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The Mods of WSB & A Coordinated AMC Pump

Going to be editing this with info as I come across it. Please DM me if you have anything to add. Many of you have reached out and I've complied a lot of evidence. I realize now that these pumps originated in Discord groups, but this is something I am still actively looking into and won't be including here.
Users of wallstreetbets (and also places like Stockwits, amcstock, and Youtube chats) attempted a coordinated pump on AMC (& GME) today, Feb. 3rd. These comments are still avaible. The fact they are still up and that I found them very easily means that the mods are not able to moderate their community well enough to stop coordinated pumps. There is not evidence that shows the mods were in on coordinated pump, but the fact that they were unable to stop it taking place shows that the subreddit has grown far too big to be managed by a team of 35 mods.
There is evidence that some mods owned both AMC and GME, and it is possible they held these shares while the coordinated pump was happening in threads they were supposed to be moderating (proof of GME ownership at the bottom).
Coldcutcombo69 was mod on WSB during the AMC coordinated pump. Here is them claiming that they were a mod on WSB. This image of mods before and after the day of the pump confirms they were a mod during the AMC pump-and-dump.
Coldcutcombo69 posted a picture of them having a sell order on their AMC stock that never hit, making it possible they owned AMC shares during the coordinated pump.
Coldcutcombo69 also posted some kind of DD thread about AMC two days ago, promoting the stock here. The content of this post has been removed. This post promoting AMC was made while Coldcutcombo69 was a moderator.
Coldbutcombo69 was a moderator during the AMC coordinated pump. They are no longer a moderator as of the time of this post, only a few hours later. They confirmed this here. A WSB mod was posting comments and threads promoting AMC while possibly still holding AMC shares, and a pump-and-dump occurred in the daily threads that they (along with others) were supposed to be moderating.
turdled is currently a WSB mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
turdled's claim was false. Coldcutcombo69 had been a moderator for 25 days. During that time they posted comments and threads promoting AMC, while providing evidence that they actually owned AMC shares. A moderator (who may command more respect in a community of 8.5 million people) promoting a stock is wrong, and the mods clearly believe that is the case since they said they don't do it. But at least one of them did. It could be that Coldcutcombo69 was removed because they were promoting AMC, but they had been doing this for days and were only removed a few hours ago.
ZJZ (a well known moderator) posted this today and was removed as a mod. The head mods also removed more mods, cutting the number of mods from from 62 mods to 37. Coldbutcombo69 was cut from the mod team at this time. It seems very suspicious to me that the head mods removed a bunch of mods from their positions after the events of today, especially because one of those ex-mods had been promoting AMC so much while being a mod.
Note: there is some kind of extended purge happening within the mod team right now. The mod team started at 62, then was cut with ZJZ to 37, then 36, now it's down to 35. EDIT: Two new mods have been added, bringing the count back up to 37. One of them tried posting something in a WSB thread, but their comment was deleted by the auto-mod because they have never posted in WSB before. Here is some proof of what's going on there.
ZJZ has exposed that there are bad actors on the mod team, using their power on the sub to try and make cash off movie deals and crypto scams. This at least adds weight to the points im raising in this thread.
EDIT: There was a thread on WSB by a moderator trying to explain what happened with the mod team. You can see that thread here. There is a lot of push back in the thread. The mod's claim is that the profit from the movie deal would have been given to charity. This may not be true, as Discord logs show another mod asking what their profit will be from the movie deal, asking "What's our cut.". Infighting with the mods seems to be a continued issue with a mod changing the subreddit description from the classic "like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal" to this. This change was instantly reverted.
MOD UPDATE 2/4: It seems that the moderator team has changed again. 23 mods now remain. OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR is now listed as the most senior mod, and they have allowed this thread to stay up. The mod reports that the Reddit admins have stepped in.
Statement from Reddit admins, according to OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR: "After reviewing this situation based on input from both current and past moderators, we have decided to remove several moderators at the top of the list that were creating instability in the community." Source.
NEW INFO: I've also been sent a good amount of evidence from multiple people indicating these types or coordinating buying and selling schemes were happening on places like Youtube, Twitch, and Discord. All of these groups seem to be composed of WSB/WSB spinoffs users. These users would spam hash tags, spam and raid Twitch channels, and coordinate these social media pushes with timed buying and selling of GME/AMC/BB/NOK. It is possible (and looks likely to me) that the timed pumps you see below were organized by a Discord group. I have collected a lot of evidence on this front, but this evidence of the real organizers of the pump is something I might have to pass along to someone who is more experienced at dealing with this stuff.
The AMC Pump
Here is evidence of the coordinated pump by users on WSB. The coordinated pump effort occurred in the daily thread, but also spilled out into some posts. Note: I have yet to see any comments/posts that moderators made showing them participating in the coordinated pump effort. It is not known if they knew about these comments or not.
"AMC 1 pm LET FUCKING GO" - WildPhoenix55 58 upvotes. Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"AMC 2 DA MOON @ 1PM EST" - OutlandishnessOk4137 Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"watching that 1pm movie"
At 1 PM, we’re going to the Moon! Get ready! 🚀 🚀 🚀Discussion *Note that this thread was 6 days ago. Still strange that it was not taken down
Comments in this thread talking about 1 PM pump
EVIDENCE THE 1 PM PUMP WORKED: 1 PM seems to be the main time that was set. You can actually see the coordinated pump spike the price of AMC up to $9.70 right after 1 PM. You can also see the massive amount of volume increase during that time as well. Volume between 1:00-1:05 shot up to 8,725,700. This was the highest volume for a 5 min period all day. Check it out here.
It was also reported to me that some users received DM's about the pump. If you are reading this and received any kind of DM like this, please message me. After seeing the first pump work successfully, they tried it again 1 hour later. Here are a swarm of comments made coordinating the pump for 2 PM.
"2 shares at 2 pm AMC!!" EDIT: This account has been deleted. You can view a picture of this post here.
"Everyone buy 2 shares of AMC and 2pm let’s rush these heggies 💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀" "AMC at 2 !!!!" "2 AMC shares @2pm rush" "AMC at 2. Let’s give them some payback🚀" "do i buy now or at 2" "Buy AMC at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific. 2pm is when it’s happening."
The 2PM coordinated pump was not as successful. It could be that some users were confused with the time differences. Either way, there was still a marked increase of volume during the 5 min period of 2:00-2:05 which also resulted in the stock re-testing its daily high. Check it out here.
You can actually watch a Youtuber Trey's Trades see the pump at 2 PM in action. He is reading comments on a WSB spin-off subreddit amcstock. You can see people spamming chat for people to buy at 2 PM. Here is the video. The fact that this guy's stream chat is filled with a pump-and-dump scheme and he did nothing about it is pretty telling.
I've backed up the comments and info here. If you find anything else suspicious about this, please DM me. I want to make it clear that there isn't evidence that the mods participated in the pump. But the pump-and-dump (which is illegal) happened under the watch of the mod team. They may have tried to stop it, but 8.5 million people is a lot. If they didn't think they could keep the place running without illegal things happening in the comment sections, they should have set the sub to private and put in proper pre-cautions first.
EDIT: This pump also occurred for GME and users in the GME thread were able to comment about it. None of these comments are removed and they exist in very large numbers. They are mostly heavily downvoted, but the fact they are able to stay up means the mods failed at their job.
Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 Comment 4 Comment 5 Comment 6 Comment 7 Comment 8 Comment 9 Comment 10 Comment 11
The volume spikes do show an uptick in volume around 1PM and around 2PM, but they are not as strong as the AMC boost in volume. The volume during these times were high, but they weren't the highest points in the day for GME.
EDIT: I want to make it clear to people who are saying "those are just bot accounts." Bots are still controlled by humans. If bot spam cannot be caught and deleted, that means 8.5 million people are exposed to pump-and-dump schemes run by bots. It does not reflect any better on the mods if the comments are made by humans or made by bots controlled by humans. It is now a day later, and still none of the comments have been removed by a moderator or moderator bot.
UPDATE: Wall Street Bets has completely removed any post talking about ZJZ and his post about the head mods trying to engage in crypto scams and strange movie deals. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.) The rising sections is now completely filled low-effort, small text posts that are only pushing $GME. Here are those threads. Low-effort threads like these are explicitly against WSB rules. Why are mods letting rule-breaking, ticker spamming posts stay up?
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
WSB mods are banning users for mentioning ZJZ and his post. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.)
Mods Removing Negative GME Posts
I started digging into this when I posted to Wall Street Bets with a post containing some information about GME. The post pushed back against some of the "GME revolutiuon" talking points. It was a pretty tame post, meet all the guidelines for posting, and contained enough content to warrant staying up. The post was removed by the mods, but you can still see it up here. The content of the post was a combo of these two comments I made. This comment here and this comment here. Somebody in the comments recommended I make the contents of the comment into a separate post- which I did until it was removed.
The moderators removed this post, the removal states: "Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
I sent a DM to the mods asking why exactly the post was removed. I have not been given a reply. Does the content of the post I made (pt.1 / pt.2) break any of their rules? Why would the mods remove a post containing that info?
Even worse, the exact contents of the post I made exist in comment form and are still up. If the info somehow breaks their rules, why leave it up in the comment section? Why haven't they removed the comments that contain the EXACT wording I used in my post?
It seems very strange to me that a post I made that contained some research to counter act the "GME Revolution" narrative would be singled out removal for "keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
The front-page of Wall Street Bets is FILLED will positive memes and DD that supports GME. There is not a single negative post about GME on the entire front page that I can find. Why not leave up some negative DD and let the community downvote/upvote it?
The mods will let the comment section of threads get filled up with misinformation (GME SI being 226% is a common one that is easily debunked, yet is posted every 5 min in daily threads). People are gambling their life savings on outdated information yet when I make a post to push back against some of the common GME arguments, it gets removed.
Mods removing negative GME posts is unethical because WSB mods own GME shares.
jamsi is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "I just received this e-mail from Robinhood. I am no longer using Robinhood for any of my purchases. Only keeping my $GME - not selling." Here is the comment.
Swedish_Chef_Bork_x3 is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "Another $2k locked and loaded to buy in tomorrow. Feels like fucking Helm’s Deep in here. I have tomorrow off work, gonna get drunk and hope I don’t sleep through my alarm.". Here is the comment.
rawbdor is listed as a mod under the Moderators section of Wall Street Bets. rawbdor posted a comment saying: "The price is going to plummet hard no matter what we do. The real question is, will they be able to steal our shares in the process. They can drop the price all they want on low volume. But they'll never be able to buy it back unless you sell it to them."
A link to that comment is here.
This comment makes it pretty obvious that rawbdor owns some shares in GME, right? Saying things like our shares implies they own some.
ITradeBaconFutures is also listed as a mod. They made it clear that "Mods did not trade GME". You can find that comment here.
turdled is listed as a mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
One mod claims that mods don't trade GME, when its obvious from the three examples above that they did. Another says they don't comment or promote trades, which is also a lie. Other mods have been doing that. They also "promote" trades when they remove content that argues the other side of GME. If the only content they allow on the front-page is GME Positive content, they are promoting that content.
WSB has a mod team of 35 accounts moderating 8.5 million people. CNBC gets about 200k viewers at peak hours, while WSB has almost a million viewing it at a time when the market is open.
The mods could simply send me a DM and explain why my post was removed. They haven't. Market manipulation is bad. It's bad when investment firms do it and its bad when retail investors do it. The mods could DM me right now and say "Hey, here is the reason the post was removed." They haven't. If they do send me a DM, I will post an update here.
Now-former WSB mod ZJZ, in a removed & locked post, accused dormant top mods of coming back to siphon media coverage, potential movie rights, and springboard a cryptocurrency, while suppressing other mods
Coldcutcombo69, a moderator on WSB, was posting comments and threads promoting AMC. A coordinated AMC pump happened in the daily threads and comments that this moderator (and others) were tasked with moderating. This mod was removed as a moderator after this thread was posted. Coldcutcombo69 held AMC stock before the pump, but it is unclear if they held or sold that stock around or after the time of the coordinated pump.
Today, several users, but no mods, in a discussion thread attempted to push buys of AMC at 1 & 2 PM EST. Those times would later coincide with high volumes of stock trades for the day. Similar coordination was attempted by users (no mods) for GME.
WSB's front page is filled with only positive coverage of GME (here's a snapshot), while they removed my post containing negative GME DD with no legitimate reason given.
Mods are holding GME contradicting another high level mod's comment that "mods did not trade $GME". Mods made a false statement that they don't promote stocks, as one of them clearly did. You can also see the other mods comments about GME as also promoting stock.
Tervia's comment here has good info on Reddit moderation.
submitted by brave_potato to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

DDDD - How r/wallstreetbets Created a Financial Weapon of Mass Destruction

Inspired by the recent events in wallstreetbets causing $GME, $BB, and $BBRY, among other historically highly shorted stocks to surge just to spite some rich people in wall street, I've decided to come out of retirement from wallstreetbets and publish a new edition of DDDD (Data-Driven DD) covering the exact mechanics that made this possible. I’ll also introduce those of you that are unfamiliar how wallstreetbet’s favorite gambling device, stock options, actually work and how they can be used by this subreddit as a weapon of mass destruction against hedge funds like Melvin - all dumbed down to a fifth grade reading level so that the average person in this subreddit will mostly understand what I’m talking about.
Disclaimer - This is not financial advice, and a lot of the content below is my personal opinion. In fact, the numbers, facts, or explanations presented below could be wrong and be made up. Don't buy random options because some person on the internet says so. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions on what you should do with your own money, and how levered you want to be based on your personal risk tolerance.


