence Gardner and others of the Sitchin-Sumerian blood line studies (’Realm of the Ring Lords’ book) are clear - that the great mother - Sumerian goddess of the Ubaid (pic / morph above) - is none other than Innana / Ninhursag, the sister of the half Draco (Ibi / Uru) Sumerian ANunnaki family from Sirius - we later called - ’An’ (Dad - in Aboriginal: Biki) & sons - Enki (Adonai/Atun/Ea /Ptah/Merk/LucifeHermes/Quetzlcoatel in Aboriginal- "Dolphin or Fish God"), vs his more snake like (Levite) half brother Enlil (Yahweh/Michael/Michabo-Indian/Encoder in Bible Code/Amun/Ahriman to Steiner).
For more on what became of Enlil (Yahweh) - see Ann Rice - ’Blood and Gold’ - origin of the vampires - (whom she names ’Enkil’).
The REASON Enlil’s blood became the blood root of vampires - is the physics which this article explains. IF you use external sources (addiction - in Enlil’s case it was Gold Powder / Manna / Ormes / The Spice - The White Powder origin of ’holy’ communion’s white wafer) to get charge (bliss) into your DNA - then your blood becomes thick and electrically immortal.... BUT with no way of getting new and self-directing glandular passion of bliss into your DNA, that immortality is nothing more than a permanent astral prison (The St Germaine and ’ascended masters’ problem ... just because you don’t die anymore does not mean you have escaped being a parasite if you cannot attract your own charge..) Gold Powder vs Heart... Alchemy’s Darker Moments
complete story: http://spirals.eternite.com

What exactly was SHINING Mr. Gardner? ... The Sacred Geometry of charge / bliss hygiene to ignite DNA into the (Implosive & Radiant) Grail Ring, Solving the mystery Laurence Gardner poses when he says the SHINING ONES, authored the Grail AND the Lord of the RING (from ’Realm of the Ring Lords’).
Dear Laurence Gardner (’Realm of the Ring Lord’): Why do you suppose all of the SUCCESSFUL blood lines at the very ROOT ORIGIN of sacred ancestry.. were called: "The SHINING Ones"
We wonder who understands what it takes for the blood to glow charge radiance?... The Magnetic X... Super DNA... when DNA braids densely into a RING in the presence of BLISS / charge density.

What alphabet of symmetry on the ring torus... compresses the charge into this trick... which checks for which waves are shareable?