How It Works
Most traditional (i.e. boomer) investors usually try to make money by going long - i.e. “buy low and sell high”; this is when you buy a stock thinking it will go up in the future (bullish). Shorting is the opposite of this, you “sell high and buy low”, thinking the stock will go down in the future (bearish). This is usually done through the broker, where the prospective short seller would “borrow” the shares from them, and they would need to pay back these shares in some future date by “covering their shorts” - or buying back the exact same quantity of shares they owe the broker.
For example, imagine that there were only 10 Surprised Pikachu Pokemon cards in the world. Because nobody wants to deal with taking physical possession of these cards and risk losing their Pokemon card in their laundry or something, everyone pays a Pokemon card dealer a small fee to store it for them. Through their dealer, you can buy and sell these Pokemon cards as well. A 🌈🐻 realizes that maybe Pokemon cards are dumb and borrows 2 Surprised Pikachu cards (who has a prearranged agreement with some institutional Pokemon card hoarder to loan them out for interest) and sell them for $420 each, thinking that they're actually work $100 at most, and plans to buy the Pokemon cards back at that price to repay his Pokemon card loan (i.e. covering their shorts) - this is a short sale. Since no one actually wants to physically hold these Pokemon cards, these cards physically stay with the dealer who could then lend out these exact same Pokemon card if the buyer also has an agreement to allow them to do so. This means that you can actually have people owing more than the total number of Surprised Pikachu Pokemon cards in existence (i.e. short interest > 100%).
Replace “Surprised Pikachu Pokemon card” with stocks and “Pokemon card dealer” with “broker” and you have a short sale of shares. Interestingly enough, this also applies 80% to how banks work as well.
Short Squeezes
So when does a short seller need to cover their shorts? Well, either when a) The short seller wants to, either to take profit or to stop a loss, b) Their broker forces them to through a margin call, or c) The broker forces them to as the broker has recalled their loan, usually for a hard to borrow stock - they get “bought in”. Today, we’ll focus on C) because this is how short squeezes happen.
So, what does a broker recalling their loan mean? Well, to go back to the Pokemon card example, imagine that the dealer only has 6 Surprised Pikachu Pokemon cards that he’s legally allowed to loan out. Some more 🌈🐻 short sells all the 6 remaining Pokemon cards until the dealer has no more available on hand. So what happens when someone wants to buy a Surprised Pikachu Pokemon Card and doesn’t want the dealer to lend out their cards? He’ll have to force one of those 🌈🐻 to buy back the card that they owe them so the dealer can give it to the prospective buyer. But who can the 🌈🐻 buy back the card from? The dealer. But the dealer doesn’t have any cards to sell, so they need to force another 🌈🐻 to cover so that the former 🌈🐻 can cover their shorts. This vicious cycle repeats and leads towards a sudden surge in demand for Surprised Pikachu Pokemon cards and a spike in prices for it - a short squeeze.
The Institutional Factor
One thing alluded above was that shares can only be borrowed from *some* share holders, but not all. So who exactly can and does a broker typically borrow these shares from? These are usually margin accounts of either institutional and sometimes (although much less frequently) retail investors. Usually, when an entity signs a margin agreement, which allows them to borrow either cash or shares from the broker, they give permission to the broker to also lend out their shares in the process, and thereby also give up their voting rights - in case you’ve ever wondered who actually the share *actually* belonged to in shareholders meetings. Since almost every institution except Warren Buffet uses margin to a certain extent, and not that many retail investors do, especially given that retirement accounts are forbidden to use margin, and it’s much easier to “find” one big source of TSLA shares from one big institution with a margin account rather than find thousands of smaller margin retail accounts who hold TSLA shares, so most of the time, these shares are being borrowed from an institution (i.e. pension fund, hedge fund). This means that shares that are almost disproportionately held by retail investors are much harder to short because they’re harder to borrow from the broker, and retail-heavy stocks like HTZ, GME, NIO, and NKLA, which virtually no institutions actually hold, will demand high interest rates when shorting and the sellers can much more easily be forced to cover during a short squeeze.

Stock Options

What are Stock Options
A stock option is a contract between the writer and whoever holds it that gives the option holder the right to buy (call option) or sell (put option) 100 shares of the underlying stock on or before the expiry date at a specified strike price. So for example, buying a GME 1/29 $1000c gives whoever the holder of this contract is the option to buy from the writer of this contract 100 shares of GME at $1000 / share on or before 1/29. Obviously if GME is lower than $1000 before that date, the holder would be an idiot to exercise this option to buy GME shares for more than their current market value, so they expire worthless.
This effectively provides the option holder an immense amount of leverage, and provides the opportunity for them to 10x or even 100x their original investment if the underlying asset moves the right way - for example because a subreddit declares war on a hedge fund and pumps up a stock to make them go bankrupt, while limiting their losses to the cost of the option. The option writer will in return receive a premium for the option, potentially risking an infinite amount of money, but with a high likelihood of making a small profit. These writers would either be
  1. Theta gang - who are looking to generate a tidy income source from those option premiums and pray that the stock doesn’t move in the wrong direction too much
  2. A market maker - who writes the contract when they see an arbitrage opportunity between the market value of an option and the theoretical value of it, and hedging their contract they wrote by buying / shorting the underlying assets so they effectively don’t actually take a position in the market.
We’ll go over how 2) works and how this mechanism can be used as a financial nuclear bomb, but first you need to learn some greek.
The Greeks
The greeks in finance is a set of factors that can affect the price of a stock option / group of options
Delta - Change of the option price as the stock price changes
Gamma - Change in Delta as the stock price changes
Vega - Change in the option price as volatility of the stock changes
Theta - The decay in the option price as the expiration date gets nearer
Rho - Change of the option price as the interest rate changes; Most people ignore this
Looking at the greeks of the gambling tickets you buy is very useful to analyzing the ways you can make or lose money on them. Think TSLA will go up a modest amount? Buy a high-Delta call. Think GME is going to 🚀🚀🚀 1000% more? Look for a high Gamma call so your Delta gains accelerate as GME 🚀🌕. Do you feel like a vampire and want to have a steady income source from degenerate wallstreetbet gamblers on a stock you think will go flat (relative to historical volatility) over the next few months? Join theta gang and sell a high-Theta and high-Vega option!
Market Makers
The Black-Scholes model is a fancy mathematical model that describes a “perfect price” (a lot of caveats here) for a stock option. This is done by showing how every option written can theoretically be perfectly hedged by a series of purchases or short sells on the underlying stock. This means that theoretically, if there is a large gap between the theoretical price from Black Scholes and the actual price for an option, there is an “arbitrage” opportunity - this is where market makers come in.
Market makers are companies that provide liquidity to a market by offering to be counterparty to trades. This is especially useful in stock options, where a single ticker can have thousands of options, and there might be someone who wants to buy a GME 1/29 $1000c but no one is actually actively selling it. However, this option might be listed anyways and Citadel will sell you the call if anyone tries to buy it and then immediately hedge it. In fact, when you buy an option chances are you’re not actually buying it from its previous owner selling an option they already own, but from a market maker like Citadel (who is responsible for over 99% of all options volume in 3000 stocks).
So what happens when someone buys an option from a market maker? Since the market maker typically can’t (and probably don’t want to) take a position, meaning taking a directional bet if a stock goes up or down, they’ll immediately hedge the option they just conjured out of thin air by buying or shorting the equivalent number of shares such that the Delta of those shares is the same as the Delta of the option they wrote to remain Delta-neutral, so if the stock goes up or down their position value doesn’t change - this is called Delta hedging. Furthermore, as the stock price moves up (calls) or down (puts), they’ll need to buy or sell even more of those shares to remain Delta neutral since the Delta will change due to the option’s Gamma - this is called Gamma hedging.

Putting It All Together - How options can be used as weapons of mass destruction against short sellers

Now we have the tools to understand how these two financial concepts put together can make billion-dollar hedge funds go bankrupt. Through Delta and Gamma hedging of market makers, buyers can have the effect of buying shares dozens of times the value they actually spent buying their option; a XYZ 4/20 690c can cost only $100 in premiums but causes the market maker to buy $2000 in the underlying stock to hedge against it. If you get enough retail investors to do this, they'll have the impact of billion-dollar whales on the market despite their small stimulus-check-funded portfolios.
Now, you do this on a stock that is heavily shorted, and with very little institutions actually holding real shares of these - making it harder for brokers to find shares to borrow, and you have yourself a weapon of mass financial destruction capable of making billions of Melvin’s money disappear in a single day and potentially have GME 🚀🚀🚀 to a trillion dollar market cap.
How wallstreetbets Controls the Stock Market
The one thing that’s interesting about all of this is wallstreebet’s unique position in being able to facilitate this weapon of mass financial destruction because
  1. Most rich people or institutions too risk adverse to buy large amounts of out of the money options (unless you're Chamath or Elon)
  2. This can only really happen on stocks that very few institutions (i.e. rich people) actually own, meaning it needs to be held / bought on mass by retail investors
  3. In any other scenario where 1 and 2 happen to be true, this would be classified as market manipulation and be immediately shut down by the SEC
My Positions
wallstreetbets veterans may recognize me as the 🌈🐻 who wrote those long-ass 2000 word essays about how the stock market is in a bubble and loaded up on VIX calls last time you heard from me. Although I still stand by my thesis and stocks like GME, TSLA, and NKLA is just proof that we've reached the euphoria phase of it, I learned my lesson that I'm idiot trying to short it (for exactly the reasons described above) and got the fuck out of my position when VIX shot up back in Sept. Most of my "real money" has since been moved to gold and crypto, but because I'm a degenerate gambler, I still have a bit of money playing with /ES and a calls on highly-shorted stocks with meme-stock potential (i.e. vast majority held by retail investors). Now that I'm busy with work again, I probably won't be posting as frequently as I have had in the past, but you'll see me around from time to time :).
submitted by ASoftEngStudent to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

PSA for new Dogecoin / Crypto buyers

Some points to newcomers after reading some frightening comments over in dogecoin:
·If you don't hold the keys to the crypto, you don't own the crypto. If you can't even withdraw the crypto, you definitely don't own the crypto. RH doesn't sell crypto, period. They sell supposed unwithdrawable custodian rights to crypto, and we are hopefully now all aware that RH is full of crap.
·Setting price targets like that of Bitcoin (30k or whatever) is completely nonsensical. Bitcoin has 18M coins out of 21M total possible mined coins. Dogecoin has 128B coins right now, thats 7100x as many. DOGE also doesnt haven't a hard cap due to regularly halving rewards, so its not deflationary in the way BTC is. It would need a market cap of $4Quadrillion to hit Bitcoin levels. In other words, bigger than all equity markets combined afaik. Dollar cost average (DCA) sells on the way up unless you want to drop off the cliff of euphoria into a 50-90% loss like Jan 2018 for a lot of people here. Its already x8 in a week. Bull runs rarely take coins more than x20 or so in a single major rally, and rallies are normally spaced a couple of years or so apart.
·Don't chase rallies. Buying significant positions after a 800% rally is a good way to be left holding bags. You should be DCAing buys, not throwing all of your savings at it at once. Its also pretty stupid to be all-in on a 9B mcap coin. That's high risk gambling if you're dropping most of your assets into it. It will legitimately most likely throw you into a year or two long depression if you lose half of your savings on Fing Dogecoin.
·Crypto should not be a significant part of your investments. If you're throwing most of your assets in this, and especially at one coin at the end of a major rally, you're not only placing yourself at an insane amount of risk, but you put steady growth of the asset at risk when you inevitably panic sell once the momentum runs out or a big seller enters the market. Everyone in crypto has done this to some degree. Its easy to say diamond hands all you want, and convince a thousand other sardines to buy in, and then have a whale decide they want to sell $200M worth over the next month who doesnt give a shit how it effects you. People have their own motives, and most whales probably aren't on Reddit. The people posting six figure holdings aren't remotely close to whale territory. There's 15 addresses with more than 1 Billion DOGE, and more than 100 with over 100 Million DOGE. Those people could potentially wipe out a rally solo.
·Diversify your bonds. Have other investment vehicles, AND other coins. My favorite analogy is that of a castle. You want to build your castle with stable assets, this is your emergency cash fund, index/mutual funds, maybe some large cap stocks, real estate, bonds. That should comprise at least 50%, ideally 80-90%, of your assets. Speculative investments are the raiding party that you send out to loot shit once the castle is built. That's riskier stocks, options, cryptocurrency, etc. Yes, its possible to get lucky if you're solely doing speculative gambling, but its fucking reckless and stupid, and for every DeepFuckingValue, theres 20 people posting loss porn about how they took out a loan for a crypto/options play and got destroyed. It's rolling around with a small army with no defensive position. Really easy to get annihilated by shifting tides in the market, particularly when its all in ONE position.
·Time in the market > timing the market. Quit trying to get rich in 3 weeks, or you'll end up constantly desperate for get rich quick schemes because you never bothered to build a stable base. Having a large emergency fund, and a significant amount of assets because you played it safe is a peace of mind that you cannot know until you have it. Don't throw away the possibility of that in a few years because you wanted to YOLO into Doge and be rich next month.
·The diamond hand thing is really...unconvincing, in case you're wondering. If you're trying that hard to convince yourself and others that you can hang on, you won't. Because anyone who's trying to convince themselves of it is clearly not used to having investments go +100-2000%, especially at the speed that crypto does it, so you won't have any instinct for when to take profits. Greed will set in, and you'll convince yourself that it can survive any correction, and you'll still be waiting for the quick recovery once it drops 60-80% and sits there for 2 years. People who do well in this market have limited exposure, and thus can basically forget about their coins for months or years, because they have other investments and secure finances whether crypto does anything or goes to 0. Euphoria and blind optimism doesn't keep someone holding until something goes x100+. Indifference, apathy, and patience are the more frequent catalysts, because you arent checking Blockfolio every 20 minutes and goading yourself into a panic sell when it corrects hard or crashes. Living in an emotional state thats constantly tied to whether the market is red or green blows. Most of us in crypto experienced at least a little of that in our first year or so. In a away, its exciting because the risk doesn't let you focus on anything else, but its a horrific way to live. The mania eventually gives way into broke disillusionment if you don't have at least a partial exit strategy.
Good luck and be safe. I'm sure this sub would really prefer not having to sticky the suicide hotline number again
Edit: please take note of ajaxhacker who has posted numerous comments to this thread spamming amc, nok, gme. This is shilling 101. "We the people have spoken"...lmao. Okay buddy. If the people had actually spoken it would involve financial regulation, not trying to make a quick buck. You think we haven't seen this crap before? People were doing this nonstop in 2017 with crypto. Your know what happened? Whales gobbled up everyone, a few shrimp got minted into sharks, but mostly...the rich got richer. Institutions will happily take profits off these before all retail investors have the opportunity to. Who, once again, don't give a shit about "holding the line with their diamond hands" and you losing money, because they've been holding since fall of last year and are already +10s of millions or whatever. Don't be naive and don't get stuck holding bags. This type of sentiment is your worst enemy in trading and is one of the earliest and most painful lessons in speculative markets. These are the whales Im talking about:
submitted by PlantWolf to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

How and why I threw my HODL strategy out the window and fell for a pump & dump scheme

How and why I threw my HODL strategy out the window and fell for a pump & dump scheme
Dear fellow crypto enthusiasts,
Surely you have noticed the XRP pump&dump that took place two days ago. I am posting this as someone who completely fell for it. I hope that by sharing my experience I may gain some resolution and prevent someone else from doing the same mistake.
I am relatively new to crypto and went in way over my head. My strategy was to take most of my savings and put it on bitcoin for 5-7 years. Originally, I used €45k or $54k.
I went in when BTC was a little over 20k. But when it dipped to 30k, I threw my own strategy out the window and thought that I could time the market. As I lacked strategy and patience, it resulted in a loss that brought me down from 2 BTC down to 1.55 BTC. This was a lesson for me, which I should have paid more attention to.
Then on the first of February the XRP pump happened, so follow me for this ride (time in UTC):
  1. (05:00) Early in the morning, I notice the rise of XRP, because it was promoted in various subreddits. A huge rise was promised because of some arbitrary reason (ripple filed its defence towards the SEC).
  2. (08:54) Buy order: At this point, I thought it was a good idea to switch about 50% of my BTC (0.77) into XRP.
  3. (10:37) Sell order: It started to work. It went up and I sold it for 0.787 BTC. This small profit made me even more reckless.
  4. (10:44) Buy order: I saw a larger dip, which happened before on XRPs way up. I thought that this was a good spot to get in again. My goal was now to swing back to 2 BTC to remake my loss. A huge gambling red flag – as I learned later.
  5. (11:14) Buy order: It’s up again! I thought that I should accelerate the gain by moving the rest of my BTC (0.78) into XRP. I am almost there! Somewhere I read that there was a huge pump incoming at 14:30. I was adamant about holding until then.
  6. (12:14) Sell order: I didn’t realize what has happened, but now there was an even bigger dip. I panicked and sold, but I am now down to 1.157 BTC.
  7. (12:15) Buy order: Another irrational decision, as I thought that this surely must be the recovery. So I went all-in again.
  8. (13:33) Sell order: Another panic sell. Now I only get 0.9 BTC.
  9. (13:36) Buy order: I thought that the loss is unacceptable and that this must be the recovery before the big pump! I go all-in into XRP again.
  10. (17:11) Sell order: My final sell order. I am now down to 0.66 BTC and finally realizing that I got scammed and that I was left holding the bag.
Here is my transaction history from Bitstamp:
My worst mistakes besides not sticking to my HODL strategy were that I invested more than I could afford to lose, that I did not accept the losses, and that I fell for the obvious pump&dump signs:
  • The many posts that were advocating the XRP recovery.
  • The speed as XRP gained significant volume over the course of a few hours.
  • The rumour of a huge pump on a specific time.
Now there is a great guide out there on pump&dump schemes by u/Anhowa123 that I wish I had known earlier:
Apparently, everything was organized via a telegram group. I lost about €25k or 0.9 BTC in the pump&dump. This is more than I can take to lose. Since then, I am devasted. I am feeling physically sick and stressed. I can barely eat, and I am too ashamed to tell anyone in person what I have done.
The worst part is that I have invested money that I inherited from my grandmother, who worked hard for this. I feel that I have let her down and I do not know what to do anymore. It would take me many years to earn it back.
Please don’t make the mistakes that I did.
Update: Thank you all for your kind words and/or the stern advise! It really helps me to process what happened and how I can prevent me from doing this in the future. After all, I live in my own apartment, have a good-paying job, and I still have some funds left. I still have 0.66 BTC, bought some ETH with stock profits (I actually managed some good long-term investing here) and will put my keys to my ledger so that I cannot access them so easily whenever I should feel the impulse to daytrade again. My plan is to HODL for 7 years and maybe DCA once I rebuild the stock money that I invested in ETH. I know that crypto will crash again, but such is the life of the circle.
submitted by EarthDefenceForces to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Why you should not be concerned about the drop in price today during market hours

I've read a lot of comments of people panicking and starting to sell due to the drop in price during market hours today, from the 0.080 peak of last night. I'm hear to assure you that this is normal and I have some data to back me up. Please do take this post with a grain of salt as I am still new to this and don't bet your life on it holding up. Please remember this is gambling and not investing. This is a DOGE casino. Only bet what you can afford to lose.

Comparison with GME

First off, I noticed that our takeoffs have been after hours. The big spike yesterday started at 3:00 PM, right when market closed. It then really took off when AH on stocks closed, this is mostly due to the Elon tweet. The big point though is that it took off when market closed. When did it really start to drop? Around 7:00 AM this morning when the East Coast woke up and sold their DOGE to invest in GME. It further dropped when market opened. I'd like to direct your attention to the graph below, where the green line is GME and white is DOGE. This is a quick overlay I made from Robinhood and the scale of the market is wrong, but you can still see the general idea of what I'm going for, it is from market open to 1 PM EST.
What we see here is a seemingly inverse relationship. When DOGE rises, GME drops. When GME rises, DOGE drops. This is not perfect relation, but there's a reason behind it.
This is because of people going in and using DOGE to make a profit then putting the profit into GME since people are expecting the big squeeze today. The effect of one dropping or rising is usually delayed, this is partially due to brokerage servers being overloaded. When GME closes today, it will be the weekend and since DOGE is a crypto, it never closes. This will bring floods of people into DOGE who were late to the GME train who are trying to turn their profits from GME into the values they were reading in the upwards of $50k+. There will be nothing to compete with DOGE tonight, if people grab ahold of what's going on DOGE will absolutely soar. Do not get discouraged by the drops into the 0.03 range. Buy it cheap. People want in on the DOGE casino and will be desperate to get more as they can't trade GME until Monday. This weekend is our time to shine.

Metcalfe's Law

Metcalfe's Law is essentially the law that the value of a network is a function of the number of pairs transactions possible. Think of it like this, two telephones can make only 1 connection, five can make 10 connections, and twelve can make 66 connections. See where I'm going with this? When more people join in, market cap will adjust with it. It was true with Bitcoin and every other major crypto. You can see the transactions vs market map visualized below for Bitcoin
That means that Metcalfe's Law will eventually take over and the prices will rise.

What this means

This means that you all should not be panicking. Do not have paper paws, keep your diamond paws strong and hold the line. We can only be successful and get to $1 if we all work together. $1 is the first stop, we will then go higher. Only sell part of your DOGE at $1 and then we can skyrocket from there. If we all abandon each other, this won't take off and we'll sink down. DOGE isn't trending on Twitter anymore under the trending tab, we have to get that trending again. We have to get a post to the front page of Reddit so that everyone can buy in. It's at 0.04 cents right now, that is still up roughly 400%! Get your friends to drop just $10 on DOGE. Every little bit helps.
Edit: As others have mentioned, brokerages have restricted sales and are down for maintenance is part of the drop as well. This is mostly due to load on servers. Crypto does not follow the same rules as stocks and DOGE being successful does not hurt the hedge funds. It is 100% a casino that's taking off because of the meme. We want it to continue that way because memes (and money) are great and we need all the laughs and jokes and bright spots we can get in these dark times.
Also worth noting that it seems that SatoshiStreetBets will be doing a coordinated push at 3 PM EST when the market closes for DOGE so if you can afford to dump $10 more in, that would help with that effort
submitted by pm_me_cute_sloths_ to dogecoin [link] [comments]