Do YOU think it looks like a grail cup?
We congratulate Laurence Gardner on his scholarship to locate the unity between the Grail and Ring Lord traditions of the Anunnaki Draco Queen blood lines... All that is needed now is to understand the charge hygiene required to teach that as a science of bliss, to assemble the charge density necessary to ignite the DNA to that SHINING ONE charge radiance.
When the secret to ensouling DNA is lost (Yahweh’s essential problem) - the secret of HOW to attract your own charge (bliss - ECKstacy) / implode - then you become by definition a parasite. You won’t find a photo of a traditional Jewish person having bliss on the web because bliss requires setting DNA FREE, something Yahweh’s ancestors couldn’t do. (The physics of DNA here would then continue the hypothesis to suggest that traditional Jewish persons could not lucid dream or take memory thru death, lack of COHERENCE in genes is ironic after several hundred generations of only PLANNED gene crosses...).
Loss of the ability to initiate compression implosively in the EKG is the physics of loss of compassion which allows Jews to murder Palestinians. It is no simple reminder that the Jewish flag and Star of David - is the shape of the flag and starships of Alpha Draconis, the home of Dune’s ARRAKIS - the shape of the Arabic letter ’L’ AND the star map at Ankhor Watt.
The Jewish blood of the fallen (Nephilim) Seraphim (ASSA - REPTilian bloodline) tendency to parasite / vampirize their genetic experiment genepool (us), is the reason Thoth (Hermes /Enki) said:
What he meant was IF you find a way to IGNITE your DNA, IF you have a SOURCE of bliss, you will not REQUIRE the industries of fear (changing public relations renames extortion and piracy - skull & bones - industries of fear as insurance and banking).
Yahweh’s ancestors are the REASON Luke Skywalker (Enki) wakes up to find his dad Darth Vader is half machine... and the reason Muab Dib in DUNE wakes up to find his dad Harkonon (SARK-dauer) is half machine. And the Frodo in Lord of the RING wakes up to find his ancestor SAURON - (Assa-Uru) is half machine. Yahweh’s line is the half borg central hive computer ASHTAR whose machine code for magnetic donut domain (Dominus) symmetry to achieve GOLEM genetic engineering is called the Hebrew alphabet.
For more on what became of Enki, we have (books):
God King Akhenaton -by Daniel Stewart Genesis of the Grail Kings - by Laurence Gardner Secret Places of the Lion - by George Hunt Williamson (Brother Phillip) Tutankhamen Prophecies - by Maurice Cotterell ’The Return of Enki’ - Daniel Winter’s 3rd book (supercedes Sitchin’s - Enki Return) to which this article is a prelude
This little family drama not only extends right from the time TutankhATUN had to change his name to TutankhAMUN - and the origin of the middle east (of Edin) conflict - it is ALSO a perfect microcosm of the Orion wars. The Orion wars are the history of which Earth story is a recent skirmish. And it is the conflict which our genepool in many ways was designed to be the ’vaccine’ for.
The philosophy of the 2 branches of the central galactic core cultures which administrate the propagation of DNA across galactic spaces, became the Christian ’War in Heaven’. The Ophanim (Lucifer & Enki’s MOTHER’s blood) believed you plant a genepool (on a planet like Earth - the Drac’s did at least 300 or so) or a forest in order to nourish it, set it free (Star Trek’s PRIME DIRECTIVE) and learn from it. The fallen SARAphim (Nephilim, Drac’s & Michael - ENLIL’s Mother’s blood) -believed you plant a genepool - or a forest- on planet, IN ORDER TO HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF CUTTING IT DOWN (harvest it). (The Drac and reptilian parasite cult became Star Trek’s shape shifting bird of prey craft which became the Serbian ’ Field of Blackbirds’). This is quite a different philosophy (more of the philosophic conflict around DNA ’prime directive’ freedoms between galactic core culture’s in ’Defending Sacred Ground’ & other Alex Collier writing).
Genepools that do NOT learn bliss (ignites DNA’s implosive ability to make the gravity to bend stars) are perfect for harvesting. They NEED parasites (like the Nephilim- generally characterized by priests who tell you GOD is outside your body - example: the religious fundamentalism which elected George Bush).
Teaching BLISS (self empowerment - making DNA field effects self steering) is the ANTITHESIS of a parasite culture. Cultures which ENLIL started (Jews / most aboriginal / even most Oriental ) are places where the student is NEVER encouraged to surpass teacher and where the emphasis is generally: fear of change.
Historically for example the 12 tribes of AB-RA (RA was Enki) Abraham, the father of all religions, marries the ASSA-(Sara) from URu. But the Enlil family blood usurped Enki’s genetic experiment when Mongolian (line of Innana without Enki blood)became the Ashkanazi - the Bank of England - and took over the Jews. The real Enki blood (’lost’ tribes) became Scottish Highlander, red haired Taltos - that bloodline of Innana /Ninhursag is not badly represented by inannareturns.com where she apologizes for so cavalierly hacking up the DNA of our Cro-Magnon ancestors to make the gold mining slaves Takadam donkeys we later called Adam and Eve.
Ag and MAG-og. AG is the FIRE - AGnition of blood. MAG, DRAG, HAG. The MAG z TAK were the Melchizadek assassin priests of the Orion (TAK) wars.
We believe that our ancestor Draco Anunnaki / Enki who managed to extract (our first egg experience genetically has a rape feeling - racially) a Cro-Magnon egg into his half sister for him to impregnate - into Adam & Eve - were no more clever as genetic engineer than the soul less klutzes next to Rosslyn who made the tragic Dolly the sheep... history repeats... In fact - TAK-adama - Enki’s name for Adam and Eve means donkey or soul-less one, exactly similar to the Hebrew concept of genetics called GOLEM which ALSO means soul-less one. If today’s dead end genetic engineers had the LEAST clue of what makes DNA sustainable - the measurable coherence of the electrical field around it - which predicts whether your kids will survive death by propagating charge non-destructively, they would urgently stop the assinine disempowerment of the insulted gene and feed genes what they want in order to self-organize and self steer their fields electrically: genetic diversity, fractal charge density, freedom, and BLISS (how soul gets purpose / how intent steers waves).
Recognizing the emotion of our parents at the moment of conception helps us see the direction of the blown wind into the sail of MIGHT BECOME a soul purpose. The same is true of our race. The moment when promiscuous egocentric Enki (Ea / Merk / Ra / Abraham / Lucifer / father of Thoth / Hermes / Quetzalcoatl / Viracocha / Akhanaton later renamed Moses by lying priests) chose to use his own sperm to pop open a CroMag EGG he stuck in his own half sister to create his first fertile female.. (Eve /Ieve /Isis)
At that moment - several critical things happened:
1. a racial memory which begins with a test tube kind of rape.. 2. Enki’s mother’s PTAH (bird tribe) DNA starts an explosive bullet in the furnace of the Orion wars.. 3. Enki is doomed to fall in (pedophilic) love - with most of his genetic procreations.. 4. Enki becomes guilty of a crime: giving sperm without a permit from the Orion queen / MAGS, punishable by death in that culture. 5. Innana / Ninhursag (true origin of Goddess cult) becomes imbued with a curious kind of love guilt about her own children.. 6. Enlil now begins a murderous love hate relationship with the cyborg kids of his hated half brother whose red haired daughters constantly remind him of Enki’s mom who murdered his. The reason Yahweh’s religion today allows only sex thru a hole in the sheet and the priests Inquisition murder of 1/3 the women in Europe starting with the red haired (whose pile of gold the sick fat stupid Pope today sits dying upon).
Yahweh’s complete inability to make his own blood line interesting was the reason the Jew’s always had to lie about the true Egyptian origins of all their cultural hero’s (denying their Egyptian/Enki origin’s - see ’Out of Egypt’, ’House of the Messiah’, ’Copper Scrolls’ etc... Moses is Akhanaton, Abraham is RA-Enki). Solomon’s temple was is Cairo.
(Also - "Solomon-Falcon of Sheba: The Tombs of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba" by Ralph Ellis, Edfu Books. www.edfu-books.com, www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com - his final assertion: that the whole of Judaic, Christian and Islamic Belief and iconography were based on Egyptian antecedents.) 7. The best hope for the half Draco (Dr-AG-AN) blood (Ibi-URU) to finally rekindle the spark necessary to make an EGG able to start ENSOULMENT again begins. This Dragon’s egg dream is humpty dumpty. See the picture of the templar (Mag) priest in the chapel at Sintra Portugal (where the Drac queens staged Fatima) worshipping Magdalen (Aksenpahten the consort of Tut - with Thoth’s Nubian black madonna ’blue’/ copper Rigelian blood from Orion). That priest has a completely green and reptile face.
AND - all the KING’s horses and all the KING’s men (Yahweh’s priests) could NOT put that egg back together again (get a soul).
Let us review the penalties for not having a soul:
1. Loss of ability to time travel inside genetic field effects - without embarrassing heavy metal craft. 2. Loss of ability to lucid dream and take memory thru ’death’ 3. Loss of ability to radiate ensouling sustainability thru the thymus to create immune systems in children 4. Ultimate loss of ability to feel anything with deep emotion 5. Ultimate loss of all real long term memory 6. Loss of self-organization of DNA’s electrical field thus at the cost of ultimate ability to be truly self-steering - ultimate dependence on all addictive behaviors is the result
Note how these addictions to implosion / centers of gravity OUTSIDE self, describe most of western civilization, particularly those without a conscious bliss practice. In many cases the addiction includes going to church to have your bliss juice eaten (most churches are an astral milk house for lo grade parasites) to reduce cancer risk. (Necessary when there is no place to direct the bliss juice from within).
So what is the interpretation of the deep meaning of the Goddess legend and urge:
1. Innana cannot take total responsibility for the rape of our Cro-Magnon ancestor (the rhesus monkey RH that is missing in the RH-negative celtic /reptilian/eLIZaBETHan - I smell the blood of the An-gleish-m’an.) She even apologizes to us for raping our ancestors. We reprint below Inanna notes on Function of the Orgasm. This concept of the electrically critical role of orgasm in getting a soul into an egg for example is something completely unknown and foreign to the cloners, the rapers, and the American Medical Association which refuses to take the data to prove AUTISM linked to ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (orgasm is a charge implosion event, critical to sucking in stellar capacitance/gravity).