Determining Value and Potential Growth

I see a lot of people asking 'When will I get rich?" When will it hit a $1?" "How high can it get?"
A lot of this you can gauge simply by looking at other coins that are similar and how much "Market Cap" would be needed to raise the price of the coin. Marketcap referring to the amount of $$$ that you and I put into the coin. Let's take a look at an example.
Bitcoin has roughly 18million coins, and the amount of money the BTC fanbase have invested is currently $835 Billion. So basic math tells us that $835 billion divided by 18 million coins makes each coin worth roughly $46,000.
$835.000.000.000 / 18.000.000 coins = $46,388 per coin
Now let's take a look at Harmony, which has roughly 10 billion coins as opposed to the 18 million BTC has. Harmony only has $162 million from you and me, opposed to the big dawg BTC which had the $835B. So let's look at the math again for Harmony
$18.000.000 / = $0.018 per coin
Ok, this is all great but when will I make money?
This is where the "investment" and risk comes into play. Let's pretend that tonight EVERY bitcoin user decided they wanted to dump all of their BTC because of some flaw and move it into Harmony. That means the Harmony market cap would skyrocket from $18 million to over $835 billion. Now harmony would look a little like this.
$835.000.000.000/ = $83.50 per coin
Wouldn't that be amazing!? We would all be rich beyond our dreams. But the chances of that ever happening are zero-zip-zilch. But what happens if a % of that BTC following decided Harmony was a better option and switched over. Having 1% of BTC investors switch to Harmony would increase the market cap by $8.3 billion.
$8.300.000.000 / = $0.83 per coin
There is currently $1.3 Trillion in the overall market cap for all coins combined, which means there is a lot of money in different altcoins. Investors are always looking into what's moving quickly, so once major movement happens they will switch from one coin to another, especially when a smaller coin like this jumps quite a bit. Last week when Elon tweeted about Dogecoin, a lot of people rushed to put money into Doge. Doge has 128billion coins as opposed to the 12billion that Harmony has. Doge went up roughly $.04 per coin over the past week. Had Elon tweeted about Harmony instead of Doge the amount of new money invested into the Harmony market cap would have drove the coin up to $0.40 as opposed to the $.04 it did for Doge because of the total number of coins.
What I usually do is try to find a coin that is similar to the supply Harmony has to get realistic expectations of where it could go. Cardano (ADA) has 31Billion coins, so that's 2x more coins than Harmony and the price sits just shy of $0.80 with a market cap of $25Billion. This allows me to justify Harmony having the capability of being in the $0.80 - $1.40 per coin range.
This still doesn't tell me when!!
That's where you and the community come into play. The word needs to get spread about Harmony and its benefits. I am not a financial advisor, but when I see my friends or fellow fathers at the kid's events I bring it up. I can usually get my phone out and show them my profits and a quick elevator pitch on why I like the investment. Talk about it on other Reddit forums and social media outlets. The word needs to get out about what Harmony is and then more people will be willing to invest. As the coin continues to increase it will grab the attention of larger investors who will push it up even more. The recent $GME is a great example of an investment that no one knew about, but the moment it started to get pumped the news started running reports about it and everyone had to have it.
You also need to understand that large increases and exposure will draw in a quick shift up and down. We had two amazing days of % increase and you can't expect every day the investment to gain. Days like today are going to happen, where we had amazing growth and now a correction is needed. A majority of the time it is a crypto wide correction. Today almost all of the coins are down and went down at the same time. Getting scared and selling or trying to get a better position by selling and rebuying only hurts the reputation. I personally have taken a majority of my Harmony out of the exchange and staked it so I can grow my coin bag without risking trying to play a dip and get burnt because it goes back up and now I have fewer coins than I did.
I want to emphasize I am not a financial expert, and you need to understand there is always a risk. We could have another crypto collapse and you could lose a majority of your money. YOU are gambling on what you think will happen. I wish you all the best and happy investing.
submitted by DaddbyB to harmony_one [link] [comments]

Is BigToken one of the most undervalued penny stocks in the market?

I want to thank everyone else who takes the time to write out thoughtful and truthful DD’s, this shit is like writing a college final research paper the night before it's due.
It’s a little scary to think your reddit post could influence someone to spend, and potentially lose, money on a stock just by taking your word and not researching on their own, so this post is definitely not advice and I am definitely not a financial advisor. This is simply a think piece that is open for discussion.
I’ll link all sources to my information below.
You may not have heard of BigToken. I barely noticed it’s vague ticker $FPVD as I was scrolling through the TSNP Stocktwits feed, wondering how TSNP blew up. A fashion tile company? Oh wait no, an app named HUMBL that hasn’t been released yet, something about blockchains, a ticker change and reverse mergers… I never really took an interest in it and thought it seemed suspiciously pumpy as it saw gains from $0.16 - $1.70 in one month, but like it or not the retail investors had made a statement. I am neither bullish nor bearish about TSNP, however as pointed out by an author at SeekingAlpha the blind enthusiasm of some fans was reminiscent of the electrolyte scene in the movie Idiocracy (TSNP’s electrolyte = blockchain).
Attorney General: Brawndo's got what plants crave. Secretary of Energy: Yeah, it's got electrolytes. Joe: What are electrolytes? Do you even know? Secretary of State: It's what they use to make Brawndo. Joe: Yeah, but why do they use them to make Brawndo? Secretary of Defense: 'Cause Brawndo's got electrolytes.
Truth be told I have a vague familiarity with things like cryptocurrency, blockchains, and crypto wallets, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that crypto is the future. It’s legitimacy is evolving by the day - for example just 5 days ago Tesla bought $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin and is now accepting it as a form of payment.
While I was mindlessly swiping the TSNP feed a few days ago, I noticed this ticker being cross posted: $FPVD. I almost disregarded it at first, the ticker letters did not stand out on the feed and I’m wary of what is posted on there. When I finally did decide to click on it, the company’s name was Force Protection Video Equipment Corp but the comments were flooded with information about a reverse merger with BigToken and parent company SRAX Inc.
BigToken is a 4-star rated passive income app on the AppStore. Essentially, “BigToken is the app to own and sell your own data.” Data privacy has become a hot button issue in the age of Facebook and Google watching and selling your every move, we all know the warning “if the service is free, you are the product.”
And that’s true with BigToken too. We are the product and have always been the product, but at least here’s an opportunity to get paid for it. You choose to give permission about what data to submit via options like surveys and questionnaires, linking your social media, enabling location, and then this data is then sold to advertisers. BigToken has an established clientele list with a 100% retention rate. The results of a case study for their client Kraft may give you a glimpse into how their business works:
Case Study: Kraft Heinz Instant Pot Meals at Publix
Result: BIGtoken closed the loop, utilizing the platform and panels to measure campaign effectiveness. ●This campaign had the highest recall rate of all channels, outperforming in-store tactics as well as digital offer tactics like Shopkick. ●45% of reported Instant Pot Meal Kit purchases at Publix. ●84% of shoppers who saw BIGtoken’s ads said they did or were likely to purchase an Instant Pot Frozen Meal Kit at Publix. ●Social media had the greatest advertising recall, reporting a total of 16K+ likes, comments, and shares, plus 21K+ clicks to Publix.com. In addition, it exceeded the total impressions goal by 17%. ●BIGtoken’s proprietary panels were leveraged to create insights, audiences and data that Kraft Heinz will use to drive future sales
Okay, so let’s recap. BigToken, a previously privately owned subsidiary of SRAX Inc. with 16 million app users has chosen to become public by way of reverse merger, acquiring the shell share structure of FPVD, and in the process has avoided going through an expensive and time consuming Initial Public Offering (IPO). They are in the AppStore, the reverse merger has been completed and they pay users via PayPal or gift cards for their data. They are currently under the ticker of $FPVD, and are releasing their 8-K any day now with a ticker change on the way.
Great. All of this is fine and dandy, but I wasn’t really convinced to invest until I researched their CEO Lou Kerner.
Lou, a crypto and data privacy advocate, former Wall Street analyst, angel investor and businessman, lurks Reddit. So if you’re reading this Lou, my mom says hi.
He has written thoughtful articles about GME and WallStreetBets, cryptocurrency, and the stock bubble we are currently in. By a combination of chance and tragedy (the CEO before him sadly passed away), he was announced as BigToken’s new CEO on January 24th, 2021.
If you read his article, 5 Reasons Why I’m Joining BigToken as CEO, you are hearing from him directly. It’s an illuminating piece about the direction of this app. Until now, BigToken has only paid customers via Paypal or with giftcards. Lou is here to take this app from crypto-adjacent, to crypto-centric. His ideas are to provide users with the option to be paid in crypto, in addition to providing a digital wallet meaning the app could expand exponentially. He has mentioned it would be at little to no cost to create BigToken’s own stablecoin. If someone like me who is crypto-clueless can see the massive amount of potential in this app, I would love to hear from someone who really knows what they are talking about. If TSNP/HUMBL has value at $1.40 a share without having an app, why would that not be out of the realm of possibility for BigToken?
The Cons: * Penny stocks are inherently volatile. * The market has a mind of its own and everything is a gamble. * The share structure BigToken inherited from FPVD is not the prettiest. Take a look at the SEC filings - as of yet the 8-K has not been released so whether there will be a s is a big concern. * With promising penny stocks come pump & dumpers. * The app could flop.
The Pros:
You can make passive income on this app. If you used that money to buy a few shares of BigToken, your money can make it’s own money and you could be tumbling blissfully away in a money making washing machine. If and when the stock market bubble pops, this doesn’t seem like a bad investment to hold.
Shares of $FPVD are $0.054 at this time of writing.
Articles by Lou
Lou’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/loukerner
(5 Reasons Why I’m Joining BigToken as CEO) https://medium.com/quantum-economics/the-5-reasons-im-joining-bigtoken-as-ceo-6f216c1f1020
(The Robinhood Debacle Lesson: The Way Forward is Rules Without Rulers) https://medium.com/quantum-economics/the-robinhood-debacle-lesson-the-way-forward-is-rules-without-rulers-69ff9a9d5c2e
(Top 10 Reasons People Can’t See The Crypto Light) https://medium.com/quantum-economics/the-top-10-reasons-people-cant-see-the-crypto-light-ffcb8317b80a
(Revisiting TSNP/HUMBL - It’s Got Electrolytes) https://seekingalpha.com/article/4404398-revisiting-tesoro-humbl-got-electrolytes
(Tesla Buys 1.5 Billion in Bitcoin) https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/08/tesla-buys-1point5-billion-in-bitcoin.html
(BigToken’s Website) https://bigtoken.com/
(How BigToken Works) https://bigtoken.com/how-big-works/
(BigToken Announces Closing of Share Agreement with Force Protection Video Equipment Corp.) https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210127005621/en/BIGToken-Announces-Closing-of-Share-Exchange-Agreement-with-Force-Protection-Video-Equipment-Corporation
(Major Director Change Statement FPVD SEC Filing) https://sec.report/Document/0001640334-20-002751/
(Kraft Case Study) https://s3.amazonaws.com/bigtokenresearch-prod-wp-media-s3/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/08203300/Case-Study_-Kraft-Heinz-Instant-Pot-Meals-at-Publix.pdf
(Cryptocurrency Market Estimate) https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/cryptocurrency-market-158061641.html
(Gig data and business analytics solutions estimate) https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/censorship-and-data-the-stakes-and-consequences-are-getting-serious-301215887.html
(SRAX Offers Valuable Consumer Insights in Shifting Covid-19 Era with BigToken Data Driven Platform) https://www.networknewswire.com/srax-inc-nasdaq-srax-offers-valuable-consumer-insights-in-shifting-covid-19-era-with-bigtoken-data-driven-platform/
Disclaimer: This post is an opinion piece and should not be taken as advice. The author (me) has a position of 35k shares in FPVD entered at variations of .03, .04 and .05 Edit: Formatting Edit: Added projected revenue for BigToken and updated # of app users
submitted by aguacatesoup to u/aguacatesoup [link] [comments]

"I can only take so much loss before I sell it all. Crypto is shit right now. Manipulation pure and simple. Every little spike ends with a worse dip. It's gets nauseating. .... Still, I bought more all week, and more this morning. It seems like all I do is buy."

I can only take so much loss before I sell it all. Change my mind.
This is getting ridiculous. Crypto is shit right now. Manipulation pure and simple. I'm still in the money but it won't be long before positions dip below my threshold.
Every little spike ends with a worse dip. It's gets nauseating. I can handle swings but come on.
And if people think the institutional money means it's safe, I disagree. I think they would all dump profits, if they haven't to some degree already, to please shareholders. Silently, 1k per second they'd get out, just like they got in, like Saylor buying in 1k a second on a Friday night.
And in one of OP's replies:
Still, I bought more all week, and more this morning. It seems like all I do is buy. I will most likely continue to do so until I just have to get out.
And in another reply by OP:
Dropped enough for a couple cars this morning alone into bitcoin and a few ETH as well because I believe in it, so that's not what I mean. But then the doubt...the what if sets in. Just saying. I can't be alone.
The poor guy is addicted to gambling, he knows it's a rigged casino, and he hates it and it makes him feel sick, and he just knows he's gonna get screwed, but he just cannot stop buying more and more casino chips.
Very sad ...
REF: https://www.reddit.com/Bitcoin/comments/l6jajx/i_can_only_take_so_much_loss_before_i_sell_it_all/
submitted by Crypto_To_The_Core to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

#SlapTeam January Scorecard Bchzzz

#SlapTeam January Scorecard Bchzzz
Here is #SlapTeam January scorecard, from u/ochki1 and me ! Thanks man for cooperation during this road. Slap Team in da housee !
Ive been in the ecosystem around 9 months, during that time, quit my job, pruned nearly all the people around me, changed my house, changed my hobbies. Basically, today I have only my earthly body with me since I joined this place. Learned how to use my time efficiently. Not spend it. Learned how to wake up early even if I dont have any workplace to go. Learned how to work for myself.
6x my portfolio since July. Trading crypto, stock market, futures, everything that is tradeable. But these past 2 months were the most accurate and consistent months of my trading life. Far from gambling or winning 2 losing 10 trades. This is my business and now this 'company' is the one I am proud of.
Thank you very much u/Kazonomics for helping me getting out of the cave and now I can choose much better reality for myself to observe.
submitted by mert1mert0 to WinternomicsTV [link] [comments]