Innana or Ninhursag the lead Drac female children of Antu (Biki) family (which became the family of ’God’s’ described in most every culture on Earth) are CLEARLY the literal person today called origin GODDESS in all those same cultures (witness Gimbutas books). This lady (Goddess Dragon Queen / Mom - Innana - eLIZaBETH- from lizard born) is clearly telling us: she did not understand the insult to our native genepool implied when her half brother persuaded her to be the womb for an ape egg popped by Enki’s sperm.
She now feels the need to deal with the rape pain in the conception moment which effects every egg born since in that blood line (most of 4 billion ’souls’ here now). She was up to her ’tail’ in alligators having totally forgotten her initial intent was to drain the swamp (that is - redeem her fallen bloodline / genepool - humpty dumpty busted egg). HER ancestor Drac(g)o’s used the royal jelly of melatonin rich menstrual blood, later called Oil of Messeh / (crocodile juice) to make ’royal’ charge radiant child leaders (origins of the term MESSIAH as explained by Gardner who also calls this star fire from the flow-er). The skill to create avataric star navigators whose blood was fractal enough to make gravity was the ENTIRE STUFF OF LEGEND and cultural wisdom of the MAG / ASSURU / ORION QUEEN bloodline. (Study Dune’s Reverend Mothers - bee wings - ’Honey of the Queens’). The potential of a small surviving fragment of our genepool to be the vaccine in the Orion wars (older than Earth) lies specifically in the possibility we could become self-aware of the deep PRINCIPLES behind all those culturally ancient but largely unconscious legends about how to make kids immortal - hint: igniting DNA with biologically successful charge compression. That technology for fabricating successful genetic based star navigators is precisely what was on the line - the minute Enki / AbRAham telepathed back to his Dad ANTU on the home planet (Sirius was just an outpost for the home star Arrakeis in Alpha Draconis - with Thoth / Hermes son of Enki ancestry in Rigel). Enki said - hey Dad, I can genetically modify some local apes to be gold mining slaves, to feed our holy communion-spice-white gold powder, then life threatening addiction (since the Anunnaki staff carried expensively into Earth- named for EA/Enki - completely rebelled against the ghastly South African gold mining conditions).
Enlil / Yahweh was absolutely incensed that Dad gave Enki permission since he (Enlil) was a rule follower (later called Michael / Ahriman against Lucifer). The galactic rules were clear (and correct): IF YOU INTERFERE WITH INDIGENOUS GENEPOOLS ENDING THEIR FREEDOM, THE SKILL / GIFT of STAR NAVIGATING (bending gravity with ensouled implosive DNA) WILL BE LOST! What both brothers did not realize was that the potential did exist to make a genetic cross which would be an explosive combination of the best of ENKI’s winged Dragon ancestors because HIS mother was ensouled "Ptah Taal" lineage UNLIKE ENLIL. Clue: in the Sumerian where Enlil is informed only Enki (Akhanaton / Tut / Jesus ) line could be taught to bring people back from the dead... ensoul (which is really as simple as tieing the symmetry slip knot (ANU) which turns lightning into ball lightning. ) Enlil (Yahweh) like any good genepool harvesting businessman was very clear that the big dollars were made by the ones who could bend the gravity lines down the interstellar corridors. (Dune’s ’Guild Navigators’, Montauk’s "Time Empath". Jody Foster’s CONTACT Vehicle, DNA with gravity making implosion skills). BUT - Dad (ANtu) was willing to risk this intervention in the Prime Directive (Thou shalt set the characters in your dream free - if you are ever to learn from them). .. BECAUSE he felt his bloodline was doomed without the Gold Powder so abundant on Earth because of her self-embedded relationship to the gravity winds (fractality with respect to the projective geometry of capacitive charge squirted thru light speed - HOW stars experience gravity relations erotically).
The FALL of his bloodline (Nephilim: fallen ones) OUT of star bending implosive gravity making skill, was precisely part of the tragedy of the Orion Wars (humanoids ALMOST lost - when the Empire Strikes Back - for Empire read: BORG). This is what sent them scrambling for gold to Earth in the first place, Gold to fix (by fractal capactive field doping) home atmosphere - as Sitchin correctly interprets - AND Gold to EAT as Sitchin is afraid to admit, but Gardner deals with more openly (but ignores the cost to your soul of THAT addiction). So all the technology (all the kings horses and all the kings men) could not put this egg back together, a fractionated genepool precisely symbolized and contained in a broken EGG. In the course we deal with the fusing of soul groups into pods of sustainable bliss process and star navigating. This is called Amenti physics. AMENTI as Harmonic Implosion Bubble for Genepools... The Only Way Home? 2. We need to recognize, most of the human genepool was conceived out of a genetic engineering urge to fix a genetic disaster (the fall of the Nephilim is the loss of implosive ensoulment in the URU blood). The more advanced of the Draco line (the high winged Draco / ciakar / mothmen / true Saraphim - Cherubim ancestry) are correctly called SHINING ONES by Laurence Gardner. What he does not understand is what allows their blood to shine (be charge radiant) which we would suspect is very much the problem of the St. Germaine school Gardner represents. (Gold Powder addiction produces a parasitic technologically immortal but astral prison - no self-created gland juice= no accelerator ). The eggs-squeeze-site meaning of the Goddess Mothering EGG making urge is now to be the vessel or container for that perfect seed. She knows that when they came here, the reason Enki needed the ape egg was specifically because their family had lost the glandular capability to fire passion (something in EArth’s Ape ancestors they much envied). Today your government is genetically breeding your children to end the possibility of passion IF YOU LET THEM. The way not to let your government END the passion of your children (at the cost of their soul - and join the borg), is to TEACH a legitimate and scientific hygiene and practice of (immune building) BLISS! (ref 1, ref 2) The summary of this issue’s agony is that our genepool will mostly terminate here (between the solar compression called rapture and the nuclear repeat of Yahweh / Enlil history), SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OUR SCIENCE DOES NOT EVEN BEGIN TO COMPREHEND THE PHYSICS THAT OUR DNA (genes) CAN AND MUST BE CHARGE IGNITED IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN / BECOME IMMORTAL. (much less even to create sustainable immune health).
The practice of this scientific hygiene for bliss to ignite our genes and aura - to blue fire - is specifically the subject of a course (Turin is full, Oslo, London, Amsterdam, Sydney Part 1’s - S. France, Mexico, Sydney Part 2’s) the manual in detail (particularly relevant to this conversation are the chapters on the electrical effect of bliss on climate and the environment).
The story called ’The 7th Seal’ has to do with the 7th spin symmetry of the tetra which from the sound of the heart in bliss - braids the DNA thickly finally (on the 7th recursive braid bending moebius back into ITSELF. Whom does the grail serve? A: Itself!) into the RING...(lord)
7 Arrows of the Heart and 7 Colors of the Rainbow, from the Hydrodynamics of the Perfect Ink Drop?
Even as the Montauk ’Deca’Delta time antenna could only be steered by the one (Time Empath) who’s DNA exhibited that ’boson 7’ spectral emission. In order to pre-see Nostre-Damus had to weep with feeling, in order to suck the future in to his presence.
The symmetry of what DOES ensoul / ignite DNA is precisely what eluded Yahweh/Enlil limited as he was to his genetic intervention software environment - tetra only symmetry for fields - called ’Hebrew alphabet’.
He did not FEEL well enough (prehend magnetic lines by his own blood emotion).
The frustrating limitations of his prescience, becomes painfully clear as he (Yahweh) later hides his identity as the ’encoder’ in Bible Code 2. He has the equipment to foresee tragic end to his genetic interventionism, but has not the being to change it (because genes not set free can never become self-steering that requires bliss/implosion). Everywhere we look the evidence is the history of Earth as a culture of external interventionist genetic engineers: witness George Merkel MD discovery (’Sumerian Elixir’ & the fractality of the mitochondrial ’chondriana’) that the Sumerian letter alphabet was merely the optical waveguide cookie cutter templates needed to focus coherent laser light to MAKE sub-cellular organelles. This too (like the Hebrew Alphabet) was a software environment for genetic interventionism.
The feminine urge now to track ensoulment back thru the fractal contiguous spin path to the first egg, is essentially correct, as the ensouling spin came from matematrix in every indigenous culture.
We might however note, in ceremonial magic you find your place of power by locating a slip knot of magnetism in the land just under where you underwent your later months in the womb. Or more accurately in aboriginal lore, mother runs to the shaman the first time she feels baby kick in the womb. They together carve a map of the magnetism of the land just under her body from that first moment. The stone on which they draw that shape of the lands magnetism just under, where she first felt him ’self-aware’ - becomes the title deed to the land the baby is later given custodial ’dreaming rights’.
By embedding ex-cathedrally the place of leverage (from the chair), a lens to the sun is born. The women who yearn to find Goddess... are yearning for the perfect fractal spin path home, which is by definition electrically perfect grounding, perfect fractality, perfect embedding, AND inPHIknit space in which to unpack spin/memory. U-be-quite-ous-ly eggs-qui-site.
We enjoyed Castaneda’s suggestion in ’MAGical Passes’ (Kinesthetic for Shamans: Tensegrity) that the REASON the womb in a woman functions as an organ of perception/for seeing, in a way that the more projective male sex organs cannot, is precisely the electrical suction (into the focus CALLED perception) which the fractality of female ’GODDESS’ EGG making invites!

And to transition this story back to our empowering if promiscuous and cavalier Enki / EA / Merk / Ptah ... bloodline he did not really need Earth’s genepool to survive as a whole, because that never might have been possible. But it WOULD be soul-redeeming for the enterprise he began by illegally using his own sperm (abRA) to make the first fertile Eve... IF... the PRINCIPLES of ensouling/immortalizing genepools in the fire of passion/bliss COULD be somehow extracted teachable from this very small but ELegant kindergarten far from downtown..
This ’genesis’ -genes of isis- effect / ’lazarus effect’ principle could be used effectively to turn millions of planets green to feed staangel birth all over the galaxy, which by the way was Enki’s family’s more context rich homework assignment when they came here with falling DNA to mine gold powder to feed their addiction... starting our present genepool. Genepools skilled in bliss ignition fabricate the gravity bubble which fertilize star evolution, precisely what our orgasming Sun demands of us these next couple of ’rapture’ years. The real survivors of the rapture will be those who understand the electrical biological bliss hygiene of non-destructive compression, this may be somewhat bad news for those who thought addictive & disempowering miracle worship and personality worship was the rapture recipe (let’s break the news as gently to George Bush’s religious fundamentalist constituency, as he was with Arab people).
submitted by CuteBananaMuffin to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Jan/3/2021 news: __ Top-10 anti corruption charges of 2020 __ POW & search __ Russian aid __ Refugees return __ Protecting the church __ Artsakh's international recognition __ Oil & gas news __ Chess & soccer events __ Guinness World Record __ Importing more Iranian products __ Syunik borders __