Transmute Protocol XPb - Chainlink endorsed project with a marketcap of $1.2 M

Proof: https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1350110997571383299
It's essentially a gambling token using Chainlink's verifiable random function with unique games made by the team. The team is releasing a new game in about 3 hours to test it. This project is still in the early phase, they released a game last week and they're planning on making it automatic soon, as they did manual games last week and was proven to work in theory.
Currently they have 3 games planned, Game 2 was succesful, Game 1 is the one starting in about 3 hours and work on Game 3 will begin in this Q1. Marketing will begin after these games are done, so get in before everybody else. They're also planning NFT farming, even more games will also be developed after Q1. So many things ahead to look forward to.
The reason I believe that this is a legitimate moonshot is because Chainlink has promised to tweet about this project again and they have a deal with a big youtuber (which we don't know who is yet, NDA) who will talk about this, to explain about the project. I know these things because I have been following the Telegram group, you can join and verify:
A gambling platform Funfair has a market cap of $200M, compare that to XPb's market cap of $1.2M, the team is very competent, they will deliver as they have proven themselves to do.
Just think about it, what they have planned in this Q1 alone, along with the marketing value of Chainlink and an upcoming youtuber and being at the pricefloor of it before everybody else knows about it. This info I'm giving you could be worth about 200x. No delusion here, I know it sounds like it's to good to be true but think about all these factors here, put them together like I have. Even you read this submission because of the Chainlink namedrop in the title, right?
I'm no genius, but I did make a call last year that nobody read about 11 months ago:
It did about 25x a few months after I posted about it. Nimiq is still another absolute monster moonshot, but that's for another submission.
There are no guarantees, but this is as close as you can get.
submitted by iwritecomment to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

In just 1 week, I gave you 2 tickers, both have started its move, but it's not over. - ATVK & CBBT

ATVK Post and CBBT Post
ATVK has finally gone Pink Current today, and we should expect market to react to that when market opens. Look at what it done to COUV - 0.09 to - 0.4. But Pink Current isn't the only thing going for it. After the long weekend, on the 19th, they will hear the findings from a filing they done regarding lenders lending out illegal shares. If it goes in their favor, these illegal lenders would have to buy back all their illegal shares on the OPEN MARKET. (Those who are more knowledgeable than me might be able to correct this, but to me its very similar to a short squeeze type of action). ON TOP OF THAT, the CEO owns multiple profitable companies in industries such as crypto and AI drones which are rumored to be merged into ATVK (a clean shell company). This ticker is just a catalyst heaven, and getting in today before the weekend could see some big big rewards over the coming weeks.
CBBT - a business with 2 golden opportunities making this business a future opportunity not to be missed. They are merging with a FDA regulated manufacturing company (PKG) and the other is there game changing 10 year patent pending disruptive technology to cure Alzheimer's.
$CBBT has 140m shares in float and no dilution at $0.10 with an MC of $13m.
Always do your own DD and don't take anything online as financial advise. These are my personal 2 plays. It might not make you 300%+ runs like some that has happened these last few days (CHUC, IONI) etc. But tbh, those are more like pure gambles than anything else.
Hope this makes someone rich. Good luck!
submitted by PlanAheadAlways to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Month 15 - Affiliate/Info Site (Case Study Entry 4) "I f*cking hate Google" to "I f*cking love Google"

Waaaassuupp my just start beauties?
Hope everyone is good. I am currently sitting in awe watching the stock price of GameStop & have a little bit of my own money in it. It's literally like gambling. I used to love gambling so I'm having a whirlwind of a time rn haha! (dw it's money i can lose)
Anyway!!! On with the case study. As always here are last months ones:
Month 12
Month 13
Month 14
Anyways here are the stats:
Mth Articles (total) Pageviews No of Words Affiliate Income (£) Ezoic Income ($) Avg EPMV ($) Total (£)
Oct 2020 45 8475 99,603 316.68 0 0 307.29
Nov 2020 54 40,724 124,284 3865 145.80 9.99 4018.17
Dec 2020 62 20,968 145,215 799.35 112.93 18.54 911.11
Jan 2021 70 21, 743 152,633 746.34 106.79 16.66 824.22
For those of you who dont wanna read, I just started a YouTube where I'll be doing these on camera plus sharing my keyword research methods + anything you want to know.

The Google Update Did Rip My Anus (I Thought I'd Escaped)

So like last month we've seen growth!!
And that may seem just a little ecstatic, but it's because I've had to eat my own words after saying "The Google Update Didn't Rip My Anus (Hooray!)" in the last update. This time around, Google did infact rip my anus.
But it recovered in about 2 weeks to even better positions... I know these are all horrible innuendos and I'm not sorry.
Every part of me wanted to scramble to 'fix' it as best I could those 2 weeks, but I left it alone, stuck to the plan & thanked the affiliate marketing gods it was saved from the burning pits of below top 10 rankings.

My Niche is Profitable But Not Incredibly Profitable

I've learned that the niche I'm currently in is actually pretty hard to earn from. The avg RPM on YouTube is $6/1000 & the affiliate sales aren't as frequent or high in value as say the finance niche or others.
It seems I've put an incredible amount of work into this, but if I'd have chosen a different niche that work would have = more value by now (in my opinion).
So I've basically decided to pretty much outsource all of the content and start a affiliate blogging or finance niche page. Stuff about how you can make money from blogging, stock trading etc. Maybe I'll do this as a YouTube as well, but I'm unsure which I'd rather as of yet.
I quite like just having a site and not having to really show my face. I could outsource the content and put it under my name & no one would know, whereas with YouTube, it always has to be me.

What Changed This Month?

Ezoic Money Machine Didn't Brrr:
I've heard this is pretty normal for most blogs around Jan, but yeah Ezoic dropped heavily for me. Alongside the Google update, it really fucked my chances of getting to my goal of 1000 beautiful Queenie pounds (GBP).
Oh well, next month I think I'm definitely gonna see it get to 1k or at least high 900.
I'm getting about 700-850 visits a day now which is wicked.
Google update, then #1:
Google was a little cunt & threw all his toys out the pram & then tidied them all back up in different positions.
I am grateful for this because, although I didn't see it at the time, I've come back stronger than ever before. I've taken lots of #1 slots for affiliate terms so alllllll good.
It's been interesting to see the shift in amount of money made in each affiliate completely turn on its head. The one I made 90% of my income from most months is now projected to be among the lowest.
Christmas Period Traffic Drop:
So finally the Christmas period traffic has fully gone & I've seen a hit in affiliate earnings on the one I pretty much earned 90% of my income from last month.
It has gone back to its regular 1-5 sales/day, but the commissions I'm getting for these sales are much lower. I am ranking number 1 for quite a few positions containing links to this affiliate, but I guess I'm either not converting for some reason - or the buyer intent isn't really there.
It's a listicle and showcases the best 50 x products - maybe there's too much choice for the buyer? I'm not sure how I'd continue to hold top slot if I cut it down though. I would really appreciate some thoughts here.
I'm trying to rank for a better buyer intent keyword rn with 1k search vol. There's not a lot of competition so I think I can easily take the 3rd slot.
Work Focus Shift:
This month has looked a little different for me work wise. I've now said to myself that I have enough to start outsourcing most of the content on the site, & to step away from it a little bit to start building out other things and diversifying.
If there's one thing I know now - it's that Google's scythe is remorseless. And it can make you wanna be a Chad and punch multiple holes in your dry wall at the flick of a switch. This game is a rollercoaster both rankings and emotion wise lmao.
To combat this I've been focussing a lot on YouTube, & other social media like instagram. I've put out 14 videos this month. And fuck me does video editing suck so much more than writing?!
On Instagram, I've been posting up to 9 times a day, using reels a lot and also posting around 2-3 times on TikTok.
I've grown a lot on IG doing this. I went from 100 - 300 followers this month & only really started 2 weeks ago. I also had a video go viral on TikTok which was good.
Another thing I've done is set up an Etsy shop for one of my IG accounts. I'm happy to share this niche with you bc it's more of an experiment than anything. It's dogs; Labradors to be specific & I'm selling custom shirts to the Instagram followers. I have around 1.15k on there so far & have been growing fairly rapidly.
People love dogs more than people & it's quite crazy the amount of engagement it gets. I can see it being pretty profitable in the future.
New Investment Plans:
The money I make from the site will all go back into content & feeding me. I have plans to get my writer on YouTube with me at the early stages of this channel. I feel like if I involve him at a later date, people will feel cheated. But, if it's 2 people from the start, it will have always been that way.
Maybe that's just me thinking too much, but I sure as hell stopped watching =3 when Ray William Johnson was no longer the main dude. It was shit before, but fuck me did it get shit after he left.
I've also been trading on a Forex demo account for 2 years now & have gotten pretty good at it. I feel like this is another way to expand my income from earning online.
I'm going to get into crypto & forex with some money I won in a competition. I have around $300 to play with, so I'm hoping to get it to $1k investing in DOGE or XRP, & then move that 1k into the more stable currency markets.
Anyway me old fruit...
Hope you enjoyed reading; thanks for reading; and see you in the next episode-sode-sode-sode
*dr dre plays*
submitted by hasser964 to juststart [link] [comments]