Your 7-minute Sunday report in 1743 words.

10 notable anti-corruption cases in 2020

10) SIS concluded the investigation of former president Serj Sargsyan's alleged embezzlement of ֏500 million in agricultural subsidies in 2013. Serj appeared in court as a defendant in February. The case continues.
9) ex-HHK MP and ex-Soccer Federation Chief Ruben Hayrapetyan (oligarch Nemets Rubo) was charged with large-scale embezzlement. In February, he was charged with embezzling $1.5 million-worth lands belonging to the Soccer Federation. (he was earlier implicated in the case about organizing the kidnapping, extortion, and torturing of a man who allegedly stole from his restaurant)
8) ex-Yerevan Mayor and Transport Minister HHK Gagik Beglaryan was charged with embezzling ֏230 million in state property. He was also interrogated as part of a ֏23 billion embezzlement in the North-South highway construction project. His brother is implicated in a ֏85 million embezzlement case.
7) ex-Culture Minister Hasmik Poghosyan (wanted) and ex Israel Ambassador Armen Smbatyan (paid a bail) are charged with using an offshore scheme to embezzle the state property.
6) Serj Sargsyan's brother Alexander was a defendant in the case of the 14 stolen paintings by Martiros Saryan. Pashinyan announced that Alexander's $30 million bank account was frozen. Alexander agreed to return the funds to state coffers. $26 million was recovered. $7.5 million was recovered as part of Martiros Saryan's painting case. Another $19 million was recovered -- or as he says, "donated" -- for the army modernization.
5) Powerful Churchman Archbishop Kchoyan (Bentley guy) was charged as part of an investigation of the forceful appropriation of another businessman's property by using an offshore firm, which was run by several individuals, including the churchman and allegedly the former Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan. More on that here.
4) Felony case was launched over the purchase of $42 million in weapons that turned out to be dysfunctional. Pashinyan mentioned this on several occasions, blaming the former regime for "wasting resources instead of developing the army." More recently, Pashinyan criticized General Movses "Mosi" Hakobyan, saying the waste took place under his administration.
3) Serj Sargsyan's chief bodyguard Vachagan Ghazaryan and his alleged accomplices had their felony tax-evasion charges dropped after compensating ֏3 billion ($6.3 million) to state coffers.
2) Serj's son-in-law Mikael Minasyan (Povar Ishik) was charged by IRS in March after the "revelation of an unprecedented level of corruption in modern Armenian history". Minasyan is accused of illegal enrichment. The investigation continues. Minasyan is residing in Russia, which won't extradite him due to close connections.
Details on Mishik's case here, here, here, here (laptop recovered with 9000 files), here, here, here, here, maybe here, definitely here, here, here,
1) BHK leader Gagik Tsarukyan was charged with organizing an election fraud during 2017 and financial crimes by his casino Shangri La. The investigation began in late 2019 after a construction firm, with ties to Tsarukyan, paid a bribe to a Yerevan official in an unrelated incident. Tsarukyan likely learned about the pending charges against him and launched a major opposition campaign against Pashinyan, to then frame his charges as "political persecution" for being critical to the government.

protecting the church from Satanists

Former HHK MPs Shawarmazanov, Vahram Baghdasaryan, Masis Mayor, and their supporters gathered in front of Ejmiatsin cathedral to show support for the church leader Garegin B. The church was lately criticized for being politically-motivated; it has been accused of acting as the former regime's puppet for several years now.
The former MPs condemned the "attacks" and said, "no Satanists can divide our church because it has been our protector for thousands of years."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrnfWxGlguQ , https://youtu.be/Uli2kwKHtTs , https://youtu.be/FrnfWxGlguQ , https://youtu.be/Gy7PqICSYU4

Italian city Osio Sopra officially recognizes Artsakh Republic


Iranian & Chinese products to replace Turkish

Armenia will import 2250 types of products from Iran instead of Turkey, amid the 6-month ban on Turkish product imports. "This will be a good opportunity for Iranian producers. In the next step, [Armenia] will supply its required raw materials from Iran," said the chief of the Iranian trade agency.
The govt had earlier met Chinese representatives to discuss the replacement of other Turkish items with Chinese ones.

border "demarcation" process continues in Syunik

The process to install Armenian and Azeri troops continues on the new borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Syunik province. The border was formerly Syunik (Armenia) - Qashatag (formerly Artsakh).
Syunik's Shurnukh and Vorotan were built on the immediate internationally-recognized border, and some of them were on the Azeri side. As a result, a dozen buildings will go under Azeri control. Shurnukh village mayor complained about losing several houses and Azeris being too close.
Syunik governor said border guards have been installed in areas surrounding Shurnukh. Russian and Armenian guards are placed in certain parts of this 21 km border.