Rash Mistakes: One Redditor's Tale of Running Blindly with the Bulls

TLDR: I see myself as a sensible, rational person, but found myself making a metric tonne of different investing mistakes yesterday. This won’t be new to a lot of people, particularly anyone who experienced the last boom and bust a few years ago. But I thought I’d post my analysis of my mistakes here just in case my personal experience helps anyone. I’d also love any suggestions about how to do things better if more experienced people can help me be less unclever. DYOR. This is not financial advice.
Background: The Dawn of the FOMO
I’ve been dabbling in crypto for the last 18 months or so. Back then, I put a very small amount on several coins. To date, my crypto "fortune" has increased about 6x, taking it from the price of a meal to the price of a month’s rent in a crappy apartment. (Yes, I have changed my last name to Buffett.)
Since late January, I’ve been researching crypto and buying a handful of coins in small amounts. Nothing I can’t afford to lose. It’s all been quite sensible… until yesterday.
We need to talk about yesterday
I wanted to write this post because yesterday I found myself making pretty much every investing mistake you can make. I think of myself as a rational person. I love Nassim Taleb’s books about not being a sucker for randomness. Although apparently if you stick a rising green chart in front of me I’m apt to forget all that in an instant and throw my money around.
Yesterday, I invested more than my small budget made me feel comfortable with on a coin I’ll call $COIN (I hope that's not actually the name of a coin).
Worse: I panicked and invested 70% of the total amount I had set aside for $COIN all in one go at the top of its current run.
I joked to a friend that it would dip because I'd done that. Sure enough, it’s since fallen around 10% and stayed there.
I know, big deal. Crypto fluctuates 50% in a day sometimes. Get used to it. Scared money don't make money. etc.
I know all that. I haven't sold and I'm planning on hodling because I think the price is still reasonably fair. But it’s enough to make me reflect, because although I can afford to do something stupid once, I would quickly go bankrupt if I kept making the same mistakes again. I want to make sure I'm investing for the right reasons, not stupid reasons.
Also, if I hadn’t had to wait for more money to reach my exchange account, I probably would have invested A LOT more. I didn’t think I would ever make that mistake. It scared me a bit, so I decided to analyse what happened:
What made me invest in $COIN when I did:
1) FOMO caused by several factors:
a) I joined the $COIN Reddit sub. Don’t get me wrong, the community is lovely, but they’re obviously biased towards their pet coin. They flooded my Reddit feed with their enthusiasm yesterday, turning it into an echo chamber and making me start to lose sight of real value.
b) A friend of a friend of a friend knows someone whose friend put what I consider a HUGE amount (around most people’s salary for the year) on $COIN a few months ago when it cost next to nothing. And it’s risen several times over since then. It would take me a long time and a LOT of hard work to earn what they’ve 'made' in a month. I know I could never have brought myself to invest the same amount (even if I'd had it in my bank account). But FOMO is a treacherous wee beastie.
c) Ever since this bull run started, I’ve been regretting not putting more on crypto 18 months ago. Like everyone else. An extra helping of FOMO, madam?
d) I bought when I did because the price was rising. A few months ago, I researched $COIN and put a small amount on it because I thought it was risky but worth a gamble. But when the price started going up, it started to look a lot more attractive than it had before. Then it dipped earlier yesterday, and I thought "oh well, the run is over, time to stop investing" and went right off the idea. And THEN it rose by maybe 5% and I suddenly thought it was a great deal again. (And I’m considered an adult human being.)
e) Someone on Reddit wrote 'Don’t wait too long to buy because it’ll seem cheap at 5x the price next week‘. Someone else wrote 'It’ll be worth $10,000 per coin one day.' Redditors are a great bunch of people, but there’s literally NO WAY they could know this. And yet I listened. Or at least it rattled around in my head and made the current sums I’m investing feel far less significant.
f) The general sense of euphoria. "Everyone’s getting involved (often with much bigger amount of money), it’s just the new normal“.
g) I spent a couple of hours refreshing the price on a certain coin website. This gave me a narrow view of the price's movements that made me panic, when I should have zoomed out to look at the bigger picture.
2) Dumb calculations
a) I started deciding how much $COIN I should buy based on the following scientific calculation:
"If $COIN is the next Bitcoin, how much would I need to buy today to be a crypto millionaire." Smort.
b) I also based my purchase on the previous ATH from the last bull run:
"It’s not even reached a sixth of the price it hit in 2018. It’s still safe". Even smorter.
3) The illusion of knowledge
a) Reddit is wonderful. But I started reading random reddit posts and thinking that meant I’d done my own research. Which I obviously hadn’t.
4) The idiocy of nice round numbers
a) I partly spent more than I should have because I wanted a nice round number of $COIN.
This could hurt me in two ways. Firstly, I’ve overstretched myself because of it. And secondly, I might be less inclined to reap some of the profits if it rises again because I don’t want to have less than a nice round number.
What I propose to do differently:
I don’t want to stop investing. I'm damn sure crypto is here to stay. But I *have* to do it differently if I’m going to survive this bull run with my money in tact. Here is my personal plan:
1) Plan and DCA. Everyone says this and it’s *not* sexy. And it’s also incredibly frustrating when the price is flopping around like a buttered eel. But I think it’s totally necessary.
Going forward, I’m going to have three rules:
a) Decide my total investment budget (in fiat) for the year and the price I’d feel comfortable hodling the coin at for AT LEAST FIVE YEARS.
If the current price is lower than that, then:
b) Make a DCA plan and stick to it. "I’ll invest $X amount in $COIN at a certain time on a certain day if it still meets the first rule. No more, no less.“
c) Have a dip-buying clause. "If $COIN falls below $X price at any point, I will buy $X amount. No more, no less.“ Set an alert on an app and get a hobby that doesn't involve refreshing websites 100x a day.
d) I know this isn't for everyone, but I'm going to sell as well in the good times (if they come) to recoup some of my initial investment. And I'm going to set targets for doing it. But my goal isn't to make money right now. My goal is to accrue as much crypto as I can with as little money down as possible. I want to get involved while keeping some of my powder dry for any potential bear markets in the future.
2) Un-join Reddit subs about specific coins. They’re lovely, and I'll still visit them, but their enthusiasm inspired me to do silly things when it flooded my feed.
3) Keep an investment diary. I know it's stupid, but I STILL kick myself for not buying some DOGE in 2014. I downloaded a wallet, read loads about it, got a few for free from a faucet and … did nothing else. But writing down my decision criteria back then would have helped me now. You can’t see the future until you’re actually there. (N.B. $COIN isn’t DOGE. I'm not an animal.)
4) Every time I see a wild prediction, I’m going to try and counter it with the opposite in my head. "It could rise to $10,000 per coin by EOY“. "Yes, but it could also fall to a bit fat zero".
Any other suggestions would be very gratefully received. I hope this helps in some small way if you can gain anything from my personal experience. Please DYOR. Thanks for reading.
EDIT: The price of $COIN just went to the mooooooon. Ignore all that. I’m a frickin’ genius. I’ll be a billionaire by next Tuesday.
Another EDIT: JK. It’s fallen even further.
submitted by jonjonbonbonbonbon to CryptoCurrencies [link] [comments]

Market Commentary (How about that GME and BB craze? Where are we in the market cycle? ) - 1/23/2021

Hello investors,
(for pictures, please refer to the original post)
Wow... Like everyone else, I'm mesmerized by the stratospheric price action in the past few days. Look at the below numbers.
GME (GameStop) made so many people happy and wealthy. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this amazing movement!!
GME has been the topic of conversation for literally every single robinhooders and traders.
I'm sure by now that most of you are familiar with what happened to GME but for those who don't know, the short story is that the market markers and the short-sellers were "squeezed", aka forced, to close/hedge their positions.
These positions would have helped drive the stock price down in the past but since they closed them now, those downward pressures have evaporated. This basically lifted the ceiling and then the price skyrocketed.
I know this phenomenon has created bipolar views on the stock markets right now.
One group of people are advocating for the continued run-up in GME, BB, and PLTR (the folks on the next door) by squeezing the market makers and short-sellers, while the other group of people are talking down on those "yoloers" who are acting crazy and irrational.
The reason why I'm mentioning GME? For two reasons:
  1. I see an asymmetric opportunity in these crazy stocks.
  2. It serves as an important indicator for the overall market conditions.
1) In my view, there is a good risk/reward situation in GME, BB, and so on.
To preface my argument, I like to consider myself very conservative, risk-averse, and value-oriented investor. I emphasize on fundamentals, the stock price playing true to the company's earnings, and the actual cash flows.
I'm very like-minded with those group of people who think this GME run-up is crazy and irrational.
However, many people forget that being a "rational" investor doesn't mean you should just ignore those hot tech stocks, crypto-mania, or GME price action.
As a "rational" investor, you also don't need to feel jealous and anxious about those people who became wealthy from GME. I would like to go even a step further to compliment them for getting in at the right time.
Afterall, we are playing a game of probability.
If your friends or neighbors win lotteries in millions of dollars, should you feel jealous? Should you feel the FOMO? Absolutely not. No one could've seen this coming and some people do get lucky. You can't blame a guy for winning a jackpot.
Now, let's talk about what actions we can take to benefit from this situation.
The way I look at it, we now have confirmed that lots of short-sellers in GME and BB have already realized their losses, aka covered their shorts.
The market makers also have realized losses from their gamma squeeze, which is a more complicated concept but to simplify, it means that the downward pressure on the stock has weakened.
It's rather a simple idea. We are looking at a situation where the stock can move further up due to the lifting of these ceilings.
If I had to put numbers, it would certainly be more than 1:1 payout ratio but more like 3:1 ratio.
Why wouldn't anyone participate in a game of blackjack that gives you 3x or 4x your money?
To be extremely clear, I mention blackjack because buying these stocks is pure gambling, nothing more. It is not "investing".
Yet, it's gambling where the odds are tilted in our favor and thus, risk/reward is relatively high.
Therefore, I have bought BB calls for 2% of my portfolio, specifically BB because the short interest is lower than GME.
Furthermore, I'm going to try to be cute and buy more GME call options come Monday.
I would think that GME price would tank on Monday due to the excessive price run-up last Friday so that creates a buying opportunity.
If I lose that 2% BB? I'm totally okay with that. If it goes up 5x? Lucky me.
2) What do all of these tell us about our current position in the market?
Typically, these types of manias are observed during market-tops.
Howard Marks and David Einhorn list out the typical signs of market-tops.
  1. Initial public offering mania
  2. High valuations and new metrics for valuation
  3. Market concentration in a single sector and a few stocks
  4. S&P 500-type market capitalizations for second-tier stocks that most people haven’t heard of
  5. A situation where the more fanciful and distant the narrative, the better the stock performs
  6. Outperformance of companies suspected of fraud based on the belief that there is no enforcement risk, without which “crime pays”
  7. Outsized reaction to economically irrelevant stock splits
  8. Increased participation of retail investors, who appear focused on the best-performing names
  9. Incredible trading volumes in speculative instruments, like weekly call options and worthless common stocks
  10. A parabolic ascent toward a top.
(for those who don't know Howard Marks, I highly encourage to follow his "memos" on his website https://www.oaktreecapital.com/insights/howard-marks-memos. He is a legendary bond investor.)
Of the above ten signs, roughly all of them describe the situation today very well.
We are seeing IPO mania, high valuations, market concentration in a few stocks, outsized reaction to economically irrelevant stock splits, increased participation of retail investors, incredible trading volumes in speculative instruments, and parabolic ascent toward a top.
It's no doubt we are "near" the market top. But how near? 3 months, 1 year, 5 years..?
How can all of these happen in less than a year after the steepest GDP decline in history?
The answer is monetary and fiscal responses.
I mentioned in this commentary (https://www.reddit.com/Midasinvestors/comments/knxgex/market_commentary_2021_outlook_12312020/ towards the bottom) that right now, the two biggest driving factors in the markets are the gov't and the JPow & Co.
The government is spending like there is no tomorrow, which makes total sense because it is much more dangerous for our economy to under-spend than over-spend.
Jerome Powell is also providing massive purchases of Treasuries and zero rates policy, for the foreseeable future.
As long as these two massive forces are in action, we will see even a greater hype and craze in the markets.
We just started a bull-market run. Look at the below graphs.
Given the fact that we just started a bull market and also observed lots of bubbles happening everywhere, I believe that we will see one of the greatest bubbles in history (if not already) until every last one of those the market bears are proven wrong.
When every single person at the cocktail party is expecting a market rally, it is at that moment that the market is truly at the top and the bubble bursts.
That doesn't mean that market corrections of 10% or more can't happen in the meantime. In fact, I have been saying that there will be market corrections in the very near future and we should be ready for that as well.
To summarize today's post, I would say there are opportunities in these maniac stocks and we should take advantage of them with limited risks. The manias also indicate that we are near the top of another market cycle and we should closely monitor the actions of the government and JPow & Co.
Quick report card for 2020
Below post was my first market commentary one on Reddit, where I said I was bullish on tech names (BABA, PDD, STNE, FUTU, AMZN, FVRR, W, and SEDG).
I've gotten winners and losers, the losers being BABA and W. The winners were the rest.
Obviously, I would've never thought that FUTU would double in less than a month. I held call options on them but it was pure luck.
I also called for rise in long-term treasury yield. Although I got the direction correct, the yield curve took way longer than I expected to steepen significantly. Now, I am even more bearish on the 30-year than before due to the rates breaking the technical levels.
I was also long gold. I have unrealized losses on this one but I plan on getting back in as this is a 2-3 year play.
Thanks for reading and if you would like to receive emails for the posts, please fill out this form.
As always, please feel free to share your ideas!
submitted by gohackthat to StockMarket [link] [comments]

My POS husband (update, long)

Omg, this sucks! I got really sick overnight so I went to the clinic after taking the kids to school. They think I have covid and have administered the test. So now I have to stay home
Some of you may remember a couple months ago when I found out my husband was gambling large amounts of money.
I was waiting for after the holidays to go to a divorce lawyer. I was lined up to go when the kids headed to school after break, but in a rush to get the kids out the door, I ended up slipping and falling down the stairs. I sprained my ankle and possibly got a mild concussion. I was so pissed! I couldn't walk to the bathroom, let alone drive, so I had to put it off again...
I have an appointment tomorrow morning. I'm nervous but it's general "new situation" nervousness.
He hasn't taken any of his psychiatric meds in two months at least (he has bipolar type 1), he sleeps more than I ever thought possible for an adult human to sleep, like 16-18 hours. He hasn't worked a single day since my last post, has not seen any mental health people, showers maybe every ten days. He has not been involved with the kids beyond playing a couple of board games in the last month. Does not cook, or clean, or do laundry, or pick up his own trash and dishes. The only thing he does is take the trash down to the curb every week. I managed to get him to half ass clean one of the bathrooms one time. Oh so helpful! But this isn't a drastic change from what he was like before. He was like a teenage son before, now he's like an old couch.
I've been spending the last couple of months trying to gather information and documents, though my husband has really been reluctant to let me see anything. He clearly forgot that he's given me the passcode to his phone and told me how he comes up with his passwords. He leaves his laptop in the living room permanently and sometimes forgets to take his phone with him to bed (we sleep separately). I have gotten everything I can get ahold of electronically. There's some things he has different passwords on but ladies, what I have seen only firms my resolve.
From what I can tell, he spent thousands gambling since my last post. Where the money comes from, I don't know. It's not really coming from any of his accounts that I could get into. I just see the emails confirming his purchases of poker chips. I've noticed him watching the crypto markets so that might explain some. After checking his texts, I know he's at least tried arranging to buy drugs on two occasions. He leaves the house late at night sometimes when he's sure I'm asleep, for late night fast food at the very least, because God forbid the man makes so much as a sandwich. He was also chatting with an ex gf, complaining about how stale our marriage is. She tried to get him to wake up and not be a shitty husband and he became so verbally abusive towards her she blocked him. That's not where I thought him talking to an ex would go, lol.
He knows I'm fucking pissed about the money he's lost. Other than that, when he's awake, I'm civil, even friendly when it comes to chatting about TV shows or politics. I don't want angry manic dude on top of total useless slob. The kids are very cold and rude to him and constantly complain about him not doing anything but snap at them when they try to get him off the couch. I try to temper it down but I won't gaslight them either. I've told him many times the kids are disappointed with and angry at him and he basically acts as if I'm talking about some stranger's kids, like it has nothing to do with him.
I'm just so fucking over it. When I met and dated him, he seemed like a unicorn. Hard working, handsome, generous, sweet, kept a clean place, cleaned and shopped for his disabled grandma, adored his niblings, had interesting hobbies, etc. Then we married and that guy went away almost immediately. At first I thought it was everything we had going on, working on a house, job changes, kids, just adjusting to being married. He's several years younger than me so I thought maybe a maturity thing. Then it was maybe his bipolar was the problem, but I don't care anymore. I don't care what happened to the man I fell in love with, it's obvious he's gone and never coming back. He only exists in memories and photos now, the same as the last man I loved, who died years before I met my husband.
Anyway, I'll be very happy to get out from under him.
submitted by Laeyra to breakingmom [link] [comments]

Don't invest recklessly - a few pointers for all the new guys.

We've had an unbelievable January, and February is looking bright as well, but I think it is crucial to draw attention to the dangers of putting all your money (retirement fund, savings, student loans, etc.), in crypto. You should NEVER do that.
A few pointers for all the new guys:
Bonus tip: take a look at Bitcoin's chart, and check 2017-2018. You're here for breaking the bank, but what if the price dropped 20-80%? I'm not saying it will happen, but it has happened before, and it can surely happen again. Could you survive this?
Based on theymos's post from 3 years ago. I added a few things but felt like his thoughts from 2017 are timeless, and with the number of new people entering the crypto space, I think we need these kinds of posts now more than ever.
Yesterday the sub hit 1.5 million subscribers, and the average number of online members doubled from the beginning of January. A large influx of new members prompts educational posts, we need to make sure that newbies coming here find value instead of cultists shilling random coins and idiots promoting PnD schemes.
submitted by Weaver96 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

What's up with all these liars here?

What's up with all these liars here?
*update below*
Butters come here to lie about their financial status all the time. This one for example: https://www.reddit.com/Buttcoin/comments/kkomc7/i_love_reading_posts_on_this_sub_it_makes_me_even/gh4h39
Butters claim they become rich speculating on Crypto. "I bought a Lambo yesterday" "I live on a private island now!" It turned out that they are just some typical Butters who gamble in Defi or shitcoin casinos and lose money FOMOing.
Butters make up a story to show nocoiners how smart they are. Even though they are the ones who FOMOed and lost money. It reminds me of an aphorism. Fake it till you make it.
There is no doubt that some butters are sitting on paper profits now. Unfortunately, most of them won't cash out util their unrealized gains turn into unrealized losses.
Oh, shit. There came another one 5 mins ago.
Edit: Another liar got exposed. camaroqqq claimed to be a millionaire but couldn't afford surgery for his cat. Update: Why did you delete all your posts? I got backups. LOL
submitted by RedPill43 to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

Market Commentary (How about that GME and BB craze? Where are we in the market cycle? ) - 1/23/2021

Hello investors,
(for pictures, please refer to the original post)
Wow... Like everyone else, I'm mesmerized by the stratospheric price action in the past few days. Look at the below numbers.

GME (GameStop) made so many people happy and wealthy. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this amazing movement!!
GME has been the topic of conversation for literally every single robinhooders and traders.
I'm sure by now that most of you are familiar with what happened to GME but for those who don't know, the short story is that the market markers and the short-sellers were "squeezed", aka forced, to close/hedge their positions.
These positions would have helped drive the stock price down in the past but since they closed them now, those downward pressures have evaporated. This basically lifted the ceiling and then the price skyrocketed.
I know this phenomenon has created bipolar views on the stock markets right now.
One group of people are advocating for the continued run-up in GME, BB, and PLTR (the folks on the next door) by squeezing the market makers and short-sellers, while the other group of people are talking down on those "yoloers" who are acting crazy and irrational.
The reason why I'm mentioning GME? For two reasons:
1) I see an asymmetric opportunity in these crazy stocks.
2) It serves as an important indicator for the overall market conditions.
1) In my view, there is a good risk/reward situation in GME, BB, and so on.
To preface my argument, I like to consider myself very conservative, risk-averse, and value-oriented investor. I emphasize on fundamentals, the stock price playing true to the company's earnings, and the actual cash flows.
I'm very like-minded with those group of people who think this GME run-up is crazy and irrational.
However, many people forget that being a "rational" investor doesn't mean you should just ignore those hot tech stocks, crypto-mania, or GME price action.
As a "rational" investor, you also don't need to feel jealous and anxious about those people who became wealthy from GME. I would like to go even a step further to compliment them for getting in at the right time.
Afterall, we are playing a game of probability.
If your friends or neighbors win lotteries in millions of dollars, should you feel jealous? Should you feel the FOMO? Absolutely not. No one could've seen this coming and some people do get lucky. You can't blame a guy for winning a jackpot.
Now, let's talk about what actions we can take to benefit from this situation.
The way I look at it, we now have confirmed that lots of short-sellers in GME and BB have already realized their losses, aka covered their shorts.
The market makers also have realized losses from their gamma squeeze, which is a more complicated concept but to simplify, it means that the downward pressure on the stock has weakened.
It's rather a simple idea. We are looking at a situation where the stock can move further up due to the lifting of these ceilings.
If I had to put numbers, it would certainly be more than 1:1 payout ratio but more like 3:1 ratio.
Why wouldn't anyone participate in a game of blackjack that gives you 3x or 4x your money?
To be extremely clear, I mention blackjack because buying these stocks is pure gambling, nothing more. It is not "investing".
Yet, it's gambling where the odds are tilted in our favor and thus, risk/reward is relatively high.
Therefore, I have bought BB calls for 2% of my portfolio, specifically BB because the short interest is lower than GME.
Furthermore, I'm going to try to be cute and buy more GME call options come Monday.
I would think that GME price would tank on Monday due to the excessive price run-up last Friday so that creates a buying opportunity.
If I lose that 2% BB? I'm totally okay with that. If it goes up 5x? Lucky me.

2) What do all of these tell us about our current position in the market?
Typically, these types of manias are observed during market-tops.
Howard Marks and David Einhorn list out the typical signs of market-tops.
  1. Initial public offering mania
  2. High valuations and new metrics for valuation
  3. Market concentration in a single sector and a few stocks
  4. S&P 500-type market capitalizations for second-tier stocks that most people haven’t heard of
  5. A situation where the more fanciful and distant the narrative, the better the stock performs
  6. Outperformance of companies suspected of fraud based on the belief that there is no enforcement risk, without which “crime pays”
  7. Outsized reaction to economically irrelevant stock splits
  8. Increased participation of retail investors, who appear focused on the best-performing names
  9. Incredible trading volumes in speculative instruments, like weekly call options and worthless common stocks
  10. A parabolic ascent toward a top.
(for those who don't know Howard Marks, I highly encourage to follow his "memos" on his website https://www.oaktreecapital.com/insights/howard-marks-memos. He is a legendary bond investor.)
Of the above ten signs, roughly all of them describe the situation today very well.
We are seeing IPO mania, high valuations, market concentration in a few stocks, outsized reaction to economically irrelevant stock splits, increased participation of retail investors, incredible trading volumes in speculative instruments, and parabolic ascent toward a top.
It's no doubt we are "near" the market top. But how near? 3 months, 1 year, 5 years..?
How can all of these happen in less than a year after the steepest GDP decline in history?
The answer is monetary and fiscal responses.
I mentioned in this commentary (https://www.reddit.com/Midasinvestors/comments/knxgex/market_commentary_2021_outlook_12312020/ towards the bottom) that right now, the two biggest driving factors in the markets are the gov't and the JPow & Co.
The government is spending like there is no tomorrow, which makes total sense because it is much more dangerous for our economy to under-spend than over-spend.
Jerome Powell is also providing massive purchases of Treasuries and zero rates policy, for the foreseeable future.
As long as these two massive forces are in action, we will see even a greater hype and craze in the markets.
We just started a bull-market run. Look at the below graphs.
Given the fact that we just started a bull market and also observed lots of bubbles happening everywhere, I believe that we will see one of the greatest bubbles in history (if not already) until every last one of those the market bears are proven wrong.
When every single person at the cocktail party is expecting a market rally, it is at that moment that the market is truly at the top and the bubble bursts.
That doesn't mean that market corrections of 10% or more can't happen in the meantime. In fact, I have been saying that there will be market corrections in the very near future and we should be ready for that as well.
To summarize today's post, I would say there are opportunities in these maniac stocks and we should take advantage of them with limited risks. The manias also indicate that we are near the top of another market cycle and we should closely monitor the actions of the government and JPow & Co.

Quick report card for 2020
Below post was my first market commentary one on Reddit, where I said I was bullish on tech names (BABA, PDD, STNE, FUTU, AMZN, FVRR, W, and SEDG).
I've gotten winners and losers, the losers being BABA and W. The winners were the rest.
Obviously, I would've never thought that FUTU would double in less than a month. I held call options on them but it was pure luck.
I also called for rise in long-term treasury yield. Although I got the direction correct, the yield curve took way longer than I expected to steepen significantly. Now, I am even more bearish on the 30-year than before due to the rates breaking the technical levels.
I was also long gold. I have unrealized losses on this one but I plan on getting back in as this is a 2-3 year play.

Thanks for reading and if you would like to receive emails for the posts, please fill out this form.
As always, please feel free to share your ideas!
submitted by gohackthat to investing [link] [comments]

I'm in IT but is only new to Crypto - don't shame. Started in December. Started on Bitcoin Cash.

I'm in IT but is only new to Crypto - don't shame. Started in December. Started on Bitcoin Cash.
Spent a week studying it. Played around making INSTANT and COSTLESS fund transfers between fully anonymous wallets from different apps on my different phones. Also played with BIP38 encrypted Paper Wallets as a means of Cold Storage. Made INSTANT and COSTLESS deposits/withdrawals from online "merchants" like blockchain.poker and cashgames.bitcoin.com. I know some physical retail merchants in my area that accepts BCH will give that a try soon. BCH makes me a believer in crypto. I'm spreading the words (and small amount of BCH - there's no better way to understand it until you have some to play with) to family and friends.

Researched a bit about the toxicity between BCH and BTC. As newbie crypto user I don't care about this history (though I favors BCH due to phisolophical ideals). What I cared about is speed and fee. I haven't tried BTC because the fees would have eaten up the amount I wanted to test it.

The way I see it : BCH is currently $450. This is the same as BTC at $45. Because the Cash Market is 10x the Gold Market.

I tested the toxicity between BCH and BTC by posting my above perspective as a new crypto user in both btc and bitcoin
Guess what I've found in the message box today?
On Team BCH:
On Team BTC:
Kind of Ironic that "censor free store of value (BTC)" is censoring discussions on its merits.
I see myself as a new crypto consumer. If BTC refuses to listen to what new customers has to say thats fine. We do wonder what happens to businesses that don't listen to their customers. Reasonable amount of my savings is now invested BCH. So in way I hope BTC continue to not listen to their customers.

The way I see it: Whether price rises or not is a FUTURE outcome of whether BCH can be useful in the PRESENT moment. And at present BCH has already provided me with UTILITY. As an example : being able to play online poker with REAL stakes (via blockchain.poker).

In my country its now illegal to operate online gambling but not illegal to participate. Lost of bit of freedom when the law was passed and we could only use PLAY MONEY on PokerStars. On blockchain.poker the transaction with BCH is so CHEAP and QUICK that I would deposit and play and once done INSTANT Withdrawal.The INSTANT withdrawal is something not even PokerStars could provide.

From what I understand, institutional investors are starting to engage because they are getting very excited about the future possibilities of crypto. Specifically some new paradigm shift or new killer app that can only be achieved via blockchains and smart contracts technology. I believe this to be true. This is why I'm now fully investing my time to learning more about crypto.

I also believe that the PRIME killer app is already here. The PRIME killer app is CENSOR FREE MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE. And from this PRIME killer app everything falls in place. From what I know from my experiments and learning thus far BCH is the leader in providing CENSOR FREE MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE.
So I'm going to spread the words, firstly to family and friends then strangers on the internet to: BUY some, USE some, HOLD some.
Thanks for the comments regarding cold storage backups. I especially appreciate the comment regarding testing the recovery process. Almost had a heart attack when the PNG/JPEG for the paper wallet I loaded with 5 BCH failed to properly decrypt on Centos7. I initially encrypted it on Centos6. openssl defaults changed. You now have to "-md md5" to properly decrypt. So to add to this I say to also keep note or backup the software environment that enabled the recovery process. Eg: BIP38 might no longer be a standard in the future so keep a copy of the version of desktop wallet app used. Keep track of OS/version it runs on etc.