European Court for Human Rights has approved a petition by Armenia to implement emergency measures to require Azerbaijan to share information about the conditions of 23 POWs.
"So far, such petitions were approved for 80 POWs, 18 of whom have already returned home," said Armenia's representative in Court.
Armenia's HR Ombudsman Tatoyan criticized Aliyev for calling Armenian POW soldiers "terrorists" and for keeping them arrested, which delays the swap process.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039433.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039480.html

New Years Eve memorial concert in Yerablur Pantheon:


casualties & search operations

1145 bodies have been found on battlefields since the ceasefire; 10 of them on Saturday. Several crews continue the search in Martuni, Martakert, and Jabrayil regions.
3330 bodies have been found since the beginning of the war. Some of them are yet to be identified. 436 were identified by DNA analysis, 871 are pending. The DNA process is slow so the govt decided to buy the second device.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039447.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039483.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039500.html

Azeri civilian wounded from a landmine explosion

... in the Fizuli region that went under Azeri control during the war. Azeri prosecutors launched an investigation. In turns out, some Azeri civilians visit these areas without allowing the sappers to clear the areas from landmines first. So far, 10 Azeris have died or received injuries from such explosions after the ceasefire.

Russian sappers in Artsakh

... have cleared 400 hectares of lands, 151 km of roads, and 617 buildings from 16,000 explosives. Video of URAN vehicle helping sappers to clear land: https://youtu.be/uZOXWsE4Pvw

Russian peacekeepers to live in modular housing

They built the second rapid-deployment modular mini-town in Getavan, after finishing one in Stepanakert earlier. Another one will be built in Berdashen this month. The blocs will house 300 peacekeepers. They will have access to various convenience shops.

Russian humanitarian aid in Artsakh

Russia sent 5,000 m2 glass for window replacement, 70 tons of metal parts, 34000 bedding items, to Martuni and Martakert cities. Earlier they sent 20 mobile electricity generators to help the areas that were cut off from the main electric grid.
Russian doctors have so far treated 1044 Artsakh residents with various complaints. There are medical teams that travel in rural areas to provide care, including mental health services. The doctors received New Year's gifts from the medical administrator Oleg Bagayev.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039453.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039463.html

more Artsakh refugees return their homes

220 did so on Friday. So far, 47000 residents crossed the Lachin road while returning to their homes.

GazProm has extended the gas contract with Armenia

... with the same pricing until 1Q21. More negotiations will take place later.

oil, gas, and... crypto mining??

Under the threat of US sanctions, a Norwegian agency will not certify the Russian Nordstream-2 pipeline, which intends to deliver 56 billion (?) cubic meters of gas from Russia to Germany annually. Trump administration has been pushing hard to sell American liquified gas to Europe.
Russia has another new gas pipeline called TurkStream. Its section located in Serbia began operating on Friday. It'll deliver Russian gas to Europe through Turkey. The US said it will impose sanctions in the event TurkStream expands with new pipes in the future.
https://www.azatutyun.am/a/31029599.html , https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy/news/additional-line-to-turkish-stream-would-face-us-sanctions/
Azeri gas pipeline TAP began delivering gas to several cities in Italy. Azeri gas travels through Georgia, Turkey, and Greece. It's co-sponsored by BP.
Russian energy giant Gazpromneft built a cryptocurrency mining facility in one of its Siberian oil drilling sites. They will dig gas, burn it, turn into energy, then use it to mine the coins. Good luck competing with your NVIDIA RTX crap (that is if you have one, pleb).

employee of the month

Italian soccer club Roma's midfielder Henrikh Mkhitaryan has been declared the best Roman player of December after a voting.

chess news

Levon Aronyan (two-times world cup winner) competed in Airthings Masters finale against Teymur Rajabov (current world cup winner). They played two rounds. Rajabov won the tournament.
Aronyan preserves his FIDE ranking. He is the 6th in the world. The leader is Magnus Carlsen.
https://chess24.com/en/watch/live-tournaments/champions-chess-tour-airthings-masters-2020-prelims/8/1/2 , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039458.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039477.html , https://factor.am/325895.html

world's smallest chess playing just for you

Ara Ghazaryan from Los Angeles built the world's smallest chess and made it into the Guinness World Records book. It's 8x8 millimeter.
"Ara Ghazaryan is an Armenian American artist who uses jewelry to express his art and formerly held this record title. The chess board itself is made from 18 k yellow and white gold with Armenian apricot wood and rests on a frame made of platinum, 18 k yellow gold, rubies, and diamonds. The figures measure in height from 1 mm for the pawns to 2.4 mm for the kings."
Photo: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/78603-smallest-handmade-chess-set

COVID stats

+1088 tested. +229 infected. +14 deaths. +451 healed. 12398 active.

COVID hotline

Healthcare Ministry has a new "Coronavirus Hotline" number you can call if you've been diagnozed with COVID and need assistance.

HimnaDram.org entertains hundreds of children

The All Armenia Fund has transported 600 Artsakh children and their parents, residing in various provinces of Armenia, to watch performances in Yerevan's Tumanyan Puppet theater. Santa, Dzyunanush, and the Elves surprised the children with gifts in the end. The Foundation will help thousands of children by the end of January.

daily եռուզեռ in Stepanakert's main market

It's bustling again after a temporary pause during the war:

donations for Artsakh & recovering soldiers

www.1000plus.am (recovering soldiers & their families)
www.HimnaDram.org (for Artsakh & Armenia)
www.ArmeniaFund.org (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older posts

Armeniapedia's archive of my daily news threads:


All the accused are considered innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "sound" guilty.
Edit: corrected typos in church news.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Jan/6/2020 news: __ A1+ TV outlet lost broadcasting license in 2003; suing Govt to recover it __ Armenia celebrates Christmas __ How exactly was Jesus born? Church gives you the TLDR __ COVID vaccines; President's family; Pashinyan isolated __ Baker's story __ Humanitarian aid __ RyanAir travel

Your 7-minute Wednesday report in 1738 words.