Best Regards,
submitted by 1bch1musd to btc [link] [comments]

Story of how I got ''rugged'' on Akita (learn the lesson folks)

Disclaimer: No one did actually rug us, price drop organically
TL;DR: I thrown my precious Moon coin gains to new meme token called Akita Inu and price got down 90% since I bought, or 99% from ATH. And I for some reason stressed alot.
Ok guys, another long story coming from me. I know I cannot change anything, this writting is part of my emotional healing from stress and pain I experianced. It helped me last time similar thing happened to me. So where do I begin. A few nights ago, me and my gf were comfy laying in bed, prepared to go sleeping. I haven't check on CryptoCurrency for few days so I decided to enter daily discussion, when I noticed many people asked how to sell Moons. I know I had some, 3,3k to be precise, but last time when I checked it, it was 30$ value so I didn't want to sell back then. I read through the comments that current price is 13c per one, I did the math and I realized I have what is a large sum to me. For reference, I live in Serbia, not very financially rich country, and I'm NEET currently looking for a job. We don't have neetbucks here, and I have like 150$ in savings and like 600$ in crypto. I tried to figure it out how to sell them, but I was unable. I left that for tommorow. Tommorow I did half of the job, and the next day I managed to get wETH on my wallet. It was really pain in the ass to do it, and I was stressed as fuck trying. Meanwhile, crypto was wild, Doge pump, Shiba pump, Donut pump and more. I don't approve memecoins, and I always advised people to stay away from them. Also, I have telegram group where I spend time chatting with crypto friends. Night before my friend Hamster had 400k$ in Shiba but managed to sell for 200k. I felt a stupid, because Shiba did x300 in a week and I advised everyone to be safe and not to risk to much, supposedly I was wrong.
So, I started an idea with them of us making new coin, there were few devs and many big people, we was brainstorming ideas, names etc. I said: hey, lets make Akita coin, it's similar to Doge and Shiba, people would like it. Friend replies: It already exist, look here. And there I see, brand new token. Literally Shiba copycat, went live 12 hours ago, already dumped much from ATH, not yet listed on Coingecko. I looked like good entry point. I doubted should I do it and I decided to ape. All of my 0.25 wETH went into 9,7 bilion Akitas. People in telegram, Reddit, Twitter, 4chan were all hyped about this. Story was: hey, you missed on Shiba? Don't miss out on this one buddy. I'm sure some people throw part of Shiba gains into this. I was thinking, I'm not going to be greedy, I'm only looking for doubling my money and I'm probably out. Yeah I know, it's surely greedy, but other people expected x100 unironically. Also, I'm the asshole who posted Akita thread on /biz/ and probably made more people to lose money unintentionaly.
Highlights: I experianced one of the worst stresses of my life. Had few chances to sell, missed them, hoped for little more pump. Whole fucking day my heart rate was insane. I wasn't feeling well, but selling for a loss is never an option for me. I tried to distrack myself but it would hardly do anything. I decided to go to sleep at 11pm, and just see what happens tomorrow. I slept only for one hour. Been awake few hours then went to sleep again. I mean, at that point I was accepting potential 100% loss in this but I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't control my emotions. I wake up at the middle of the night. I was wet from top to bottom. Hair, shirt, pants, bed, pillow. Everything was in watter. This only happened second or third time in my lifetime.
I just cannot understand why it's so hard for me to accept gambling away reddit moons. I mean, many people sold them for 10% of a price I sold them, and I could've easily be one of them. In our language we have a saying ''how it come in, that's how it went out''. I would genuinely be more happy if I haven't had moons in first place. Now I think of what could I do with that money. Also, I feel stupid, betrayed, scammed. Worst feeling ever. And no one esle to blame but me. I took a glass of whiskey I found in kitchen, few cigarettes and played sad songs. Now it's getting better.
Thanks for everyone reading this. This was my vent. Stay safe.
submitted by maestro_7 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Weekly FIREUK Blog posts

UK FI blogger posts from the last 7 days or since last cut off ;)
Reddit app allows sideways navigation to view across the table List is ordered by published date, blogs are not ranked, if you like one of this weeks blog posts talk about it below, let the community know, no promoting of your own blog.
FIREUK Survey 2020 Results + Discussion
FI Blogger Latest Post Last Posted Posts This Week
A Simple Life The Only Time Management Tool You’ll Ever Need Sat, 30 Jan 2021 2
Banker on FIRE Greatest Hits: Volume 4 (Madness Of The Crowds) Sat, 30 Jan 2021 4
FI Scribbles Why You Don't Want A Money Cheat Code Sat, 30 Jan 2021 2
Monevator Weekend reading: All in the game, yo, all in th... Fri, 29 Jan 2021 4
NJURLIFE Focus on Savings Rate than Investment Returns t... Fri, 29 Jan 2021 2
WealthPlanner Wealth update – 31/01/2021 Fri, 29 Jan 2021 1
MoneyGrower The Full Gamestop VS WallStreetBets Story – Sho... Fri, 29 Jan 2021 4
The Young Money Blog The Gamestop gang: messiahs of Main Street or j... Fri, 29 Jan 2021 6
A Chat With Kat The Minimalism Game: Decluttering 100 Items In ... Fri, 29 Jan 2021 2
The FIRE Shrink Quarterly Returns – Q4 and 2020 in review Fri, 29 Jan 2021 1
My Money Tree How to invest in ARKK funds from Europe or the UK Thu, 28 Jan 2021 2
The Squirreler 2020 Year in Review / 2021 Goals Thu, 28 Jan 2021 1
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Occam Investing Is investing gambling? Thu, 28 Jan 2021 1
Dr FIRE Wednesday Reads: Just the links Wed, 27 Jan 2021 1
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MedFI The First 100,000 Mon, 25 Jan 2021 2
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Financing Freedom How to Invest in the UK – The Rat Race Rescue Kit Sun, 24 Jan 2021 1
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Life after the daily grind Feeling good vs feeling happy Sun, 24 Jan 2021 1
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Money-Side-Up The 5 Resources Every New Blogger Must Use Sat, 23 Jan 2021 1
Bankeronwheels.com Going on a green off-piste – BlackRock’s ESG al... Sat, 23 Jan 2021 1
Full list of blogs included in checker - here
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submitted by reckless-saving to FIREUK [link] [comments]

DOGE, to the MOON? Then, YOU need the RIGHT ATTITUDE.

I agree with Elon Musk. DOGE is the people's crytocurrency. That is what makes DOGE great, but that's what also makes DOGE a problem. I see a lot of you dunking on the smaller investors of DOGE. If you want DOGE to grow as a currency, then you need to stop. Crypto currency is about decentralizing the financial markets. It's about removing a governing authority. Yet, many of you are trying to position yourselves as the new governing authority. You call those who are less fortunate than you all sorts of names that can't be said in a post, but can be said in the comments (for some reason) because they aren't holding the DOGE to MAKE YOU MORE WEALTHY. Isn't that exactly what the fat cats on Wall Street are doing? They are calling you dumb money and unsophisticated investors. Sadly, many of you are doing the very same thing when given an opportunity. You're looking down on those who are excited to sell off and earn $7.00 while many of you are making $7 grand. Gross.
This isn't Dark Souls the video game. This is real life for many people. The response of "git good" just doesn't apply here unless you want to take on the personas of the Wall Street Fat Cats you claim to hate. If you people with the money to spend are getting upset because the value of DOGE is fluctuating, or not seeing a bull rally to the extent that you wanted, then you are the unsophisticated investor. You should know better. Market value tends to fluctuate. Deal with it. If you got $7K in your account and you are getting upset that poor people are selling their DOGE for a $7 profit, then you are a product of your environment instead of an instigator of a financial revolution. What is the point of supporting cryptocurrency if you people are just going to be the new Wall Street fat cats who think those who aren't playing the game your way should just not play at all.
Many of you are becoming the corruption you claim to hate. Stop it. Reel yourself in.
I once had BlackBerry and Nokia stock, along with DOGE, about a year ago before everyone had a hardon for these assets. However, I went through a snow storm that cut power for a week. I worked from home at the time, so I had to take time off of work until I had power again. That snow melted and turned into a flood that wiped out everything I owned. I even lost my pet cockatiels whom meant everything thing to me. I took a while to get a job after Facebook canceled all of their independent contracts after the phone recording scandals. I was a transcriptionist doing transcripts for Facebook. I didn't have much more than a few pairs of clothes. It was hard to get a job because I didn't have the right clothes anymore. I had to sell off my stocksat a loss just to cover my body, cover rent, but a new phone, pay for service. It took me months to get a job until I got myself in a good position. Then, I found out in February of 2020 that I am going blind (glaucoma and macular degeneration). Just when I was starting to get my footing again, the pandemic hit. Then, the place I planned on moving to got burnt to the ground by wild fires. Blue River, Oregon essentially doesn't exist anymore. I also never got my $1,200 stimulus, nor my $600 stimulus. I also am still waiting to get three months worth of unemployment when the job I just got a year prior had to shut down due to state regulations on which businesses can be open. Now, I am at a pretty good job. I was getting ready to invest again, except that I am being charged for insurance and benefits already even though I don't get benefits and insurance for another two months. I am paying two insurance premiums right now until they refund me for the erroneous charges. I was going to use that money to buy contact lenses. Try having glaucoma and then wear glasses with a face mask. It just doesn't work.
Despite my place in society a year ago, many of you would hate me now because I sold $27 worth of DOGE why you Reddit Fat Cats sit on your $7K. Screw you.
Don't be awful. Don't be the corruption you claim to hate. If I need to sell all my DOGE so that I can afford to take my clothes to the laundromat for another week, then so be it. I get to decide what to do with my money. Not you. I don't get food stamps or subsidized housing from you. You don't get to tell me or anyone else what to do. If you want a DOGE revolution, then be the revolution. Don't be the corruption. If you have the luxury to hold the DOGE, then you have the financial stability to deal with it and let the little guys do what needs to be done to take care of themselves. It seems like many of you are getting upset because you aren't getting richer sooner than later, that is so Wall Street Hack of you.
TO THE LITTLE PEOPLE: I am sure DOGE will go to the moon, but that responsibility doesn't rest on your back solely. It has to be a community effort. If you need to sell your DOGE to make it another week in your meager lives, do it. I'm there with you and I am committed to getting out from this hole I am in, just like the rest of you. Don't let any of these Reddit Street Fat Cats tell you how to spend your money. It's called FUD. Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. These people will try to make you question your choices for their own personal benefit. Don't let that happen. Take care of you. It doesn't matter if you buy DOGE this week or sell DOGE this week. Your participation alone will contribute to the strength of the DOGE. Even if everyone sat on their DOGE investments, new DOGE is "minted" (not proper term, cannot recall the proper term for the life of me - but the same sentiments applies) all the time. The value of DOGE will go down even if everyone sits on their DOGE but don't bring new participants to the currency. Your participation is more valuable than many of these people will let on. It will take time for DOGE to hit a $1. It's not going to happen if these people insist on being nasty to people like you, and thus discourage your participation. If these guys are so well off, they can go buy a $30K Bitcoin then. The fact that DOGE is only a few cents is what makes DOGE the cryptocurrency for the people, as Elon Musk said. It's a great way to experiment with crypto and get your feet wet without experiencing significant loss. Buy DOGE. Sell DOGE. Do what you want. It's people like you who create an economy, not the people who hold onto their wealth. Holding onto wealthy only benefits the person holding the wealth. They don't even get taxed the same as someone who makes short term sells. IRS will punish you for being in a desperate situation.
Maybe, someday, you will be in a better position to accumulate wealth instead of making gambles to get there. DOGE is a great way to practice money skills. Have fun. Experiment. Learn. Ignore anyone who tries to dictate your life. Seek meaningful advice, but avoid those who are trying to put thoughts in your head as a collective swindle. That's how Wall Street works. A lot of people are following bad examples. Be better than that. Maybe in a few years, it won't be Reddit versus Robinhood. Maybe, it will be YOU versus Reddit. Stick it to the man. Do it for the people. Do it for yourself. Don't do it for their ego.
Please be advised that I am not a financial advisor nor tax consultant, and any claim I have said here should be verified by a qualified third party, as a legal disclaimer.
submitted by phx-downer to dogecoin [link] [comments]

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