Armenian Church celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ / Here is how events unfolded

Ejmiatsin Holy See: God became human and appeared to humans. During the baptism of Christ, God the Father said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Then the Holy Spirit took the shape of a dove and descended on Christ. This is why we celebrate two events of revelations on January 6th.
We serve a holy liturgy in the morning. Then comes the blessing of the water, during which a cross is submerged in water. This signifies the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River.
The liturgist blesses the water with a cross and then with myrrh. The believers take some of this water home to heal those who suffer from illnesses. Then a priest visits the homes of the believers to announce the birth of Christ. This is where the Տնօրհնեք originated from.
the birth of Jesus Christ
The emperor Augustine ordered a population census. Every citizen went to their birthplace to register. St. Joseph (Jesus's foster father) and St. Virgin Mary were in Bethlehem. Pregnant St. Mary's due date arrived but they couldn't find an available tavern to spend the night, so they found a cave, where St. Mary gave birth to Jesus. Jesus was born in poverty, which is the true symbol of our souls.
The nearby shepherds witnessed the birth. They were informed about the event by angels, who guided them to the birthplace with a song. Then came the [zoroastrian pirests], guided by a star in the skies. They worshiped and gave gifts to Jesus before returning home.
Armenian Apostolic Church is the only church that celebrates Christmas on January 6th.

Video: Liturgy in Yerevan's St. Gregory Illuminator church


French MP Valeria Boyer wrote:

I think of the Armenians of Artsakh on Christmas, the victims of a new genocide. I am thinking of Father Hovhannès Hovhannissyan and of the Dadivank Monastery. I think of this threatened heritage. I think of these massacres of Christians. Let’s not forget them, denounce and fight.

French-Armenian soccer world champion Youri Djorkaeff

... is spending the Christmas holidays in Armenia with his family. As part of a joint project with SoftConstruct, he organized an event for hundreds of Artsakh refugees. They received tablets to help with remote education.

Christmas music in Stepanakert

The State Symphony Orchestra of Armenia performed Christmas music in the backyard of Stepanakert's St. Astvatsamor Hovanu church. Artsakh church leader Pargev Archbishop congratulated everyone and wished a peaceful year.

Pashinyan "self-isolated due to pandemic" / Shares a Matthew verse

PM's spokeswoman says Pashinyan is self-isolated due to the pandemic and wasn't able to attend a Christmas liturgy in Ejmiatsin church.
Pashinyan shared a verse by Matthew 7:6-8: Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Քրիստոս Ծնավ եւ Հայտնեցավ, Մեզ եւ Ձեզ Մեծ Ավետիս.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039581.html , https://factor.am/326190.html , https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%207%3A6-8&version=NIV

COVID stats & news

+1462 tested. +309 infected. +12 deaths. +817 healed. 11695 active.
President Armenian Sarkissian's wife Nune also tested positive with COVID. The President was diagnosed yesterday.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039578.html , https://factor.am/326254.html

COVID vaccine authorized in Europe

The EU has authorized Armenian-American Nubar Afeyan's MODERNA to become the second vaccine provider in the EU. This will increase the number of available vaccines by 160 million in the near future. Another 300 million will be purchased from Pfizer.
MODERNA will deliver next week. Germany will get 2 million in the first phase, and reach 50 million by the end of 2021. "The problem is the shortage of production capacity with global demand."
More: https://apnews.com/article/eu-authorizes-moderna-vaccine-925e91f8de26c517d18fd6b99458a132

what about COVID vaccine in Armenia?

Armenia is testing the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. Earlier, Healthcare Minister Torosyan said they were negotiating with WHO to obtain certain quantities of other types of vaccines ASAP. There hasn't been much news about that lately.
Today, Foreign Ministries of 13 EU states wrote a letter, urging the EU to provide COVID vaccines to eastern partners Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. They want it delivered in Spring.

quarantine extended by 6 months

Earlier, the govt passed a new law to establish the idea of countrywide "Quarantine". It's less strict than a full-blown lockdown that Armenia implemented during the first period of the pandemic. Armenia has been under "Quarantine" in the past 4 months. It will be extended by another 6 months.

A1+ media outlet talks about licensing issues under Kocharyan / Pending lawsuits

A1+ was a TV outlet that lost its broadcasting license under the Kocharyan administration. In 2003, the Broadcasting Regulator held 7 licensing auctions. A1+ didn't win any of them. A1+ says it was because they were independent and could criticize the Kocharyan govt.
They participated in 13 licensing auctions later, and still couldn't win any.
They contacted the European Court for Human Rights, and in 2008 it ruled that the freedom of expression was violated. Yet the Armenian courts had ruled on 7 occasions that nothing illegal happened against A1+.
A1+ founder believes the "censorship was done under the orders of President Kocharyan and carried out by several individuals", and that it served as a message for other outlets to "keep their mouths shut."
After the 2018 revolution, the A1+ founder saw an opportunity to restore justice and contacted the court again. He is suing the Armenian government and the TV Broadcasting Regulator to get the license back. The outlet didn't want to go to court earlier, believing that the courts were controlled by Robo-Serj administrations.
Licensing slots are limited. If A1+ wins, that means some other outlet could lose its existing license. Some have interpreted this as an attempt by A1+ to harm their colleagues. A1+ says they just want a fair licensing process and the plaintiff is only the Government and The Broadcasting Regulator, and not their colleagues.
Plaintiff Broadcasting Regulator, which is an independent institute that isn't part of the government, believes that no laws were broken when A1+ lost its license. They want the court to toss A1+'s lawsuit.
In turn, A1+ believes that although technically the law wasn't broken, it wasn't applied fairly, and it wasn't applied the way that the lawmakers envisioned the law when they wrote it.
The second plaintiff, the Armenian government, has been a "no-show" and didn't participate in recent court hearings. The government hasn't commented on the story yet but they hinted that the only plaintiff, in this case, should be the Broadcasting Regulator.
A1+ believes that the government should also be a plaintiff and testify in court because the Kocharyan government was actively involved with influencing the Broadcasting Regulator's decisions in 2003.

earthquake in north

A 3.3M earthquake struck southern Georgia. It was felt in northern Armenia with a 2-3M strength.

Pashinyan and Emmanuel Macron held a conversation

... to discuss humanitarian issues in Artsakh. Pashinyan thanked Macron for the support during the difficult days. They also discussed economic cooperation.

Aliyev upset over yesterday's meeting between MFAs

The Armenian MFA is in Artsakh to meet Artsakh counterparts, discuss ongoing efforts for Artsakh's international recognition, and to celebrate Christmas. Baku called MFA Ayvazyan's visit to Artsakh a "provocation" and "illegal".

clashes between Azeri police and families of deceased soldiers

The Azeri police were criticized after a video circulated showing the police follow and harass family members of Azeri soldiers who died during the war. The families were complaining that their sons were buried in cemeteries that are in poor shape. The Internal Affairs Ministry issued an apology over the police conduct.

"border changes" on Artsakh-Azerbaijan LoC

Artsakh Security Council Balasanyan gave an interview to Russian RIA Novosty, during which he accused Azerbaijan of slowly encroaching on the Artsakh lands in some regions. He said the Russian peacekeepers were made aware and "the issues were partially resolved and there is some positive development in this regard."

POWs and search operations

Today the search crews discovered four soldiers' bodies near Mataghis (northern Artsakh). They will move further north towards Talish for more searches. Another crew is working in the Hadrut region.

Artsakh refugees & humanitarian aid

178 Artsakh refugees returned to their homes today. They were accompanied by Russian peacekeepers and Armenian Military Police.
Russian sappers have so far cleared 417ha of lands and 161 km of roads from 19,600 explosives.
https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039580.html , https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039582.html

low-cost airlines Ryanair recommends travelers to visit Yerevan

Ryanair launched its low-cost flights to Armenia last year. The airlines published a new guide for travelers: "Armenia, located on the border of Eastern Europe and Asia, is a growing tourist hotspot, where everyone will find what they need: historical sites, interesting culture, extreme sports, delicious Armenian cuisine. Its capital Yerevan is also called the "Pink City" because the buildings are built of pink stone. If you want to expand the geography of your travels, Yerevan could be your destination in 2021."

soccer news (spoilers)

Roma played against Crotone. Henrikh Mkhitaryan's ball pass in the 8th minute resulted in a goal. Henrikh himself scored an 11-meter penalty goal, securing a victory for his team. Roma is in 3rd place in the Italian league.
Video: https://armenpress.am/arm/news/1039607.html

video: baker's business after the war

Liana Atayan works as a baker in Artsakh's Askeran region. She routinely travels to Stepanakert to sell the goodies in the market. Liana had to evacuate during the war. It's been a month since she returned home and resumed her business. Coronavirus has been a major hurdle; it resulted in decreased sales. It further aggravated the problem after the war. "We want to stay strong and see what happens next," said Liana.
Full: https://youtu.be/Hq3RRgbvH5Y?t=9

how to donate to Artsakh & recovering soldiers

www.1000plus.am (recovering soldiers & their families)
www.HimnaDram.org (for Artsakh & Armenia)
www.ArmeniaFund.org (U.S. tax-deductible)

archive of older posts

Armeniapedia's archive of my daily news threads:


All the accused are considered innocent unless proven guilty in the court of law, even if they "sound" guilty.
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Copyright law is pretty strict in Germany that means you are not allowed to upload or download or distribute copyright protected content. With bittorrent your are automatically sharing files when you download which is illegal. Downloading in Germany: Legal or illegal? When living abroad it is important to be aware of the legality related to the information you obtain through an internet connection. In other words, is it legal to download web content in Germany? There are a number of legal ways of consuming video in Germany. There are several major streaming services, the biggest of which are Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Maxdome, and Sky Go. These services cost a monthly fee and give access to that streaming service's library of TV shows, movies, etc. Warning on Illegal Downloads in Germany. February 6, 2017 ISGAdmin Living in Germany 0. ... In Germany, ignorance of the law will not be counted as an excuse. Of course, most law firms are aware of the fact that students/visitors do not have much money. However, if violations are made, one must pay fines if they download anything illegally. Illegal download of copyrighted material in Germany – What you should know: What am I really guilty of ? German laws concerning file-sharing are pretty strict and clearly condemn any kind of file sharing activity related to copyrighted content.While both download and upload are condemned by law, it’s really in reality the uploading part of the process that will be rewarded with a warning ... Click on one of the links(*) below to be redirected to the reporting website of your country. If your country is not listed, visit INHOPE – the International Organisation of Internet Hotlines. Different types of illegal content may include online sexual abuse material, online grooming and hate speech. is streaming illegal in Germany? (Munich) By Community Member . Views 3019 Hello dear expats, I want to have a more clear idea about what is legal and what is not when you surf online here in Germany. Most of all, as an expats, that misses some interesting movies and programs ... Using legal streaming websites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Apple TV, YouTube etc. is completely legal in Germany. Disclaimer This article was not written to promote sharing copyrighted material without permission, but to inform its readers about the current laws and the methods used by German pirates. In Germany? No way. It will be confiscated, but you can sue the seller to get your money back. With bad luck, because they most probably be broke and in prison for selling stolen goods. But illegal download, even if it will be made illegal, is not stealing and will never be because theft is always associated with damage.

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